View Full Version : Big Flag

06/11/2002, 5:31 PM
Rang the pale today to price the flag. A 20ft x 20ft flag with the cork city crest covering it or what ever design we were to choose from would cost 1,450 euros. Fairly expensive i think but its good material and would be around for years. They also could do a flag that would cover all of the st. annes end with any design on it (even a murphys out flag for those who want it). In reality the flag poles are a quicker fix but the BIG FLAG has to be done even if its only for next season.:p

06/11/2002, 5:39 PM
fckit- thats pricey! i´ll see if i can throw ye a few quid if yer gonna put that much into it.

06/11/2002, 5:42 PM
The company i was on to in dublin is WWW.BIGPICTUREMEDIA.NET

06/11/2002, 5:46 PM
I put in an order for three TELESCOPIC poles today (as a tester) and as far as I can work out (the price seemed to be in Lira) it would be about €300. [tifo.it]

Light material for three 20 x 20 flags would cost about €200 in Hickeys.

Unless we can get some nice volunteer to sew the material together, that would cost another €100 odd I'd say.

06/11/2002, 5:47 PM
fair play. hope we can raise the money.

07/11/2002, 7:55 AM
If gunther got the boot and he went back to hickeys we could see what type of discount he would give on the poles

07/11/2002, 8:00 AM
I think it is a good move and i think that there is a dressmaker down in blackpool that could do it .I will look in to it for you.

A face
07/11/2002, 8:59 AM
What design would it be, like the italian flag Green, white and red from left to right or would it be something else !!

I'd say go with the three flags with the telescopic poles and try and organise a banner with the crest aswell .... start a fund or something, i.e. we shouldn't copy everyone else .... we should take the first step and get a flag half the size of St. Annes. Have everyone else follow us.

07/11/2002, 9:10 AM
Why not try to get the peoples republic of Cork.com to help with a Flag, great advertising for them and a huge Flag with a Huge red Star and the Peoples Republic of Cork blazed across it would look brilliant, that would be a second flag obviously after a huge CCFC flag (what ever that design would be).

A face
07/11/2002, 9:25 AM
That is a great idea !!

They could have a thermometer to show how much more money is needed as the money came in !! Lamp de red tube thingy-whazzit-yamacallit, tis fierce full like :D

Someone should ask them !!

07/11/2002, 9:31 AM
Think how it would look on the trails in Europe

07/11/2002, 10:39 AM
I think first and foremost we need the three big flags on poles. That is reasonably easy to do (but costly!)

Getting stuff printed on big flags is very tricky and expensive.

07/11/2002, 10:40 AM
Before anything is done too we'd need people to volunteer to wave the flags before the game and after take care of the flags.

It would be handy if there was somewhere in the ground that we could store them between games. Contact club?

Shed End John
07/11/2002, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by Éanna
fair play. hope we can raise the money.

Well said. Soon as I see ye at the X, I'll sort out throwing ye a few quid because at thyat price we'll have to have a half-time collection taken up.:)
Neil, you have the right idea asking the club. Just don't ask Gunther.:D

Murphy Out Now!!!

07/11/2002, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Shed End John
Neil, you have the right idea asking the club. Just don't ask Gunther.:D

Suppose we could make a little cardboard flag for Gunther to wave over by the dugout?

07/11/2002, 11:33 AM
This (http://www.srfcultras.net) is what we want (replace the black with red).

Shed End John
07/11/2002, 2:42 PM
Originally posted by Neil

Suppose we could make a little cardboard flag for Gunther to wave over by the dugout?

Ah, isn't that alovely idea. Suppose we shove a few sticks of f***in dynamite in it as well.:D

Murphy Out Now!!!

07/11/2002, 3:30 PM
Originally posted by Neil
Suppose we could make a little cardboard flag for Gunther to wave over by the dugout?
Or just put a little cardoard flag in the dugout instead of him :)

07/11/2002, 4:38 PM
Originally posted by Neil
I think first and foremost we need the three big flags on poles. Yeah, they are what we need. The Bohs ones looked great last week and Rovers ones look good aswell. These type of flags really add to the atmosphere.
The flags on poles would be better than the big one to hang at the back of the shed. You dont want to spend a lot of dosh on a big flag only for a few little scumbags to tear it down during the game and the FourFiveOne flags does the job at the moment anyway.
The HUGE flags on the poles are what we need more at present.

Shed End John
07/11/2002, 4:49 PM
Originally posted by COLM
You dont want to spend a lot of dosh on a big flag only for a few little scumbags to tear it down during the game

You mean like at the Pats match, Jesus they were an annoying bunch of little p****s.

Murphy Out Now!!!

07/11/2002, 5:08 PM
I reckon most fans would throw a few quid towards the costs, especially the ones at the Bohs game.
If you got the club's permission they might even let the supporters clubs fundraise on match days. It would be well worth it.

08/11/2002, 8:47 AM
ive got a big flag but i find it a little difficult to wave about.
its the italian flag but reversed, i think.

08/11/2002, 9:45 AM
Rather than having the normal "italia" type flag hows about a red white & green stripey one like the pjamas jersey? Monies permitting of course....