View Full Version : FAI and IFA confirm co-operation talks

01/12/2006, 1:17 PM
The Football Association of Ireland and the Irish Football Association met in Newry this week to compare progress in the development of football in their respective remits.

Management teams from both associations, headed by respective Chief Executives John Delaney and Howard Wells, had a five hour meeting during which they explored the possibility of future co-operation and working together in areas of mutual interest in a number of sectors.

Further meetings are planned in the coming months between the two Associations.

Not Brazil
01/12/2006, 1:29 PM
Can you please provide a link to this news soccerc?

Thank you, in anticipation.

01/12/2006, 2:08 PM
It's here:


01/12/2006, 5:48 PM
is this the beginning of a merger

02/12/2006, 12:46 AM
is this the beginning of a merger

I can't see any reason why it should appeal to the officials of either Association. Nor have I seen any significant pressure for it from more than 1 or 2 member clubs (max). Neither have I seen anything but hostility from fans of NI football (wouldn't like to speculate about ROI fans). And UEFA is not at all keen on club football being organised on a trans-national basis i.e breaking current Association jurisdictions.
So although they haven't asked me (!), I'd say the answer to your question is "No"! ;)

Lux Interior
02/12/2006, 12:52 AM
I can't see any reason why it should appeal to the officials of either Association .... Neither have I seen anything but hostility from fans of NI football


You speaking on behalf of whom here?

02/12/2006, 3:04 AM
He's clearly stating his own opinion. "I can't see" ... "Neither have I seen"...

Everyone on this board takes everything someone says as a statement of fact from someone or other.

Jesus, let the man speak his own views.

02/12/2006, 7:19 AM
The Football Association of Ireland and the Irish Football Association met in Newry this week to compare progress in the development of football in their respective remits.

To mention progress and Irish Football Association in the same sentence.............:confused:

Irish League football has been in the decline for donkeys' years and the I.F.A. have done nought to halt the decline. I would be sceptical about there interest /input and wonder "what's in it for them?"

A face
02/12/2006, 8:59 AM
Whatever about merging, it makes perfect sense to start cooperating where possible.

pineapple stu
02/12/2006, 2:02 PM
To mention progress and Irish Football Association in the same sentence.............:confused:

Irish League football has been in the decline for donkeys' years and the I.F.A. have done nought to halt the decline. I would be sceptical about there interest /input and wonder "what's in it for them?"
You could change the IFA for the FAI in every place in that post! We've more in common than might seem the case at first glance... :)

02/12/2006, 2:28 PM
Gerry McDermott mentioned this at the meeting in DCU the other night - said All Ireland league wasn't on the agenda - was a bit vague as to what was on the agenda; just said something about 'a common interest in the development of football on this island' which you would think would be a given. Still, it's good that they keep in contact.

02/12/2006, 8:21 PM
Might be some cross border youth developments in football taking place , funded by the Ireland fund set up after the Good Friday Agreement .