View Full Version : Summer Internships

27/11/2006, 3:18 PM
Was just curious what it is like for university students in Ireland to get summer internships. I spend every summer in Dublin but this year, as per the requirements of my Canadian university program, I have to find an internship in a business related field. I'd really like to stay in Dublin but there just doesnt look like alot of availability on alot of job websites (monster.ie, irishjobs.ie, etc.). Anyone know anywhere that hires students for the summer (May-August). I am not looking to be named CEO of eircom. I am in the 2nd year of a 4 year accounting degree and have experience as an Accounts Assistant as well as the fact as I will be starting to work in a bank from January-April. Cheers lads.

27/11/2006, 3:51 PM
dodgy, i am not really sure, as it can be difficult and expensive for a company to sponsor an intern, especially if it is only for a short period of time i.e. less than 4 months most will not bother to do it as the costs incurred far outweight the benefit they will get from the intern coming from foreign soil. I would advise trying to get your univeristy to speak with companies from ireland ( even if you have to manually re-search them ) as they could sway the employer in your favour big time...however if you have an irish citizenship it would make things a hell of a lot easier. you should start applying/phoning/emailing companies around ireland yourself....go for smaller firms i reckon!

From a reversal point of view - i went out to boston for 8 months on an internship, the best experience for a greenhorn like myself from a small town in the middle of backward ireland ( though i had been away in continetal europe a good few times on my own before this ). I was working in IT, from an experience both personal and technical it was very fulfilling and would advise anyone to try and do some searching/contacts/applicatoin forms for an internship outside of ireland ( particularly USA or hong kong ). it stands for you in so many ways, particularly when looking for a job as a graduate.

Conor H
27/11/2006, 3:52 PM
Have you had a look around places in Galway?I know people who have done similar courses....im doing a Commerce degree myself.....and they've all done went to Accounting firms around Galway or Dublin.Just a thought but it's a worth a look.

27/11/2006, 5:01 PM
I can't comment for Accounting as i am in IT but would expect that difficult to get Accounting staff these days.

We are small enough IT company but because ist so hard to find IT staff we looking at starting intern programme as means of getting some extra wotk done as well accessing graduates before join fulltime.

27/11/2006, 5:22 PM
Thanks for the advice all, yes I have been emailing a whole load of companies. No luck so far. What I notice is that many of the companies looking for interns within dublin are looking for them in their last year of university, especially for accounting.

Its much different for me in Canada where I can do my training as a chartered accountant even before I graduate. For this work term just to get some experience I would do work in any business related field really... wouldn't necessarily have to be accounting...

Im heading over to dublin for christmas, hopefully I will get a load of CVs out.

Cheers lads. If anyone has any connections or hears of any positions thatd be gas.

28/11/2006, 9:53 AM
try accenture.

28/11/2006, 11:57 AM
I did a summer internship in QAD between 3rd and 4th year, well worth it

28/11/2006, 6:13 PM
Just applied to the accenture internship program. Thanks for the advice. Id imagine the competition for an internship there is about 50 times worse than anthony stokes getting a go at arsenal.
Jesus, I have just emailed about 50 companies in the last 2 days.

tetsujin1979, you did an internship with the company QAD? My universities co-op program is great if you want to work domestically. There are loads of jobs like Financial Analysts, Junior Accountants, Account Manger positions, etc but I do not want to live in Canada for the summer.