View Full Version : Shels title

27/11/2006, 11:55 AM
Okay i have let the dust settle on what has been a turbulent season both on a personal level and in terms of the league as a whole. I am sick and tired of the way this league is run. Every single year you look at the el table at the end of the season its the same story somebody losing point for suspended or ineligible players. The fact that the FAI are taking over you would imagine will improve this league however as we have seen before they are not the most professional outfit themselves. The facts are that all the hard work done by the likes of drogs cork derry shels etc in europe is being destroyed by the leagues own ineptitude. How are we supposed to get new el supporters to games wen these things happen every single year. Its a disgrace.

On shels winning the title i think that its another joke. How a team who cant pay there players win the title is beyond me. Its as if they are being awarded for there wrongdoing. They should have been deducted ten point if the FAI mean what they say when they say that they want to improve then finances in this league. For example i could ask wayne rooney and ronaldinho to come to ltfc offer them 100 grand apiece. Id win the league but i wouldnt be able to pay their wages each week. The fact that shels were allowed to win the league with the squad they have wen they couldnt even finance it is beyond me. Its unfair on derry and imo unfair more importantly on the league as a whole. Get it sorted FAI or you can kiss this league goodbye:mad:

27/11/2006, 2:54 PM
what are other peoples opinions on this because i cant believe it hasnt been mentioned here yet!!:ball:

27/11/2006, 2:57 PM
what are other peoples opinions on this because i cant believe it hasnt been mentioned here yet!!:ball:




27/11/2006, 3:07 PM
I see why you are having a go at shels but just because it's posted on foot that x,y and z at shels dont get paid and their contracts are broke, does not make it a fact.

Do you really think all the shels players are out of contract since last weeks title decider and not one has moved yet ?

What happens in the future I don't have a clue but a lot of what you read on here regarding Shels is a ****ed up twisted version of the truth. You usually have to look deeper for the real facts.

Shels paid their players all season. Not in a timely orderly fashion but all the players were paid and we won the title on the pitch. This is after the Dublin City, McGuinness and Hargan decision going against us (not saying they were the wrong decisionsin each case).

27/11/2006, 3:12 PM
Shels paid their players all season. Are you saying that all players are paid fully and up to date?

27/11/2006, 3:30 PM
I'm saying that at various times during the season when foot went post crazy on the downfall of shels that I later heard form one or two reliable sources that everything had been rectified and players were paid up to date.

Of course I can't predict the future so where they stand today I don't know.

Nobody has denied there are problems at Shels. What I was trying to point out to the original poster was that sometimes the prolems are not as bad as foot would like to believe.

i.e. If a player has a contract with Shels and is happy enough that Shels are paying him the money they should be then I don't think its in any way a form of cheating. If players are being messed around with then they will leave as they are entitled to do and the club will be punished accordingly by that player leaving.

27/11/2006, 3:37 PM
you wont see much transfer action until clubs know what leagues they are playing in next year.

Lim till i die
27/11/2006, 4:10 PM
you wont see much transfer action until clubs know what leagues they are playing in next year.

I think Derry, Bohs, Cork City, Drogs etc are fairly safe ;)

27/11/2006, 6:51 PM
But there is no manager at Derry and uncertainity at Cork, Shels etc so helps explain lack of action and teh season isn't even over yet... there is still a cup final to go.

28/11/2006, 10:59 AM
Shels paid their players all season. Not in a timely orderly fashion but all the players were paid and we won the title on the pitch. This is after the Dublin City, McGuinness and Hargan decision going against us (not saying they were the wrong decisionsin each case).

Ah come on higgins we didnt just make all this up. We know what we need to know. Not all players were paid this season because i have a friend who lives right next door to a certain shels player who i wont name.

28/11/2006, 11:14 AM
shels players have been getting paid just not on time its been a couple weeks late.... put it this wasy if your job wasnt paying you.... would you keep going back to work the next day and putting in 100%???? didnt think so

28/11/2006, 3:07 PM
Not all players were paid this season because i have a friend who lives right next door to a certain shels player who i wont name.

Am I the only one who doesnt have a clue what my next door neighbour earns and when they get paid ?

If they are all entitled to go and out of contract then why do we not hear more about this? Theres a Jason Byrne thread on here and they are wondering if Dundee could afford him ???? since when do you have to buy players who's contracts have been broken.

No doubt players will be released over the coming weeks and months but you lot wetting yourselves at the prospect is what I find most amusing.

29/11/2006, 7:22 AM
Am I the only one who doesnt have a clue what my next door neighbour earns and when they get paid ?
Wouldn't know how much, but if they weren't getting paid it'd probably come up. Especially if their employer had winding up notices against them. I really hope this is all front for the wider audience on foot.ie, and behind closed doors you are actually concerned and asking questions...

29/11/2006, 8:44 AM
In fairness to Higgins he's one of the very few on Shelsweb that is at least looking to have a few questions answered. His attitude here is slightly different (that wider audience thing I'm sure)

To use his enalogy, if your neighbour was asking you if there was jobs in your place, you'd know if there was trouble in his work.

The facts are incontrovertable, if some Shels fans want to ignore them, fine. I hope they all ignore this and their club folds.

29/11/2006, 2:39 PM
In fairness to Higgins he's one of the very few on Shelsweb that is at least looking to have a few questions answered. His attitude here is slightly different (that wider audience thing I'm sure)

Nothing to do with a wider audience!

Threads on here have an awful habit of growing legs and running away with themselves. Someone hears one thing and then someone else accepts it as facts, they add in another rumour, some spices, tablespoon of sugar and whatever other ingredients are around and what we get is something other than the truth.

I've not denied everything thats said on here. It's just the twisting of the facts that annoys me. You all lose control at the slightest hint that Shels may have troubles at any level, it's understanding giving their level of success in recent seasons ;) but I would have thought the 'end of the road' style posts would stop after two years.

You all realise that a lot of what you all post contradicts itself with regard to Shels ? Nobody seems to care about this fact, it would only get in the way of what your hoping for I suppose.

29/11/2006, 2:43 PM
While I make no bones about my wish for Shels to die, I thnk you'll find that only a small minority of posters have predicted Shels downfall (and I'm not one of them) so you quit with the mass generalisations ("you all")

29/11/2006, 2:47 PM
Its not "ALL" but there are a lot of people here who get far too excited over nothing when it's linked with Shels...

29/11/2006, 3:01 PM
higgins - Personally I've never posted anything about Shels - on here or elsewhere - that I'm not 100% sure of. This is a small league with a gutless media pack, Emmet Malone's recent stuff excepted, so we have to do the research oursleves.

Myself and others talk to journalists, players, management, officials, planners, politicians etc. We are not making this stuff up.

My reasons for 'banging on' about Shels is the steadfast refusal of your fanbase to wake the fook up. This is what will ultimately kill your club. Not me or chippie or Pineapple Stu posting on the poxy internet.


29/11/2006, 3:19 PM
higgins - Personally I've never posted anything about Shels - on here or elsewhere - that I'm not 100% sure of.

Well can you explain this comment ?

In other words, one phone call from Ossie to Ollie and Shels are out on there ears immediately.

Your 100% sure that Ossie can kick Shels out of Tolka ?

A post with a 'I know whats going on but can't say' type of attitude. These are the posts I'm talking about.

Everyone will claim they know whats going on. Ollie knows whats going on. Unless you got your info from Ollie then I wouldnt think you know whats going on. In fact if you got info from Ollie I'm certain you don't know whats going on :)

29/11/2006, 3:26 PM
The problem the rest of us have Higgins is that you're more worried about these posts, then the posts about Shels tax problems (proved right three times) and the posts about Shels not paying wages (proved right numerous times). We also broke the news to you (http://forum.shelbournefc.ie/chat/viewtopic.php?t=5455) that Accolade was the company behind Shels, we told you about the rezoning on Tolka and surrounds and we've also told you numerous other facts about YOUR club that you and most Shels fans didn't know. Rather than try and pick out one or two of the flyers that a Rovers or UCD fan posted, try pick up on the cold hard facts. Its not that hard to separate them

29/11/2006, 3:41 PM
Well can you explain this comment ?

Of course I can but why would I bother? I'm not getting paid for this stuff, it makes little or no difference to Shels fans what I or anyone says, and ultimately I don't care but I'm in work and it passes the time.

BTW is that best you could come up with? Is there nothing else I've posted that you can pick holes in?


29/11/2006, 3:50 PM
The problem the rest of us have Higgins is that you're more worried about these posts, then the posts about Shels tax problems (proved right three times) and the posts about Shels not paying wages (proved right numerous times). We also broke the news to you (http://forum.shelbournefc.ie/chat/viewtopic.php?t=5455) that Accolade was the company behind Shels, we told you about the rezoning on Tolka and surrounds and we've also told you numerous other facts about YOUR club that you and most Shels fans didn't know. Rather than try and pick out one or two of the flyers that a Rovers or UCD fan posted, try pick up on the cold hard facts. Its not that hard to separate them

You think because I dont post about the problems at shels before you lot post them that its news to me when I hear them :confused:

Thats the worst assumption I've ever come across.

I may not have the answers to the problems but your "breaking news" stories don't usually come as any great surprise to me.

Your going off my point anyway, which was, that you add bits to the facts and make a story out of nothing or at least get excited over a story that I know to be nothing or already sorted.

29/11/2006, 3:53 PM
You think because I dont post about the problems at shels before you lot post them that its news to me when I hear them :confused:

Thats the worst assumption I've ever come across
Its not an assumption, I''ve provideda link to one post by you on the Shels forum asking questions about something that was posted here, there's more but I can't be arsed looking. Like I said you've asked some question recently and fair play to you but as long as you continue to deny that there are very very serious problems with your club, you're going to get ridiculed here.

Or were you just pretending never to have heard of Accolade?

29/11/2006, 3:54 PM
Of course I can but why would I bother? I'm not getting paid for this stuff, it makes little or no difference to Shels fans what I or anyone says, and ultimately I don't care but I'm in work and it passes the time.

Now thats the attitude I talked about :rolleyes:
Sure you all know whats going on!

Truth is you know feck all...
and thats going on what I read here because its mostly lies and twisted truths.

BTW is that best you could come up with? Is there nothing else I've posted that you can pick holes in?


You think I keep a record of what everyone says?
I usually reply to the post and ignore the poster.

I couldnt be arsed going back to look further, sorry...

29/11/2006, 4:03 PM
Its not an assumption, I''ve provideda link to one post by you on the Shels forum asking questions about something that was posted here, there's more but I can't be arsed looking. Like I said you've asked some question recently and fair play to you but as long as you continue to deny that there are very very serious problems with your club, you're going to get ridiculed here.

Or were you just pretending never to have heard of Accolade?

Are you for real or just winding me up?

The post was about the news that Accolade had received a winding up order. Just because it happened and I was busy means I know nothing about Accolade ?

I know about Accolade thank you very much, have done for many many years.

and again you will find I never denied there were serious problems at shels!!!!!! :mad: I've actually put mentioned that in some posts to show that I understand there are serious problems at shels.

This is turning into a joke!
The truth is not foot.ie
The truth is not Shels are a well run club

The truth is somewhere in the middle was all I was pointing out.

Continue on with your Shels rumours in peace if it makes you lot happier. Its obvious reality is not welcome round these parts.

29/11/2006, 4:10 PM
Good night and good luck

29/11/2006, 4:11 PM
Truth is you know feck all...

Fair enough. :rolleyes:


29/11/2006, 8:13 PM
Higgins, what a lot of this comes down to is credibility of sources.

In what is a very small LoI pond, a lot of non-Shels fans hear stuff from various sources who they choose not to name on the internet (and by the way, protecting the anonymity of sources isn't exactly unheard of, just ask Geraldine Kennedy about it). They choose to believe their sources.

You hear stuff either directly or indirectly from a named source i.e. Ollie - who by his own admission in last Saturday's paper, is quite prepared to tell lies to deflect the heat. You choose to believe your source. If that makes sense to you, fine, you do that.

And by the way, less of the smokescreen about "rumours". Three revenue petitions for winding-up notices on foot of non-payment of tax liabilities, published in the papers, isn't "rumours". It's fact.