View Full Version : 2006 eL TV Viewing Figures

23/11/2006, 11:18 PM
Latest Figures (http://www.medialive.ie/Television/top-tw.html)

Last season had 300+k watch end of season finale yet less than 132k (not in RTE2 top 20 last week) watched this years finale from Tolka Park. Thats a huge drop in figures.

I've also been looking at TG4 in the last 2 months & figures almost always somewhere below 38k. I don't know what the used to get last year.

Also Cork City CL games got just over 100k which I am sure was higher last year...

Are the tv numbers down? Why is this? Do dubliners also not watch their teams on tv? Should RTE show more live games outside Dublin?


24/11/2006, 5:15 AM
Are the tv numbers down? Why is this? Do dubliners also not watch their teams on tv? Should RTE show more live games outside Dublin?

Dublin people don't have a Dublin bandwagon to jump on (anymore sniffle, sniffle :( ). Pats have an area, Bohs have one to a lesser degree, Rovers will eventually and Shels, well you know... Its not like in Derry or Cork where the whole town wishes the team well (when they're winning)

I think the Pats/Bohs cup semi replay in 2003 (the 4-3 game) was the highest rated non international game in years at the time

24/11/2006, 12:47 PM
Its not like in Derry or Cork where the whole town wishes the team well (when they're winning)

Theres probably more local people who don't support City when doing well than you think but I accept the point.

However even our european games got lower tv audiences this year. Juky versus August & less recognised teams probably affected though.

24/11/2006, 7:40 PM
Theres probably more local people who don't support City when doing well than you think but I accept the point.

However even our european games got lower tv audiences this year. Juky versus August & less recognised teams probably affected though.


I was at the game in Turner's Cross at home to Red Star Belgrade, they don't come any bigger than former European Champions Cup winners. Of course that would be to REAL football fans like yourself and myself. Not the tosspots who only watch English soccer on the telly :D

24/11/2006, 7:49 PM
Dublin people don't have a Dublin bandwagon to jump on (anymore sniffle, sniffle :( ). Pats have an area, Bohs have one to a lesser degree, Rovers will eventually and Shels, well you know... Its not like in Derry or Cork where the whole town wishes the team well (when they're winning)

I think the Pats/Bohs cup semi replay in 2003 (the 4-3 game) was the highest rated non international game in years at the time

As with Attd tv figures have gone down since summer football came in, afaik there was Shels pats game in the 90s that got 270K think we won 2-1.

Some league issues may have caused people not to give a fcuk after 01.


25/11/2006, 10:25 AM
More than likely viewing figures will rise in the near future as the Dublin clubs become dominant once again. What with Bohs, Rovers and Pats once again on the up and as now looks likely Cork going back to being a part-time outfit, it can only be good news for viewing figures as the media tends to focus more on sides from the capital.

25/11/2006, 7:56 PM
More than likely viewing figures will rise in the near future as the Dublin clubs become dominant once again. What with Bohs, Rovers and Pats once again on the up and as now looks likely Cork going back to being a part-time outfit, it can only be good news for viewing figures as the media tends to focus more on sides from the capital.

Have you read the rest of this thread. Dublin club wins league, tv viewers down. Non-dublin team wins league & tv viewers much higher.

Pats might be on the up but we'd have to fall significantly to bump into them. Rover are on the up because coming from low place. They don't have the funds to challenge for the league title for serveral years yet. There is very small chance we will go back to part-time.

Mr A
25/11/2006, 9:09 PM
In fairness this year's finale wasn't quite as nail-biting as last year's. Sure it could have gone either way but realistically Shels were always likely to win that game.

Having the top two have what almost amounted to a playoff for the title was always likely to be a relative high water mark.

25/11/2006, 9:34 PM
As Dodge mentioned the Pats-Bohs game from a few years back got one of the highest TV ratings in years for a live match between 2 Irish clubs and that was a Cup semi-final not a winner takes all final series league match. I for one think that it's good for the domestic game to have strong sides in the capital. Dublin has had at least one professional club (often more than that) for many years now whereas other big Irish cities cannot even do it with a sole representative club (and I'm including my own city there as well). I don't want to get into an argument about the various directions that clubs are going in as the thread is about TV viewing figures but to me it seems that the Dublin clubs are on the up and it seems increasingly likely that Cork are going to revert to a part-time basis however I think that will have a positive effect on the viewing figures. (Of course it would be even better for the TV viewing figures if all the clubs were professional but let's just try and deal with what we've got for the moment)