View Full Version : Wii

21/11/2006, 9:15 AM
Is any body buying one of these? My son is looking for a console and I have seen these are to be released. Any gamers here know anything about them?

21/11/2006, 9:32 AM
My son was talking bout wanting one too....am trying to talk him outta it coz there are limited games at the mo from what I can see.

21/11/2006, 10:17 AM
Limited games - that's a good thing as a parent? That'll keep the costs down over the year compared to buying a 360 when the boyo will be looking for a game every week:D

21/11/2006, 10:45 AM
I have to admit, it's damn tempting, and I'm a PlayStation die hard. The new controller is interesting, and should lead to some unique games, away from the usual shoot/drive/platform/beat 'em up catalogue on the other 2 consoles. With the back catalogue of every Nintendo game ever going to made available, there's some classics out there I wouldn't mind getting stuck into again - Mario Kart, Super Mario World, CastleVania, etc.
Plus it's going to be nearly €400 cheaper than a PS3!!

21/11/2006, 11:13 AM
My kids arent very demanding...in fact they only look for games to buy on birthdays and christmas. The controllor looks a bit strange on it but the thoughts of being able to get Sim City on it mite make me change my mind! It and Joop were the loves of my life!

21/11/2006, 11:30 AM
I've ordered it... he has an old xbox. This looks different so he should enjoy it. He loves all the old nintendo games - he has them on a disc for the xbox. Thats the clincher. Cheers Tetsujin!

21/11/2006, 3:48 PM
is it a next gen console to rival xbox 360 or PS3 or is it just for playing old games , as ive often found when returning to games you loved as a kid you often find they are in fact rubbish and the novelty wears off very quickly .

they will be hard pushed to beat the xbox360 prob the best console ive ever had ( and ive had most at some stage or an other !!)

Finally technology has caught up to my expectations ?

23/11/2006, 6:44 PM
Its an updated Gamecune with a new way of playing , using an infared remote control.

Best to just watch the video.


thats the game that comes free with it, combined with the virtual console (any nintendo game ever made for a fiver)

250 quid and Zelda for 50 , thats my xmas present :)


23/11/2006, 8:23 PM

it looks worth the money, and different too.

24/11/2006, 8:42 PM

it looks worth the money, and different too.

perfect video tbh

2 more wiiks :D


27/11/2006, 10:13 AM
the feedback its gotten over the thanksgiving weekend is immense. lots of people needing to change the batteries of the wiimote after 30 hours of play :D

27/11/2006, 12:47 PM
I dont know it looks very gimiky and annoying to me , will you not be ******ed from all the jumping around like in the boxing why not just actually go boxing rather than pretending in your house .

looks to me to have a very short life span something like those buzz games good fun when drunk and at a party but not a serious gaming machine

Raheny Red
27/11/2006, 2:52 PM
Wonder how long we'll have to wait until someone has a heart attack playing it?!


28/11/2006, 3:44 PM
Nintendo's tend to be quirky, aimed at the slightly younger end of the market with a small number of games that emphasise gameplay over graphics and licences.

For that reason it depends on your children. If they want to play the latest game everyone else is playing (Call of Duty, Gears of War, Grand Theft Auto etc) then the Wii is not likely to be their thing.

To the guy that was excited about SimCity being available, SimCity is a PC game, I cant see how a console conversion would work. Consoles are best suited to games of movement (due to the type of controller and absence of a keyboard) where you are primarily interested in a small number of relatively large objects (due to the fact you are hopefully sitting a fair distance from your screen). Management/Strategy games are mcuh more suited to the PC.

Poor Student
28/11/2006, 4:06 PM
The original SimCity worked well on the SNES.

28/11/2006, 5:02 PM
I dont know it looks very gimiky and annoying to me , will you not be ******ed from all the jumping around like in the boxing why not just actually go boxing rather than pretending in your house .

looks to me to have a very short life span something like those buzz games good fun when drunk and at a party but not a serious gaming machine

its ok, dont worry about it. go play your photo realistic FIFA Squad Update 2007 or YetAnotherFirstPersonShooter.

To the guy that was excited about SimCity being available, SimCity is a PC game, I cant see how a console conversion would work. Consoles are best suited to games of movement (due to the type of controller and absence of a keyboard) where you are primarily interested in a small number of relatively large objects (due to the fact you are hopefully sitting a fair distance from your screen). Management/Strategy games are mcuh more suited to the PC.

SimCity on the SNES was awesome, probably what got me into strat games. obviously more modern versions with X nubmer of possible buildings and taxes is very PC-friendly but the first one was fast and fun. quite educational too for a 7 year old to be trying to balance tax income and civic happiness :D

30/11/2006, 4:08 PM
its ok, dont worry about it. go play your photo realistic FIFA Squad Update 2007 or YetAnotherFirstPersonShooter.

SimCity on the SNES was awesome, probably what got me into strat games. obviously more modern versions with X nubmer of possible buildings and taxes is very PC-friendly but the first one was fast and fun. quite educational too for a 7 year old to be trying to balance tax income and civic happiness :D

think i will stick to the ultra realistic graphics , top class game play and story boards .

plus if i want to have a go at the classics i can raid the attic or just use the emulators , like on my PSP ive every game released on NEW SNES or Megadrive/ dreamcast .

or just download it straight to the 360 , downloaded mortal kombat 3 last night .

must have a look for sim city loved that game that and comand and conquer >

Poor Student
05/12/2006, 1:32 PM
SimCity on the SNES was awesome, probably what got me into strat games. obviously more modern versions with X nubmer of possible buildings and taxes is very PC-friendly but the first one was fast and fun. quite educational too for a 7 year old to be trying to balance tax income and civic happiness :D

Did you ever build a Megalopolis? I could never get the population over 300k.

05/12/2006, 2:03 PM
Did you ever build a Megalopolis? I could never get the population over 300k.

don't think so, but i had SimCity 2000 on the sega saturn. when you had enough money the "city buildings" (arcopolis's, or something?) made the population figures just go mental.

05/12/2006, 3:07 PM
Nintendo's tend to be quirky, aimed at the slightly younger end of the market with a small number of games that emphasise gameplay over graphics and licences.

For that reason it depends on your children. If they want to play the latest game everyone else is playing (Call of Duty, Gears of War, Grand Theft Auto etc) then the Wii is not likely to be their thing.

To the guy that was excited about SimCity being available, SimCity is a PC game, I cant see how a console conversion would work. Consoles are best suited to games of movement (due to the type of controller and absence of a keyboard) where you are primarily interested in a small number of relatively large objects (due to the fact you are hopefully sitting a fair distance from your screen). Management/Strategy games are mcuh more suited to the PC.

Eh am female but anyways I had it on my old old nintendo many moons ago.

06/12/2006, 12:38 PM
im not gone on this Wii at all , i think if you want sim city just play it on your pc , and if you want to run jump and swing while playing tennis or golf just go out and play the real thing its way more realistic :D :D

14/12/2006, 3:52 AM
the same zelda game is out on the gamecube...

14/12/2006, 10:04 AM
I've got the Wii and its top class, ive played the PS3, Xbox 3690, and i have a PS2, gamecube and had an Xbox, the Wii is definitely the most fun and innovative, the added bonus of being able to download all the old games makes it the best by some stretch in my opinion.

Raheny Red
14/12/2006, 7:10 PM

:D :p :D

14/12/2006, 11:51 PM

Careful or you'll take some one's eye out with that.

15/12/2006, 3:59 AM
Careful or you'll take some one's eye out with that.

I think thats a Wii bit over the top.....:)

Raheny Red
15/12/2006, 12:53 PM
I think thats a Wii bit over the top.....:)

:D puntastic

15/12/2006, 9:44 PM
So, those who have it, would ye recommend buying it?

16/12/2006, 5:17 PM
Yes, definitely!Went into Game in Sligo to buy it today and was told it was all sold out:(. More coming in next week, know the guy working there so he's gonna try and keep me one:)

17/12/2006, 8:30 PM
There's a 'Game' in Sligo?I am so behind.

21/12/2006, 9:41 AM
Got an urge to buy one of these a week ago but none left anywhere i've been in dublin,sligo or galway. rage!

Drumcondra Red
21/12/2006, 1:53 PM
How much are they?

21/12/2006, 2:49 PM
£179sterling. I pre-ordered my one, however, still not here, supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

21/12/2006, 9:30 PM
More coming in next week, know the guy working there so he's gonna try and keep me one:)Managed to get one from here now. Delighted!:)

Drumcondra Red
22/12/2006, 9:13 AM
£179sterling. I pre-ordered my one, however, still not here, supposed to be delivered tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

I'm too ignorant to understand that, how much in real?

22/12/2006, 4:01 PM
I'm too ignorant to understand that, how much in real?

virigin are selling the package (wii, 2 wiimotes, wii sports and a nunchuk) for €250. other shops are charging €270 for the same.

22/12/2006, 10:37 PM
anyone played the zelda game? any use?

23/12/2006, 7:17 AM
anyone played the zelda game? any use?

from another forum: (http://www.genmay.com/showthread.php?t=694043&highlight=zelda)

i just popped it in after playing some madden and i must say, its pretty damn nice. the controls are easy, the graphics and nice, and everything just comes naturally. at first i thought the wii-mote would be a little confusing since its so different, but i caught on pretty quick and now i wont be able to sleep :(. i have played just about every zelda up to this so i would hope the story is as good. will report back once im more into it.

Now that I'm further into it, I gotta say I'm really starting to like it. Using the sword and slingshot are really easy. I never knew how much I'd prefer the motion sensor controllers over a standard controller. And although the graphics aren't the best of the next gen consoles, the game's design is really nice. The colors are bright and vivid.

And the speaker on the Wiimote is great. Sometimes it jumps me when it's all quiet and it makes a noise.

So far the game is amazing. I'm at the first dungeon and I've already logged in 6 hours.

I haven't gotten too far into it, but it's definitely more of the same great Zelda, with Okami mixed in! I thought the wiimote might be kind of awkward for this type of game, but you get used to it very quickly, I actually really enjoy the setup.

I forgot to mention this, but the N64-era cliff drop-offs are a bit disappointing. It doesn't really affect the game, but it's kind of disappointing that they couldn't put in geometry that was a bit more complex than that in certain areas.

OK second impression time. I just have to say the game keeps getting better and better. I also think the graphics are seriously underrated in this game and look great if you don't really pay attention to all the technical bs. This game is long as hell too. I've already logged in 12 hours and have not even started the second dungeon. Music sounds great and you will find yourself humming many of the songs, especially Hyrule field's theme. I hear it gets better too, so I definitely am looking forward to the later parts of the game.

This game is getting better and better.

I can't remember the last time the story of a game really drew me in. Very rarely am I captivated by a game's story.

23/12/2006, 9:34 PM
Managed to get one from here now. Delighted!:)

did u get urs in game stop?

23/12/2006, 9:36 PM
did u get urs in game stop?Yeah. €269.99 with the 5 in 1 game, plus €100 worth of vouchers and free 3 month subscription to some game magazine.

23/12/2006, 9:40 PM
Yeah. €269.99 with the 5 in 1 game, plus €100 worth of vouchers and free 3 month subscription to some game magazine.

do u know if they have many? i'll try get 1 2mrw

23/12/2006, 9:41 PM
do u know if they have many? i'll try get 1 2mrwSomehow I'd say they're gone. I managed to get one cos I knew the guy working there so he put one away for me as soon as they came in. When I went into collect it, their was a queue for them.

28/12/2006, 10:51 PM
any1 know when these things are coming back into the country?or anywhere i could get 1 in sligo, galway or dublin?

29/12/2006, 12:35 AM
any1 know when these things are coming back into the country?or anywhere i could get 1 in sligo, galway or dublin?

never, bugger off :p

29/12/2006, 7:10 PM
Can be got now in Argos and some game shops.

Ring and reserve or go online and reserve www.argos.ie


29/12/2006, 10:30 PM
and some game shops.

u know any specific game shops that have em. game in liffey valley had some today & my bro was gonna get me 1 but he was 20 mins too late