View Full Version : Jason Byrne

18/11/2006, 7:43 PM
As a shels fan i have watched jason "irish international" Byrne play for shels week in week out and find him to be the laziest centre forward i have seen. he doesnt work for the team and very rarely creates chances for other players. Would not be sad to see him go to another team as i think he'll be found out.

18/11/2006, 7:51 PM
You can't argue with being top goalscorer 4 seasons in a row though.

Raheny Red
18/11/2006, 8:09 PM
Yeah he can a moody **** at times, but so are most people who don't get the ball as often as they like, as is said above you can't complain with his return of goals.

18/11/2006, 8:18 PM
Deduct 83 goals from your tally for the past four season and see how the tables look. Although, personally, I don't rate him that highly in absolute terms.

He is, to my mind, the eL's equivalent of Pauleta - a great goalscorer within the attritional context of league football. Place either of them in a strong, dominant team and over the course of a season they'll convert a sufficient number of chances to make a difference. In a one-off, high-stakes game they might not display the composure or temperament required to avail of limited opportunities.

19/11/2006, 12:51 AM
He misses a good chance for every goal he scores, but he scores an incredible amount of goals and has been massively important for us for the past 4 seasons.

19/11/2006, 3:04 AM
As a shels fan i have watched jason "irish international" Byrne play for shels week in week out and find him to be the laziest centre forward i have seen. he doesnt work for the team and very rarely creates chances for other players. Would not be sad to see him go to another team as i think he'll be found out.

so you wouldnt be sad to see the league's top scorer for the PAST 4 seasons leave your side ?

I'd be happy to have him at Derry anytime !

Good job you dont manage Shel's !

19/11/2006, 3:05 AM
As a shels fan i have watched jason "irish international" Byrne play for shels week in week out and find him to be the laziest centre forward i have seen. he doesnt work for the team and very rarely creates chances for other players. Would not be sad to see him go to another team as i think he'll be found out.

so you wouldnt be sad to see the league's top scorer for the PAST 4 seasons leave your side ?

I'd be happy to have him at Derry anytime !

Good job you dont manage Shel's !

19/11/2006, 8:19 AM
As a shels fan i have watched jason "irish international" Byrne play for shels week in week out and find him to be the laziest centre forward i have seen. he doesnt work for the team and very rarely creates chances for other players. Would not be sad to see him go to another team as i think he'll be found out.


Can we have him on loan till next June... PLEASE? :D

19/11/2006, 1:55 PM
There is no doubt he is consistently the leagues best goal scorr.

In a one-off, high-stakes game they might not display the composure or temperament required to avail of limited opportunities.

I would agree with that. I think Jason Byrne lacks composure in big games. In fact if he misses a couple of chances he always sulks & seems unable to put misses behind him.

20/11/2006, 7:57 PM
i've been saying it for some time now and i'll say it again...daz mansaram is the best striker in the league.

20/11/2006, 9:31 PM
Is that your Choice roversforever? :D

The Sheliban
20/11/2006, 10:10 PM
All strikers miss sitters week in week out. I think it must be a composure thing. I've never seen a striker miss more open goals in a season than Crowe has this year.

That's why consistent, regular scorers are so rare. Yes, Jayo is lazy, yes he moans at everybody who doesn't set him up for a tap-in, but if he'd been at any other club, we wouldn't have won three out of the last four leagues.

21/11/2006, 6:39 AM
Top scorer in the League 4 seasons running is still an achievement.

21/11/2006, 9:21 AM
Jayo isn't the laziest striker in the league, Imo Zayed is twice if not three times as bad.

21/11/2006, 9:31 AM
Great achievement but I agree 100% with Sheridan. When fit John O'Flynn was twice the player. Shame really

21/11/2006, 9:40 AM
i've been saying it for some time now and i'll say it again...daz mansaram is the best striker in the league.He's not even in the best two at Sligo.

21/11/2006, 9:46 AM
in return for goals he gets nobody can complain..... give him to a rival club and he will punish shels big time... nobody scores the amount of goals he does in the EL no matter how lazy he is :cool: :cool:

21/11/2006, 10:56 AM
nobody scores the amount of goals he does in the EL no matter how lazy he is :cool: :cool:

John O'Flynn averages slightly better than 1 goal every 2 games. If he wasn't so unfortunate with injuries, he'd put Byrne to shame.

21/11/2006, 11:21 AM
All he is in the team to do is score goals, which he does - every single season. I'd prefer to have him in my team than a player whos average is slightly better but is always injuried. Byrne is the best striker in the eL, his record backs that up.

21/11/2006, 11:27 AM
. I've never seen a striker miss more open goals in a season than Crowe has this year.

Was just thinking that. Crowe has always been like that. For every goal there's three he should have scored (pretty much the case on Friday night too) but like Byrne he carves out enough chances (though obviously good service helps) and gets into enough goalscoring positions to make up in terms of goal returns. If they didn't have these flaws they'd both be playing in the Premiership. I'd take either of them to Bohs in a heartbeat to play alongside Fenn.

21/11/2006, 11:36 AM
Jason Byrne has always impressed me, both at Wanderers and Shelbourne. Why are we criticising a player that knocks in a rake of goals every year?

21/11/2006, 11:39 AM
We're not. One Shels fan was. probably because he'll soon be plying his trade elsewhere.