View Full Version : Kevin Doyle

The Ball Boy
14/11/2006, 10:35 AM
It's reported that Blackburn are interested in sigining Kevin Doyle with £8m being mentioned! Would Cork and the rest be entitled to any of this??

14/11/2006, 10:37 AM
We're reported to be entitled to 10% of any transfer fee for Kevin Doyle.

A face
14/11/2006, 10:37 AM
10% and Pats get 2% of that i think !?!

The Ball Boy
14/11/2006, 10:39 AM
Here's the link;


14/11/2006, 10:42 AM
I understood that Pat's entitlements were linked only to the transfer of Doyle from us? Can they have any claim on future transfers, given that the original transfer would not have involved them?

14/11/2006, 10:55 AM
no i believe its in rotation - we get 10% of this transfer you get 2% of our 10%

after all we did teach him all he knows

A face
14/11/2006, 10:56 AM
I understood that Pat's entitlements were linked only to the transfer of Doyle from us? Can they have any claim on future transfers, given that the original transfer would not have involved them?

I dunno, thats the first i heard of it to be honest. It think its fair that it does actually happen though.

14/11/2006, 11:11 AM
I dunno, thats the first i heard of it to be honest. It think its fair that it does actually happen though.

If that's the case and lets say Blackburn Rovers buy and sell Doyle, are ourselves and Pat's going to get a cut of that? I very much doubt it.

14/11/2006, 11:13 AM
As he's under 25 we get part of his "development fee". Unless it was written into his transfer deal that Cork get X amount of his future sales, they'd get roughly the same as us as he spent roughly the same amount of time at both clubs.

Still congrats to Dolan for ****ing both of us...

A face
14/11/2006, 11:15 AM
If that's the case and lets say Blackburn Rovers buy and sell Doyle, are ourselves and Pat's going to get a cut of that? I very much doubt it.

Yeah, i think thats how it works in theory, again i'm not 100% on that now but thats the way its meant to pan out.

14/11/2006, 11:18 AM
In the Star on Sunday, Doyler said he'd spent time on the bench at Pat's so he knows what it's like to be on the lowest rung of the ladder. :D

A face
14/11/2006, 11:20 AM
As he's under 25 we get part of his "development fee". Unless it was written into his transfer deal that Cork get X amount of his future sales, they'd get roughly the same as us as he spent roughly the same amount of time at both clubs.

Yeah it written into the contract that its 10% for us.

Still congrats to Dolan for ****ing both of us...

That guy is like the plague, who needs enemies if you have friends like this. He is a cretin of the highest order. The gods were definitely against us when they sent us him.

14/11/2006, 11:28 AM
In the Star on Sunday, Doyler said he'd spent time on the bench at Pat's so he knows what it's like to be on the lowest rung of the ladder. :D

wasnt good enough for first team - still probably wouldnt make it a t pats today

really begs the question how many more pats players would probably prosper in the premiership

I make it 8 that would easily walk into any top half prem team - with Dara good enuff to replace Hartley at Hearts - or is it Presley at Paisley?

14/11/2006, 11:32 AM
really begs the question how many more pats players would probably prosper in the premiership

What talent is wasting away on your bench these days?

St Pats "missing talent since 1990..." :D

14/11/2006, 12:06 PM
Can't understand all this Dolan bashing. Whether it's true or not that the transfers had anything to do with him I don't know but at the end of the day it is Kevin Doyle that benefits. He has enhanced his career to the point where he is an automatic choice for his national side. If Cork agreed to a clause in his contract that he could be bought for such a small amount of money they that's their own tough luck. If Dolan had anything to do with the transfer then so what. What did Lennox expect when he sacked him! Neverending loyalty.

14/11/2006, 12:40 PM
f Dolan had anything to do with the transfer then so what. What did Lennox expect when he sacked him! Neverending loyalty.

Dolan received a substancial payoff when he was sacked. There were confidentiality conditions as part of that which I think would encompass such things as disclosing confidential contract clauses.

14/11/2006, 1:04 PM
Can't understand all this Dolan bashing. Whether it's true or not that the transfers had anything to do with him I don't know but at the end of the day it is Kevin Doyle that benefits
the point is that it isn't only Doyle that benefits and it is only Pats and Cork that don't/didn't. When manager of Pats, Dolan told Doyle NOT to sign professional forms. Doyle had agreed to with the club. 2 months later Dolan signed him for Cork and Pats got nothing. 3 and bit years later and he's getting sold for 8 million.

But you're right we've no basis for being annoyed...

14/11/2006, 2:30 PM
yeah but aint that standard penny pinching from dolan?

amateur forms - like soccy = less wages

14/11/2006, 2:35 PM
No, this was his 2nd contract. The one he agreed to before joining Cork. Oh and most of that team weren't on penny pinching money

14/11/2006, 2:39 PM
they werent on great money tho - we'd the likes of robbie griffen gettin a game
it was the registration season - most were journeymen spurred on by the motivational talk of the greatest manger in living memory

14/11/2006, 2:58 PM
When manager of Pats, Dolan told Doyle NOT to sign professional forms. Doyle had agreed to with the club. 2 months later Dolan signed him for Cork and Pats got nothing.

Similar to Shane Long City-Reading transfer. He out of contract in few months so little option but to sell.

I heard some time ago that Dolan was offering similar advice to a Limerick player...

A face
14/11/2006, 3:07 PM
Can't understand all this Dolan bashing. Whether it's true or not that the transfers had anything to do with him I don't know but at the end of the day it is Kevin Doyle that benefits. He has enhanced his career to the point where he is an automatic choice for his national side. If Cork agreed to a clause in his contract that he could be bought for such a small amount of money they that's their own tough luck. If Dolan had anything to do with the transfer then so what. What did Lennox expect when he sacked him! Neverending loyalty.

BEFORE Dolan was fired, he made Shane Long sign an amature contract, having been on a pro one. Weeks later Reading sign him, having never even seen him play.

Dolan is meant to work in the clubs best interests, and didn't .... advising Doyle to keep those clauses going against Liam Murphy who was looking after those contracts. (i know thats not confirmed but its hardly going to be) The guy is a hypocrite ..... given all the preaching he was at previously.

15/11/2006, 2:06 PM
So Cork gained an advantage by getting Doyle for nothing when Dolan was their manager. If Lennox saw that happening and allowed Dolan interfere with the subsequent contacts drawn up between the club and players then that's his own tough luck. I didnt hear anybody complaining at Cork when they got Doyle for nothing. What goes round comes around. Everybody in this world is out for their own best interests. If you employ someone whom you have seen shaft other people then you better make sure that all your own loose ends are tied up when you decide to sack him. It all sounds like sour grapes to me. Remember it was Kevin Doyle who signed the contract and Cork City FC who agreed to it.

15/11/2006, 2:29 PM
So Cork gained an advantage by getting Doyle for nothing when Dolan was their manager.

Nie mówimy po polsku i obawiamy się, że możecie napotkać na barierę jezykową gdy będziecie się starali nam zakomunikować swoje pomysły i zapatrywania biznesowe w trakcie przygotowywania profesjonalnego planu biznesowego. Z tego względu uważamy, że najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla Was i dla Waszych kolegów byłaby możliwość osobistego spotkania się w Warszawie jednego z naszych przedstawicieli z BizPlanIt na początku projektowania planu biznesowego. Takie wstępne spotkanie trwałoby dwa dni. W Europie zejęci jesteśmy jeszcze innymi sprawami, więc moglibyśmy powiązać spotkanie z Wami z naszymi pozostałymi zajęciami. Takie rozwiązanie wiązałoby się z niewielkim, dodatkowym kosztem dodanym do kosztów całego projektu.

Mr A
15/11/2006, 2:36 PM
Nie mówimy po polsku i obawiamy się, że możecie napotkać na barierę jezykową gdy będziecie się starali nam zakomunikować swoje pomysły i zapatrywania biznesowe w trakcie przygotowywania profesjonalnego planu biznesowego. Z tego względu uważamy, że najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla Was i dla Waszych kolegów byłaby możliwość osobistego spotkania się w Warszawie jednego z naszych przedstawicieli z BizPlanIt na początku projektowania planu biznesowego. Takie wstępne spotkanie trwałoby dwa dni. W Europie zejęci jesteśmy jeszcze innymi sprawami, więc moglibyśmy powiązać spotkanie z Wami z naszymi pozostałymi zajęciami. Takie rozwiązanie wiązałoby się z niewielkim, dodatkowym kosztem dodanym do kosztów całego projektu.

One can only presume that's Cork for 'Dang, you have me there'.

15/11/2006, 4:32 PM
I didnt hear anybody complaining at Cork when they got Doyle for nothing.

Didnt get him for nothing btw....

15/11/2006, 4:51 PM
Didnt get him for nothing btw....

True, Pats got €4,250 and Adamstown FC in Wexford got €750. Two years later Cork get €120,000, another eighteen months on and Reading might get €12m. Property speculators eat your heart out!

15/11/2006, 7:19 PM
just scored for Ireland. I think thats another cheque on its way to Us

16/11/2006, 2:02 AM
One can only presume that's Cork for 'Dang, you have me there'.

Thats a North-West consensus on that one...
either that or he's trawling Polish websites for wimmin.

Maybe an FAI/EL course on the 'Benefits & use of contracts in modern life' might help us all out!! :rolleyes:

16/11/2006, 6:50 AM
Nie mówimy po polsku i obawiamy się, że możecie napotkać na barierę jezykową gdy będziecie się starali nam zakomunikować swoje pomysły i zapatrywania biznesowe w trakcie przygotowywania profesjonalnego planu biznesowego. Z tego względu uważamy, że najlepszym rozwiązaniem dla Was i dla Waszych kolegów byłaby możliwość osobistego spotkania się w Warszawie jednego z naszych przedstawicieli z BizPlanIt na początku projektowania planu biznesowego. Takie wstępne spotkanie trwałoby dwa dni. W Europie zejęci jesteśmy jeszcze innymi sprawami, więc moglibyśmy powiązać spotkanie z Wami z naszymi pozostałymi zajęciami. Takie rozwiązanie wiązałoby się z niewielkim, dodatkowym kosztem dodanym do kosztów całego projektu.

I agree with you 100% Peadar... dzehn dobry !:D

Thats a North-West consensus on that one...
either that or he's trawling Polish websites for wimmin..

Nothing wrong with Polish women ;)