View Full Version : Henderson

12/11/2006, 11:06 AM
You have to wonder what is going on in Hendos head. He says we will be looking to win a league in the next 2 years he said that 2 years ago and has failed miserably.

The wage bill has gone from 2000 to approx 5000 a week so the extra point we have this year over last year has cost the club about 70000 thats progress!! To my mind we need a change in Manager he has had 2 full seasons and I dont belive things have improved on the pitch which is where it matters. We scored 49 goals last season and the same with 1 game to play this season. We lost 10 games last season we lost 10 games this season we may lose 11 depending on next weeks result.

It is hard to see how we have moved on at the end of the day the table does not lie. We were 3rd last season we are 4th this season that is not progress that is a step backwards.

Hendo has no excuses the commitee have backed him all the way for 2 seasons and he has failed to deliver so the only person who can be blamed is the manager.

don ramo
12/11/2006, 1:46 PM
Have to aggre with that he only has himself to blame, im unsure but id say a few personal reasons affected some judgements this season and if he wasnt such a big baby we would have had a better squad and pushed a bit more, unsure but id say we lost 4-5 players, if not lost wasted money on cause of hendos personal reasons,( the i like this players screw hes attitude but i want him, three games into the season hes gone, few hundreed quid with him), i fell out with a player there tuesday, i quit on wednesday, and signed a three year contract on thursday (the player was shipped out the next week). But i won't solely blame hendo the board has a few questions to answear for themselfs at the AGM. Like why did such an inexperienced amnager get so much cash to blow it took years to get out of debt after we got promoted and blew a **** load of money,were just gettin back on track, even Keano came over and hepled us with around 50,000 euro with the united game (wonder what happened to that) . we deserve answears i didnt go and support them all year to be screwd if the fans want a new manager the fans get one, he stared good last year but has gone backwards the table doesnt lie , and mr hendo this, we have more points than last year wont wash with us fans . up is progess down is backwards were not idiots:mad:

Dj Duffer
12/11/2006, 5:22 PM
I disagree lads, sacking Hendo is not the answer.. He has brought stability to the club and thanks to him the whole underage structure has been changed and we can see the benefits of this with the many young players who have appeared with the seniors in the last season.. And weve competed for the league in the last two seasons, 3rd last season and 4th this season.. He has made a few errors and id say hed admit that himself but he is learning! I look forward to next season because i think it will be a good year,Wether in the premier or the 1st division..

12/11/2006, 7:31 PM
I think the underage structure has changed thanks to Stephen Neiland more the henderson.
From what I gather things are not very stable on the players front with a lot of arguments happening with Manager and players so stable it is not DJ.

don ramo
12/11/2006, 9:34 PM
when davey hill lost the dressing room he got the sack, and hendo is headin the same way question is are the board goin to wait till it happens our what, as for the underage section the players comeing through now weren't helped by hendo, you forget there 18 so when hendo came in they were only 16 17, you start deveopment at 12-14 so it was proably john o' rourkes tenure this all started, as for merging with springfiled that was just sense, hendo isnt that smart, stop trying to make out being a genieus:confused:

The Rebel Ram
13/11/2006, 11:26 AM
I disagree lads, sacking Hendo is not the answer.. He has brought stability to the club and thanks to him the whole underage structure has been changed and we can see the benefits of this with the many young players who have appeared with the seniors in the last season.. And weve competed for the league in the last two seasons, 3rd last season and 4th this season.. He has made a few errors and id say hed admit that himself but he is learning! I look forward to next season because i think it will be a good year,Wether in the premier or the 1st division..

Hendo is not fully to blame, yes his tantrums in the dressing room were an issue this year but I don't think he deserves to be sacked. 1 more year should tell how things progress. lets look at his position then but not till then!

Comic Book Guy
13/11/2006, 2:59 PM
Talk of sacking Hendo is ridiculous, true he has made some mistakes this season, his falling out with Brossie being the obvious one. To be fair he lost players at vital parts of the season, Kieran O'Reilly, Mikey O'Shea, Michael Mulconry and Darren Murphy.
He also tried to sign Depuy but was stopped, I think if we had a player that could score 15 to 20 goals this season then we would be in the driving seat, maybe next season. Remember too that this is a fairly young team and I would be hopeful about the overall future of the club.

13/11/2006, 4:09 PM
scoring goals is not the issue.... it's great we don't depend on any one player to get them, what is a real problem and it hasn't been sorted yet is conceding goals (stating the obvious)..... it's nice to watch an attack minded midfield in action but they need to do the bread and butter stuff of getting back to defend... the defence needs more coaching!!!!

13/11/2006, 4:31 PM
Dont Agree with the fact you think it is ridiculous CBG forgetting about the players who were injured etc the players we had left should have been good enough to win the league. We had the biggest squad in decades so the only person to take the blame is the manager. We have given him 2 seasons we should cut our losses and try someone else.

don ramo
13/11/2006, 7:47 PM
Sorry CBG but we had a 15-20 goal a season player fit you forgot willie bruton, he started about ten games (i don't include substitutions as we all know hendo wont make them before 80 mins) and he got 5 goals thats only two shy of davin our top scorer, so a full season as weve seen before we can get 15 goals out of willie. +hendo asked for willie and got him why!:eek:

13/11/2006, 9:49 PM
I think Hendo brings passion to the job which i'm sure brings passion to the dressing room.
If he goes who do u bring in?
The biggest mistake he's made is making John Meade captain(he's terrible), Muckie should be captain not John.
Next Year he should look to get a top class keeper, right-back, left-back and centre-mid and we need replacement centre-half for when Murray and Breen are out, getting Dupuy would be great aswell

14/11/2006, 12:35 AM
its hard to say what the story is, but a lot of money has been spent and we finish a place further down. we have played some good football but we leak too many goals. i dont want to be badmouthing players but i think keary hasnt lived up to expectations, as have a number of other players failed to perform.

the injuries can only be used as an excuse for so long as it is a common thing in football and every team suffers them to varying degrees. in my opinion, one of our problems is that we lack a bit of backbone, a tough midfielder like barrett but fit. as happened against rovers at home we didnt finish them off and then fell asleep to allow yer man run in to the box unmarked and equalize. that was the turning point as far as i was concerned, as was the harps(with 10 men)game and the dundalk game last month.

what i didnt like was the manager with 7 games left (21 points to play for) saying it was over.

don ramo
14/11/2006, 7:45 PM
i agree with john meade not being captain, he brings no spirit, he trys but his attempts of runing up the pitch are stupid as he never gets back in time, and leaves us vournerable at the back, i dont really think we need a new keeper in all fairnes pakie and james done great this season considering the defence which is where the problem is, if they do keep hendo he has to settle hes problems and get one or two player in, get brossie back and one or two current players fitter for next season.

Promotion next season is a must we cant keep some of the talent we have here forever without gettin promoted.

so hard decisions must be made to move forward and someone must shoulder the blame for this season as it was way below par.

18/11/2006, 9:26 AM
Talk of sacking Hendo is ridiculous, true he has made some mistakes this season, his falling out with Brossie being the obvious one. To be fair he lost players at vital parts of the season, Kieran O'Reilly, Mikey O'Shea, Michael Mulconry and Darren Murphy.
He also tried to sign Depuy but was stopped, I think if we had a player that could score 15 to 20 goals this season then we would be in the driving seat, maybe next season. Remember too that this is a fairly young team and I would be hopeful about the overall future of the club.
I agree.Has to be given at least 1 more year with a fully fit squad and Dupey hopefully.....

don ramo
18/11/2006, 2:54 PM
sorry now injuries are not the issue, if hendo wasnt such a big baby and lettin players go some injuries wont matter, id say most of the injuries were attacking players no real long injuries in the back which is why we conceded so consistently the defence is s***, if he stays he has a lot to make up for, im all for another chance but you have to have a manager whos out to prove somethin and to me hendo doesnt look like he trying to prove anything, sure why would a man with a three year contract wanna do anything, hes comfy out :mad: