View Full Version : shels players looking to have contrats anulled

10/11/2006, 6:47 AM
Crisis looms as title glory beckons
Emmet Malone, Soccer Correspondent

SOCCER: Even as they prepared for a game tonight in Cork where they could secure the Eircom League title, Shelbourne players were seeking confirmation from their union yesterday that they will be entitled to have their contracts with the club invalidated at the end of the season because of the repeated difficulties they have had this year with the payment of wages.

Shelbourne chief executive Ollie Byrne conceded yesterday there were more problems at the club with regard to salaries but said that "less than €10,000" is currently due to players in overdue wages. More than €30,000 more is due today for this week, however, and players were uncertain as they made the journey south yesterday what, if any, portion of this money they are likely to receive before the weekend.

The problems come towards the end of a season when the club have been dogged by difficulties with the payment of wages, something that now threatens to seriously undermine their ability to prevent the break up of a team on the verge of regaining the league crown. When previous arrears were cleared up in July the players - with the support of manager Pat Fenlon - secured a written guarantee that they would be allowed to depart as free agents at the end of the season if further problems were encountered with the payment of their wages.

There is a widespread belief within the squad that the terms of this commitment have been breached by events since the October Bank Holiday weekend when problems resurfaced and while all bar "a few hundred euro" and bonuses still due for the Inter-Toto campaign have been paid since, there is considerable frustration that the irregularity of the payment received is causing problems with the players' various mortgages and other commitments.

"I know that Ollie breaks his heart for the club," said one of the club's players yesterday, "and the players have been great with him but at the end of the day if your mortgage is not being paid then you've got to seriously think about your other options."

Though they believe the commitment they received in July to be binding, the players expect Byrne to challenge any attempt to claim free agent status by players whose contracts extend beyond the close season.

Up to 10 players, however, will be out of contract at the end of the season and few are expected to stay. Many of the rest are expected to look to leave as well with Bohemians, who are set to confirm Seán Connor as their new manager in the middle of next week, prominent amongst the potential suitors.

"Ideally, I think a lot of the lads would like to stay," said one team member, "but if there have been these sort of problems when there's money from games coming in then what's going to happen in the off season, this is their full-time job and you can't just go from week hoping that you get your money. There's a lot of talk, too, that Pat's going to walk because of everything that has gone on and where would that leave the club? Everyone has stayed really focused this year despite everything that has gone on but basically nobody wants to go through the same thing all over again".

The club's current problems are simply the latest manifestation of a longer term struggle to bring in enough money at Tolka Park to meet outgoings. In each of the last three seasons there have been substantial shortfalls and this year's situation has been made worse by the arrival of two substantial tax bills.

Byrne has managed the situation by drawing down significant advances on the sale price of Tolka Park from Coneforth Trading, a company owned by businessmen Ivano Cafolla, Jerry O'Reilly and Irish Sports Council chairman Ossie Kilkenny. Between €2.5 million and €3 million is believed to have been obtained against a gross purchase price estimated at around €25 million. This figure, however, is contingent on the number of housing units for which planning permission is obtained and a significant portion of it will have to be paid to clear the interests of other parties in the land leaving Shelbourne with a figure that was believed to be around €16 million or €17 million prior to the borrowing.

There have been suggestions within the game that the money advanced was to count double against the eventual purchase price but Cafolla last night denied this, stating that, "at one point, a long way back, we did discuss disincentives to the club seeking money in advance of the deal being concluded but that is a historical matter. As time has gone on there have not been penalties".

Fenlon declined to talk about the situation last night insisting that he preferred to concentrate on a game for which Joseph Ndo and club captain Owen Heary are the major doubts. "It's a great credit to the players that they're in this position," he said, "but nothing's guaranteed and personally I think there'll still be twists and turns in the top four. What we have to do now is just keep going till it's over."

© The Irish Times

10/11/2006, 8:03 AM

10/11/2006, 8:04 AM
sorry that wasn't very constructive

lets see



10/11/2006, 8:18 AM
If Shels do win the league, as seems likely, what kind of a team will they enter in the Champions league next year. And what effect will it have on all the progress made in Europe over the last number of years by Irish clubs, including Shels.

10/11/2006, 8:22 AM
Shels fans will soon be on denying it all as usual. Ollie and his ostriches. :rolleyes:

If anyone ever doubted the existence of karma, everything that's happened to Shels this season should convince them.

10/11/2006, 8:23 AM

Thats a good point GB, I'd like to add my endorsement to this sentiment.

10/11/2006, 8:29 AM
Shels fans will soon be on denying it all as usual. Ollie and his ostriches. :rolleyes:


Christmas number one? (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y216/marconi76/vrg45.jpg)

Jerry The Saint
10/11/2006, 9:09 AM
Pat Fenlong and the players are clearly JEALOU$ of Shelbourne's success. Do they not realise that Ollie Byrne works 24x7x52x365 for the club? They would want to take a long hard look at themselves. :mad:

10/11/2006, 9:35 AM
the lazy fecker there is a 29th of February every 4 years and he takes that off.... not acceptable

Players are mercenary, Ollie will get loan on the back of this years league winners cheque, pay them all, promise them payrises and chumps league football and they will all sign up - and be in the sem baot by June next year

10/11/2006, 10:09 AM
the lazy fecker there is a 29th of February every 4 years and he takes that off.... not acceptable

Players are mercenary, Ollie will get loan on the back of this years league winners cheque, pay them all, promise them payrises and chumps league football and they will all sign up - and be in the sem baot by June next year

Not so sure this time, think too many of them have been burnt by Ollie's promises and from a good source a few of them are talking to us already. Any player that accepts Ollie's promises of wages again gets exactly what they deserve when he fails to pay. Its a long time between December and March and it could be a long Xmas for whoever believes Ollie. :eek:

10/11/2006, 10:16 AM
When do Shels expect to leave Tolka? Even if Rovers court case is successfull, where will they be playing next season, as Tallaght won't be ready?

10/11/2006, 10:19 AM
I'm sure they'll find somewhere. We're minus a tennant now that DC have folded.

10/11/2006, 10:31 AM
Mate plays for them and i reckon he said this
"I know that Ollie breaks his heart for the club," said one of the club's players yesterday, "and the players have been great with him but at the end of the day if your mortgage is not being paid then you've got to seriously think about your other options."

Noone no matter what if they have kids and a house would ever jeopardise that by continuing with the present situation, he wont and there about 5 or 6 who will leave.

Heary for Pats please thanks.


10/11/2006, 11:18 AM
Not so sure this time, think too many of them have been burnt by Ollie's promises and from a good source a few of them are talking to us already. Any player that accepts Ollie's promises of wages again gets exactly what they deserve when he fails to pay. Its a long time between December and March and it could be a long Xmas for whoever believes Ollie. :eek:

Yeah but the problem is that most other clubs are ****ed and won't want to sign anybody and pay them for 4 months before they make their debut. The top players might be snapped up but most Shels players won't move, at least not for a while. AFAIK Pats have talked to at least 4 Shels players. Most of whom are out of contract already.

10/11/2006, 11:24 AM
I hate to see an club in trouble, but there is a large degree of poetic justive about Shels being over a barrel at the moment. Coulcn't happen to a nicer buinch of people.

From the perspective of my club, would make it an even greater shame if Kenny left, as he might be able to attract a Shels player or two to sign for us. We're in dire need of natural goal-scorers.

Poor Student
10/11/2006, 11:52 AM
I hope we don't see a Shels side so decminated that they can't win some games in Europe next season. It seems like Ollie has used all his efforts to desperately hold this Shels team together to drag them over the finishing line this season in one piece without any certainty for next season.

Mr A
10/11/2006, 12:19 PM
I wonder if there's any possibility that Shels could fail licensing and not be allowed to play in the premier or even lose their European place given their financial problems this year?

pineapple stu
10/11/2006, 12:34 PM
I wonder if there's any possibility that Shels could fail licensing and not be allowed to play in the premier or even lose their European place given their financial problems this year?
Given that Dublin City were allowed to pass Licencing, and Shels have the extra weight of Ollie, then no. Not a chance. (I don't believe for an instant that the FAI's claims that they'll run things propoerly next year will come to anything)

It seems like Ollie has used all his efforts to desperately hold this Shels team together to drag them over the finishing line this season in one piece without any certainty for next season.
Ollie seems to be doing the same thing as Seery - he has no ability to stand back and loko at the bigger picture, with the result that he refuses to admit things are going awry and refuses to take any steps which would lead away from self-destruction. Very common for people in this position to believe in their project so much that they keep striving for their ultimate saving goal - no matter how ludicrous - rather than admitting they're in trouble and reorganising.

10/11/2006, 12:57 PM
Was just thinking the same comparison re Seery myself Pineapple.

Ollie's so desperate to make Shels a success that his efforts to do so are actually in danger of destroying the club instead. He seems utterly unable to do anything else though - I doubt consolidation is a word he's familiar with. A prisoner of his own slowly crumbling dream.

10/11/2006, 12:59 PM
We're in dire need of natural goal-scorers.

Farren, McHugh, Flynn, Ciaran Martyn? Jaysus, if you trhink you've got problems with goalscorers with those what hope for the the rest of us!

10/11/2006, 1:01 PM
Lads, no matter how much trouble Ollie and Shels are in they do have a lot of cash coming their way when they leave Tolka. Not for one minute do I believe its €25m though as we were told during the ground sharing negotiations how much was up on offer. That was also meant to have been vetted by the FAI as legit.

So Ollie does have cash coming, just not enough to get a new stadium on his own, or even do much with a stadium. Unless he groundshares with someone he has no grants coming. So he will have to blow the cash on the team still, then they will have nothing. :p

pineapple stu
10/11/2006, 1:05 PM
He'll at least lose it a lot faster with smaller crowds (a possibility in, say, Santry) and no rent from Rovers (touch wood). And if his team breaks up this year, they may not win the title next year, which would hit the pocket again.

Student Mullet
10/11/2006, 3:38 PM
That was also meant to have been vetted by the FAI as legit.Oh, well then we can rest easy.

NY Hoop
10/11/2006, 3:52 PM
We'll be back in tolka again next season. Shels are some way off from leaving tolka and indeed from going to Santry. The move from tolka is dependent on planning permission being approved and this wont happen until they get a lease for Santry.


10/11/2006, 4:05 PM
Interesting to see the figures mentioned in the article. I hadn't thought they'd so much of a lifeline left. Still, it's disappearing fast. At their current rate, Tolka won't keep them afloat for too many years more.

10/11/2006, 4:21 PM
Small Clubs with Small Minds > Broke Clubs with Huge Taxbills

Sliogán Dóite
10/11/2006, 10:28 PM

Doubt he'll live past his three-hundredth birthday myself :rolleyes:

alabama rover
11/11/2006, 2:34 AM
I hate to see an club in trouble, but there is a large degree of poetic justive about Shels being over a barrel at the moment. Coulcn't happen to a nicer buinch of people.

From the perspective of my club, would make it an even greater shame if Kenny left, as he might be able to attract a Shels player or two to sign for us. We're in dire need of natural goal-scorers.

Derry should sign Fenlon..... Problem solved!!


12/11/2006, 6:45 PM
Doubt he'll live past his three-hundredth birthday myself :rolleyes:
Unless feesable cloning happens soon. Or his brain is put into a robot, so he can live forever as a machine! Add a few more zero's to that 365!

12/11/2006, 6:46 PM
Unless feesable cloning happens soon. Or his brain is put into a robot, so he can live forever as a machine! Add a few more zero's to that 365!
:eek: I'd sooner see The Boys From Brazil come true.

Sam Savic
12/11/2006, 8:51 PM
We'll be back in tolka again next season. Shels are some way off from leaving tolka and indeed from going to Santry. The move from tolka is dependent on planning permission being approved and this wont happen until they get a lease for Santry.


It's even more complicated than that. Planning permission is not just for Tolka, but also for lands at Clonliffe College. It will be taken as a full package.
Shels have plans for Morton Stadium. However, Fingal County Council won't give them a lease until Shels "show them the money". Dublin City Council won't let them sell the lease on Tolka until they have a new home. They don't want another Milltown - Shamrock Rovers scenario.
Even when all that is in place, they still have to come to agreement with Clonliffe Harriers, who are also tenants at Morton Stadium. Morton Stadium will still also remain the home of Irish Athletics.
If Shels still exist next season they will be playing in Tolka. And so will Rovers.

pineapple stu
12/11/2006, 9:06 PM
So basically Shels can't enter Morton unless they have money, but can't get money unless they leave Tolka?

12/11/2006, 9:16 PM
At this stage I don't know which is worse, ****ing away money in Tolka from the sae of the lease or going to Morton with a lump sum and ****ing it all away there. Serious changes have to made in the way the club is run. I don't think anyone (even those who hate him) would doubt Ollie's commitment to the survival of our club. However, what many people doubt is his ability to see past the quick fix. The club needs to go back to basics and build a proper foundation for the future. That's not going to happen with Ollie as Tsar unfortunately

Sam Savic
12/11/2006, 9:17 PM
So basically Shels can't enter Morton unless they have money, but can't get money unless they leave Tolka?

A bit like politics in Norn Iron. Both situations will have to take place almost in sync. If planning permission was granted for the Tolka / Clonliffe grounds, that would start the ball rolling. At that stage, Shels might be able to get certain committments from the bank that would satisfy Fingal Co Council. Their plans for Morton would then have to be agreed by Clonliffe Harriers and Athletics Ireland. Shels plans would then need planning permission ( I'm sure there will be objectors ), then the building will commence - and when all that is finished, Shels can move in.
How many years away is that? A good few I would say.
Will Shels have any money left by then?

pineapple stu
12/11/2006, 9:22 PM
Their plans for Morton would then have to be agreed by Clonliffe Harriers and Athletics Ireland.
Will they get that? Wouldn't be the first ground they've tried for but been refused.

How many years away is that? A good few I would say.
Will Shels have any money left by then?
They must be losing close to a million a year, what with legal costs and hugely inflated wage costs. I think that figure was mentioned in the papers as well around the time of the groundsharing debacle. Dublin City were racking up losses of almost half a million a year by comparison, so I'd say they're definitely that bad for starters before you consider the wages for four full internationals, etc. If they go into liquidation (hypothetically), they'll cover all their debts easily enough, but how much longer can they realistically expect to keep getting cash advances? I can see another Revenue winding up order in a few months - one of those is surely going to have to break their back?

Raheny Red
12/11/2006, 9:34 PM
It's even more complicated than that. Planning permission is not just for Tolka, but also for lands at Clonliffe College. It will be taken as a full package.
Shels have plans for Morton Stadium. However, Fingal County Council won't give them a lease until Shels "show them the money". Dublin City Council won't let them sell the lease on Tolka until they have a new home. They don't want another Milltown - Shamrock Rovers scenario.
Even when all that is in place, they still have to come to agreement with Clonliffe Harriers, who are also tenants at Morton Stadium. Morton Stadium will still also remain the home of Irish Athletics.
If Shels still exist next season they will be playing in Tolka. And so will Rovers.

Excuse my ignorance but how do you know this?

Sam Savic
12/11/2006, 9:35 PM
Shels reaching agreement with Clonliffe Harriers and Athletics Ireland would mean that Shels would have a lease on everything in the stadium - bar the track and infield ( the pitch ).
To a football team, that's the most important part.:)
I think Shels main problem will be the local objectors.

Frankfurt Hoop
13/11/2006, 12:56 AM
Excuse my ignorance but how do you know this?

He's SRFC's Head Of Intelligence. He knows everything, it's his job.

13/11/2006, 7:40 AM
I don't think anyone (even those who hate him) would doubt Ollie's commitment to the survival of our club. However, what many people doubt is his ability to see past the quick fix.
But those two things are mutually exclusive. With the type of money coming in from the possible sale of Tolka, Shels future could've been secured if Ollie had cut the wage bill and invested in the future. Instead of arsing around the courts and getting into scraps with Revenue he could've been negogiating over Santry. It can hardly help them secure a lease when Shels are regularly in the papers for breaching contracts...

13/11/2006, 8:57 AM
Shels would have to spend a lot of money to obtain a UEFA licence for Morton. Another problem would be they would have no revenue from a bar. As DCC will only give one bar licence to the Morton site. That licence is held by Clonliffe who use the bar to help fund their thriving athletics club. One solution would be to buy the licence from Clonliffe, but I'd imagine it would cost an enormous amount of money.

13/11/2006, 12:35 PM
He's SRFC's Head Of Intelligence. He knows everything, it's his job.


POTM because it's true.

Raheny Red, does it not frighten you that most of us know more about your situation than you lot do? And worse, we seem to give more of a crap than Shels fans. And believe me, when it comes down to it we actually don't care, it's your job to sort out your own club.

Heads. Out. Of. Sand.


pineapple stu
13/11/2006, 12:43 PM
Raheny Red, does it not frighten you that most of us know more about your situation than you lot do? And worse, we seem to give more of a crap than Shels fans.
On that topic, whatever happened to the SSDG and their AGM? The last I heard, they were holding their AGM in September - it was advertised on the official site - but I don't think minutes were ever published, and there's been no mention of them on the Shels forum since except for a golf classic they were organising. Any word on what was said?

13/11/2006, 3:24 PM
On that topic, whatever happened to the SSDG and their AGM? The last I heard, they were holding their AGM in September - it was advertised on the official site - but I don't think minutes were ever published, and there's been no mention of them on the Shels forum They were last seen breaking stones in a gulag quarry in Northern Siberia.

Thats what happens to people who ask questions...

bad mongo
13/11/2006, 5:42 PM
Excuse my ignorance but how do you know this?

AFAIK the corpo are under pressure for serious amendments to teh proposed local area plan .
Last I heard the locals were kicking up stink about access to the future tolka apartments so I reckon the councillors are playing their usual silly buggers.

Judging by the dragging out of this whole process there is a lot of horsetrading going on. The only pple that need a swift conclusion to this whole process is SFC, this process could see you with more cash in the end but you may not survive to do anything with it other than pay off creditors

Enough non-shels folk with a bit of nous and the ability to root out publically available documentary material have posted on this before, usually from a position of outlining shels worst case scenario.

Not once have we heard a knowledgable or reasonable response from any shels wellwishers who post here and show some modicum of independent rational thought processes.

Poor Student
13/11/2006, 6:42 PM
On the matter of the alleged free availability of the Shels stars. Could Kenny come swooping in with Dunfermline? He'd need to make changes at East End Park, I'm sure he's aware of the situation and he's managed a few of them before.