View Full Version : The Foot.ie Pre-Nice Referendum Poll

15/10/2002, 2:27 PM
Just to poll the foot.ie faithfull on Nice

15/10/2002, 2:32 PM
No, the same as last time.

15/10/2002, 2:51 PM
Well I hadn't realised this had been polled

15/10/2002, 2:51 PM
I'm amazed no-one posted it earlier. :)

I've added a "not voting" options, since many people seem to be intentionally not voting.


15/10/2002, 2:54 PM
Valid option, but why not vote??

Spoil the vote... Not voting says nothing...

Last years vote No campaign had the slogan:

if you don't know vote no...

to spoil a vote indicates a certain unhappyness...

15/10/2002, 3:03 PM
Originally posted by Xlex
Well I hadn't realised this had been polled

I meant the same as the last referendum:)

15/10/2002, 3:04 PM
Originally posted by Xlex
Spoil the vote... Not voting says nothing...

Can't now with this f#cking electronic voting.

15/10/2002, 3:10 PM
and that my friend is exactly why electronic votinbg should be done away...

I mean if your not happy with your choices, in effect to 'excerise' your vote, there is no mechanism to spoil...

15/10/2002, 3:14 PM
Absolutely though I suppose if you smashed the voting thing with a lump hammer or something that might register your dissatisfaction.:D

15/10/2002, 4:20 PM
to spoil a vote indicates a certain unhappyness...

Yes, but does it achieve anything?

I've added a "spoil" option. I'll add a "Sorry, I'm Descaling The Kettle" option later. :)

To be clear, I didn't add the option specifically for myself. I've seen a number of people saying they won't be voting on Boards.ie, so I thought people here might like the option. In fact, I was one of them, but I've changed my mind now. Again.


Jim Smith
15/10/2002, 4:24 PM
I'm not voting because I can't. As an EU citizen but not an Irish citizen I'm excluded from any EU decision that requires a referendum. So I can have a say in which carpet bagger represnts me but not in how they represent me. Not that I'm really bothered too much but it is a bit of an anomaly.

I agree that there should be a none of the above option in electronic voting. With this in place, I'd legally oblige people to vote (with exemptions for the sick or overseas) - even a flawed democracy is a good thing. You can stand in the street and call Bertie (or whoever is in charge) a ****** without worrying about being shot in the head and dumped somewhere. For most of the world this is a luxury that they don't have. I have a Lybian friend who spent five years in jail (the first three in solitary) for being the president of a student geological society. He considers himself lucky to be alive. Sort of puts things in perspective :(

15/10/2002, 5:22 PM
IMO failure to exercise your vote (aside from good excuses) means you give up any right whatsoever to moan or complain.

Spoiling is only slightly better than not voting but not by much. In an election of candidates surely everyone will want one idiot to get in ahead of another idiot? I can't see how theres a scenario where no candidate is better or worse than any of the others.

I'll admit is slightly dodgy re-running a very similar referendum (got neutrality declaration tagged on this time) but we (not me) as a country re-elected this government knowing they were going to re-run the referendum & as they say we get get the government we deserve...

For what its worth i'm going to vote Yes again as the more the campaign has gone on there isn't even the hint of a good argument to vote against + if couldn't think of any other reason would just vote against when i see the groups campaigning against the Treaty. I predict at least a 60:40 split in favour of the referendum.

The only reason (IMO not a good one) for voting No is if anti-enlargement.

15/10/2002, 5:25 PM
Im voting no, though I believe that the Yes campaign will win out this time- by a very slender margin.

15/10/2002, 6:18 PM
I would be voting no, if I was at home, same as last time. As for spoiling votes, it´s our democratic right to show dissatisfaction with the candidates/options presented to us.

I think everyone should vote no, if only for the sake of democracy. If I´d voted yes last time,I´d be voting no this time. We made our decision and this referendum is wrong.
Whats next? when bertie gets booted out will he declare the election invalid and keep repeating them until we give in and return him to power? Thats the precedent a Yes vote will set :mad:

20/10/2002, 2:31 PM
unfortunately the offical result didn´t mirror this poll.

treaty passed :mad: