View Full Version : FAI Petition idea

02/11/2006, 12:25 AM
Here's an idea.

I'm absolutely fuming about the way the FAI are destroying domestic football in Ireland through their amateurism. I'm therefore prepared to commit to not attending any Ireland home international games until such a time as they sort their sh!t out.

If enough other fans are of a similar opinion, we could do a petition to them about it. The key to this is not so much the petition, it's the fact that the press will love a story like this - 'hardcore fans turn back on International team in protest at FAI amateurism'.

Would enough people be up for this ? The advent of games at Croker will be a big draw for a lot of people, but in such a big stadium the FAI will be desparate for ticket sales. Would you be prepared to sacrifice a few home games to take a stand on this issue in the media ?

02/11/2006, 12:49 AM
Not being funny but there are loads of us who haven't gone to an Ireland game in years because of the FAI

02/11/2006, 3:05 AM
Unfortunately there are 10s of Leprachaun hat wearing, foreign jersey wearing, event junkies queuing up to take any places vacated by us.

What you are suggesting won't make a shred of difference - the FAI will still get their grubby little hands on the hard earned Euro

02/11/2006, 5:39 AM
What Réiteor said is the first thing that occurred to me. Something should be done about the FAI, but I don't think this'll work, sorry.

02/11/2006, 7:48 AM
Steve, many have already turned our backs on international games because of Delaney. He'd be delighted not to have the hassle of issuing the eL fans non-exisitant seats....

Jerry The Saint
02/11/2006, 9:01 AM
Playing right into their hands. Delaney would love to ditch the supporters block booking scheme that he inherited from Fran Rooney.

A more meaningful gesture would be to boycott our own club games, seeing as it was the clubs that voted to hand over full control to the FAI and make a mockery of this season's league, long before the various suspension controversies. Although, seeing as a lot of supporters were also in favour of this it may be a bit hypocritical.

02/11/2006, 9:21 AM
As mentioned though, this would be more about the media than any actual financial impact on the FAI. The media would love a story like this, and we know form experience that the FAI absolutely detest bad publicity. Continually having Delaney and the FAI in the media in a negative light - from as many different angles as possible - would heap pressure on the goons and make their positions increasingly untenable.

So, even if you had made a similar decision not to attend Ireland games already, that wouldn't prevent you from signing such a petition.

Also - from the San Marino game onwards the FAI are going to be desperate to shift tickets. Can anyone honestly see 60,000 odd at Croker for Ireland v Cyprus, for example ?

On the EL block booking, we're in danger of losing those anyway, so I think we should just hand them back and stick our fingers up at them. Through the press of course...

Fair enough if people think the idea isn't a goer. But don't dismiss it on any perceived financial impact it'd have on the FAI, as that's not what it's about.

bohs til i die
02/11/2006, 10:16 AM

forget petitions, a sit in protest on the pitch at the B international would cause serious embarrassment to the FAI

02/11/2006, 10:21 AM
Not being funny but there are loads of us who haven't gone to an Ireland game in years because of the FAI

Exactly, some of us old curmudgeons haven't been to an FAIreland game since Baby Doc Delaney was in nappies.

What's needed is direct action not petitions. Fan owned clubs can directly mandate their boards and committees to take action. Individual fans can do whatever they feel is neccessary.

As a veteran of the Rovers wars, I can tell you that mass, orderly pitch invasions, embarrasing questions at meetings/press conferences, endless spinning to the media, hounding and shaming the blazers EVERYWHERE they go etc etc works.

Get to it lads.


02/11/2006, 10:30 AM
I don't think that a fear of losing the block booking should override the need to do something about this; obviously it has in every other league / FAI fúck-up until now. If the league, or even a loose grouping of individual clubs decide tomorrow to do something solid to challenge this disgrace, then I would regain a little faith, but not in the FAI. It's gone beyond that point. I'm struggling to see where sit-ins, protests, banners, and petitions fit in here; it's plainly obvious that the little people have never bene listened to before, and that's not going to change. This meeting tomorrow is the last chance; it's up to the clubs now to take a stand; if they capitulate and rubber-stamp this, then we are ****ing against the wind with any kind of protest that you can think of.

Block G Raptor
02/11/2006, 10:43 AM

forget petitions, a sit in protest on the pitch at the B international would cause serious embarrassment to the FAI

Now were talking
I'd be up for that

02/11/2006, 10:50 AM
A fecking B international?!

02/11/2006, 10:55 AM
I'm struggling to see where sit-ins, protests, banners, and petitions fit in here; it's plainly obvious that the little people have never bene listened to before, and that's not going to change.

True Jaime but direct action makes the 'little people' feel less impotent and it makes the powers that be squirm. Two reasons alone to do something.

****** to B Internationals though, 30 or 50 people on the pitch before the San Marino game with banners would at least make people ask questions.

I may even lift my self-imposed exile if there's a bit of devilment to be had. :)


02/11/2006, 1:15 PM
True Jaime but direct action makes the 'little people' feel less impotent and it makes the powers that be squirm. Two reasons alone to do something.

****** to B Internationals though, 30 or 50 people on the pitch before the San Marino game with banners would at least make people ask questions.

I may even lift my self-imposed exile if there's a bit of devilment to be had. :)


Likewise, have been to about 2 internationals in 10 years but if anyone wants to organise a proper campaign for that game I would be on for it. Never have i felt like jacking it in altogether as the league is a joke, end of. What is the point in trying to be professional and get your house in order for these clowns to decide.

BTW the decision was reached by a committee of junoir football delegates from within the FAI. You can just see it now. :rolleyes:

02/11/2006, 1:21 PM
A protest outside FAI headquarters with delaney out banners

02/11/2006, 3:22 PM
delaney out banners

Or maybe "Never mind Genesis, time for Exodus"

02/11/2006, 3:37 PM
Or maybe "Never mind Genesis, time for Exodus"

:) to be followed by Judges and Revelations

02/11/2006, 5:50 PM
Brilliant :)