View Full Version : Oh What A Night!

The Stars
01/11/2006, 8:51 AM
Late October back in 06...never to be forgoten.

One of the best trips in a long time....bar the result and performance of course.
Arrived in Derry in plenty of time went to get our tickets but the Derry Stewards tried there best to not sell us tickets,had us running around the streets.In the Q for tickets we sand a bit....the best one being YMCA as a group of colourfully dressed Derry folk passed by.
Went to the Oak bar and sang like mad for am hour,drove the locals out the door.
Some were dressed as Santa,some in white overalls and the rest in their Sligo Proud red and white.
Then it all went wrong......1-0,2-0...i could go on but its only going to end 5-0.So to make the most of a bad occasion we sent on a few of Santa's little helpers...in the form of Ado,Staf,Patterson to name half of them.
After the game things went a little worse for the travelling army,Staf and Ado got lost(or went to the pub) and after searching high and low for them we left....wonder where they are now.
Anyway,end of rant,apart from just saying well done to the Derry Stewards for making a complete arse of themself with the tickets and with trying to catch 6 drunks as they got their minute of fame.

01/11/2006, 9:16 AM
Anyway,end of rant,apart from just saying well done to the Derry Stewards for making a complete arse of themself with the tickets and with trying to catch 6 drunks as they got their minute of fame.Tickets were on sale at 7.30, in both euro and sterling (unlike the 1st tie). Maybe you could have got them earlier like some of your other fans, but blame it on the well oiled lads who insisted on singing at full volume inside the club offices. Or you could have picked them up in Sligo.

Also fail to see the funny side of the pitch invasions, as I suspect your club will as when both clubs get heavily fined, as they surely will.

The Stars
01/11/2006, 9:18 AM
well it was Derry fans who were the first to run on the pitch so question your own first...also,Id question your stewards for letting it happen 6 times.

01/11/2006, 9:25 AM
well it was Derry fans who were the first to run on the pitch so question your own first...also,Id question your stewards for letting it happen 6 times.I was referring to your club not sharing your view of the pitch invasions as a joke.

Same applies to Derry. I'd ban them all from the ground for a season or two personally.

01/11/2006, 9:30 AM
Arrived in Derry in plenty of time went to get our tickets but the Derry Stewards tried there best to not sell us tickets,had us running around the streets.

You're talking through your hat, boy!
It was clearly stated in Aertel that the tickets for away fans would be available in a "convienient location."


Da Real Rover
01/11/2006, 2:29 PM
what a night, an away trip ill remember for a long time.:D

01/11/2006, 4:25 PM
Probably need counseling to forget it. :o

Drumcondra Red
02/11/2006, 12:08 PM
Imagine Derry stewards not being helpfull! Shock horror!!!

02/11/2006, 12:31 PM
You're talking through your hat, boy!
It was clearly stated in Aertel that the tickets for away fans would be available in a "convienient location."


convieneint location my arse..they sent us to every side of the brandywell looking for them, and as soon as we got to where we were told, we were told by another stewart to go back where we were first...bit of a shambles as eamonn would say!

02/11/2006, 12:49 PM
To be fair - I think a lot of the "stewards" at the early part of that evening were just supporters who helped out at the last minute.

A lot of the proper DCFC stewards were helping out at the Halloween carnival in the City Centre. They only back at the staidum arrived later in the evening.

02/11/2006, 12:53 PM
A lot of the proper DCFC stewards were helping out at the Halloween carnival in the City Centre.

is there a shortage of people in Derry?? :D

what was the story with the fireworks display, was it anywhere near the Brandywell?? there was fireworks goin off now and again but it didnt exactly look like a 'display'