View Full Version : Fancy dress tomorrow

Rory H
30/10/2006, 2:42 PM
thinking of it for 2moro...seeing its halloween ill probably go as santa

i promised for the last derry game to bring the ultimate atmosphere will balloons and flags etc and it didnt quite work out..2more i will make up for that

lads we all know what its like in the brandywell..its intimidating in there so lets bring our own atmosphere..we showed in killester that the bito'red were back...2moro lets show we're the best...i read some shams fan posting excuses about why there support will be crap this week...we dont have excuses now...even if you just get one of those flags from the record room or something small like that..it all counts...

30/10/2006, 5:17 PM
Lads Santa suits are only 15 yo yo in Dunnes try and dress up for the craic ! :D

Fair play lads if you do. Halloween night in Derry is a sight to behold. 10's of thousands in fancy dress, i kid you not...Hope you's have a good trip up anyway lads, enjoyed my day in Sligo yesterday too..

Rory H
31/10/2006, 9:46 AM
will probably go as santa cos its halloween:p

Rory H
31/10/2006, 9:50 AM
are the santa suits in dunnes in sligo or in dunnes in derry???

Rory H
31/10/2006, 9:57 AM
cranmore or adaleide?:p

Rory H
01/11/2006, 11:14 AM
fancy dress was good yesterday..not so fancy..more hygenic:D and 11 santas or so as well....

02/11/2006, 1:14 PM
we should bring suits to bray too for last game!

Rory H
02/11/2006, 4:25 PM
thats the plan....maybe rented tuxedos either