View Full Version : Limerick tonight

don ramo
21/10/2006, 12:15 PM
any thoughts on the game last limerick game was a cracker refs were **** only a sweet strike from mickey at the death gave us what we deserved.:ball:

Dj Duffer
21/10/2006, 12:19 PM
Murphy and muckie are out, it will be a good game hopefully.. Cant see there being a good atendance though!

don ramo
21/10/2006, 12:37 PM
thought mucky was back considering he came on as sub last week, should still baet them was at last away game to limerick they were woefull, seem to be lookin better now but i think we should still beat them:cool:

Dj Duffer
21/10/2006, 1:38 PM
Murphy and muckie got injured in the 21s game during the week, according to the echo anyway..

21/10/2006, 2:20 PM
we better beat them for the sake of my sig..

always love watching those clowns that travel down at the final whistle when we win!! :D :D especially the big balding fellow!:p

Dj Duffer
21/10/2006, 2:36 PM
Has the old stand been demolished because it sure is lashing rain outside?!

don ramo
21/10/2006, 4:55 PM
annilated :D

Rebal Boy
21/10/2006, 11:31 PM
Very good win for Rams tonight. Made hard work of it towards the end, but era a win is a win and it keeps them in with an outside chance anyway. Very small crowd thee. I'd say around 150 max. Shame really. It was a good game.

22/10/2006, 1:16 PM
more than 150 bud

don ramo
22/10/2006, 6:33 PM
worthy winners and ended up a great night for a game of football, to bad the ref didnt allow it to flow as much as he could have other than that great game the pitch was nice and slick some good movments lets build on this with kildare (away) next and then the run in gainst harps (home) galway (away) and finally rovers in coleman park lerts win them all and see where we stand id say we might go up a place if we do, 3rd is better then 4th we need to make progress this year if to build on next year when we need to get promotion so lets have a good end to the season and take something good out of it:ball: :ball: :ball:

22/10/2006, 7:10 PM
more than 150 bud

well i was talking to some of your committee members and they said 150 tops of which about 50 were over the age of 14 the rest was like a creche. Poor game overall i thought with lots of long aimless hoofing by both sides. Two teams combined put a total of 6 shots on target all night!!! Real end of season fair. And nismo ur missing a few results as ive said before to ye..and dan remo "worthy winners" please

don ramo
22/10/2006, 7:40 PM
ye were given a few oportunities to win by the ref we played the better pasing during the game from what i understand the better team are the worthy winners i think we can agree the softer free kick were given to limerick from what i saw supose the other side see differently parts were borin ill agree with that but wasnt all bad:p

LFC in Exile
25/10/2006, 10:13 AM
Lads, if anyone thinks that was even close to being a good game of football I worry about them. It was awful, awful stuff. from both sides. For the first time in a long time I stood wondering what the hell I was doing in the rain watching this rubbish. It was dreadful. There were no redeeming features at all. :ball:

As for the crowd, I'm stunned if it was 150. As Gael said above there were a lot of kids at it - do you let them in for free or something? I suppose at least it keeps them off the roads.

don ramo
25/10/2006, 2:22 PM
you seemed to have seen a lot of stuff there, not drop of rain fell during the game and that game was a lot easier to watch than that crap ye played in yer ground last time we played ye there get it up front dont pass just kick and hope ye done it around dunno 20 times so thsi was a better showin :p

25/10/2006, 2:26 PM
Don, I don't mean any offence but your post's would be easier to understand if you used the odd full stop ;) :)

don ramo
25/10/2006, 2:34 PM
:D grammer wasnt my strong point at school well i think its grammer

25/10/2006, 2:58 PM
...it's Grammar but I see your point ;) :D

25/10/2006, 3:39 PM
...it's Grammar but I see your pointIt's actually grammar. You only use a capital letter when starting a sentence with such a word.

:D ;) :D

25/10/2006, 4:37 PM
well i was talking to some of your committee members and they said 150 tops of which about 50 were over the age of 14 the rest was like a creche. Poor game overall i thought with lots of long aimless hoofing by both sides. Two teams combined put a total of 6 shots on target all night!!! Real end of season fair. And nismo ur missing a few results as ive said before to ye..and dan remo "worthy winners" please

kids...that one was funny there about 5 years ago ya sad person.i could say a few things about games in 'yere' ground but id probably get banned.

good win for rams..although we should of won 5 or 6 nil.

don ramo
25/10/2006, 5:45 PM
:D G-r-a-m-m-e-r

25/10/2006, 7:51 PM
:D G-r-a-m-m-e-r


don ramo
26/10/2006, 12:07 AM
no "i" or "a" grammer unless thats french for grammer is it:rolleyes:i dunno:eek:

26/10/2006, 11:19 AM
Theres no bloody 'e' in grammar either...:mad:

Have a look yourself (http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLG,GGLG:2005-30,GGLG:en&q=grammar)

don ramo
26/10/2006, 11:52 AM
ladeda i dont care how the ******* word is spelt, it has no meanng here, i vote we ban it from the sight its now officially a swear word :p

26/10/2006, 10:06 PM
kids...that one was funny there about 5 years ago ya sad person.i could say a few things about games in 'yere' ground but id probably get banned.

good win for rams..although we should of won 5 or 6 nil.

no kids as in children, youths, persons under the age of maybe 16 thats what im saying its not meant to be funny. Say what you like about our ground i havent mentioned yours in fact i think its commig along nicely. Good luck with the new stand