View Full Version : Scully,Rovers and Athlone fined

20/10/2006, 9:05 AM
according to todays star.Scully was fined €5,000 (€3000 suspended) plus a 3 match touchline ban for remarks on TV3's Eircom Weekly while Rovers and Athlone have been fined €3,000 and €1,500 respectively for their fans behaviour at the recent cup game.

20/10/2006, 9:20 AM
Or what the remarks were?

20/10/2006, 9:34 AM
This is unreal - I don't care what Scully said on EL weekly, its hard to see how what someone says in a TV studio or in a Newspaper is any business of the FAI. If anything he said was liable to bring the association into disrepute - a difficult concept, I accept - then they have recourse to the courts; I would have thought the FAI's remit extended only as far as conduct on or beside a football pitch, or in the running of a football club insofar as it affects the dealings of that club with the FAI

20/10/2006, 9:40 AM
Unfortunately every club got a letter when the Man from Del Monte became CEO of the FAI warning them on Articles in their Programmes,Websites or public comment knocking the FAI so were all censored. Its worse than Fianna Fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20/10/2006, 9:50 AM
This is unreal - I don't care what Scully said on EL weekly, its hard to see how what someone says in a TV studio or in a Newspaper is any business of the FAI. If anything he said was liable to bring the association into disrepute - a difficult concept, I accept - then they have recourse to the courts; I would have thought the FAI's remit extended only as far as conduct on or beside a football pitch, or in the running of a football club insofar as it affects the dealings of that club with the FAI

I've no problem with them fining people for off field stuff. Pretty much every league does ("bringing the game into disrepute") but people are getting fined for criticising the FAI and thats a disgrace. Who has harmed Irish football more this year, Ollie Byrne (with his constant legal threats) or Scully (with his comments)? But then the FAI don't care about Irish football, they care about the FAI. ****ing ****S!

Chances are scully's comments were spot on.

20/10/2006, 10:08 AM
This is gettting waaaaay out of hand.

They are going to kill the domestic game stone dead. Well, whatever is left of it.

Scary stuff.

Joe Strummer
20/10/2006, 10:26 AM
Here is the article

20/10/2006, 10:28 AM
So it's Jason McGuinness' fault. :)

20/10/2006, 10:40 AM
Utterly ridiculous. There's nothing objectionable in anything quoted in that article.

20/10/2006, 10:44 AM
Absolutely crazy, as the article says you won't get anyone actually giving interviews anymore or it'll be limited to the usual cliches without any actual substance.

Billy Lord
20/10/2006, 10:46 AM
Nothing Scully could've said would undermine the EL as much as the league's own actions. Really, these exiles from Killinascully and Father Ted land are beyond parody and must be treated with the utter contempt they so richly deserve.

20/10/2006, 10:51 AM
Absolutely crazy, as the article says you won't get anyone actually giving interviews anymore or it'll be limited to the usual cliches without any actual substance.

Mission accomplished. That's the original intent behind the fining process flagged at the start of the season - get used to it - this is the way delaney runs things - he's utterly obssessed with self image and PR.

He's making a rod for his back though.

20/10/2006, 10:52 AM
Scully was dead right, I'd say we all hope next seasons set up will irradicate the embarrassing fiascos of recent seasons
FAO FAI I am in no way connected to Galway United F.C. Please dont fine me:D :D :D

NY Hoop
20/10/2006, 11:05 AM
Unfortunately every club got a letter when the Man from Del Monte became CEO of the FAI warning them on Articles in their Programmes,Websites or public comment knocking the FAI so were all censored. Its worse than Fianna Fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Limerick must have not got that letter then.

Disgrace you can get fined for saying the truth. Everyone knows the rule book needs tightening. Osam agreed on that show. Will he get fined?


20/10/2006, 11:41 AM
This is a disgrace; the league are behaving like the politburo. Scully said nothing which isn't true- he didn't mock anyone or talk anything down, except the rulebook; ironically the same book which is now being flung in his direction. I recall his comments on the night and my head is still sore from nodding furiously in agreement. I have to stop now before I say something which may get me fined; can they fine fans?

20/10/2006, 11:51 AM
If Scully did anything wrong they should just get Philo to deal with it.

20/10/2006, 11:56 AM
'he who shall not be named' you mean?

good oul Philo - heard his version of the Scullygate incident the other day - he should be made head of the FAI that man!

20/10/2006, 12:12 PM
So, by the logic being applied here, if an eL manager was asked whether or not that think Delanely is doing a good job, they would have to answer yes. Or if they were asked if they were happy with the current state of the league. Or if asked if the league could do a better job on promotion.
Presmably, a manager must say that he thinks that the league is wonderful in every aspect of its being. If not, he gets fined....? :confused:

Truly baffling.

20/10/2006, 12:21 PM
So, by the logic being applied here, if an eL manager was asked whether or not that think Delanely is doing a good job, they would have to answer yes.

Best to do a Fr Jack and answer "That would be an ecumenical matter"

20/10/2006, 12:31 PM
A joke, a bleedin joke. Ok, the clubs were informed that they weren't allowed to say bad things about the authoritarian police state... sorry league, but good God, what a farce this league is. Of course, when the FAI take over, it'll all be hunky dory!

20/10/2006, 12:51 PM
according to todays star.Scully was fined €5,000 (€3000 suspended) plus a 3 match touchline ban for remarks on TV3's Eircom Weekly while Rovers and Athlone have been fined €3,000 and €1,500 respectively for their fans behaviour at the recent cup game.

Wait...does this mean someone at FAI was actually watching Eircom League Weekly? :eek:

Student Mullet
20/10/2006, 12:55 PM
So, by the logic being applied here, if an eL manager was asked whether or not that think Delanely is doing a good job, they would have to answer yes. Or if they were asked if they were happy with the current state of the league. Or if asked if the league could do a better job on promotion.
Presmably, a manager must say that he thinks that the league is wonderful in every aspect of its being. If not, he gets fined....? :confused:

Truly baffling.Do you remember the episode of The Simpsons where Bart had magical powers and whenever anything unusual happened, everyone said, "It's good that Bart did that" because he'd turn them into a turkey if they didn't?

20/10/2006, 12:56 PM
If Scully did anything wrong they should just get Philo to deal with it.

Or what ever woman he hides behind

pineapple stu
20/10/2006, 1:00 PM
Do you remember the episode of The Simpsons where Bart had magical powers and whenever anything unusual happened, everyone said, "It's good that Bart did that" because he'd turn them into a turkey if they didn't?
And do you remember the issue of STIG when we parodied that exact episode into a John Delaney comment?

Being prescient hurts at times... :(

20/10/2006, 1:45 PM
There was more freedom of speech in tinpot dictatorships thats there is about Irish football these days.What a joke that people can be fined for giving an honest opinion.Who do these people think they are?We better all keep our heads down or they'll start fining fans next.

20/10/2006, 6:28 PM
This is what it was like under the old days of Soviet or East German football tbh - with Delaney and his goons posing as the NKVD or the Stasi.

Looks like Delaney is trying to lessen the financial shortfall from his retarded experiment with the goon from Dundalk which has backfired spectacularly.

Every fine of €3,000 equates approximately to 75-odd empty seats in Croke Park...

21/10/2006, 10:44 PM
that issues the fines wouldnt know a cashflow statement from a big fat ham sandwich. one steward in galway and myself were fined 500 each for explaining to the ref at our home game versus harps that the rules state you cant score form a throw in. the comments were made politely and i made mine away from the pitch. 30 yrs goin to games and 10yrs stewarding voluntarily, needless to say i havent stewarded since. no judge in the country would fine you that for a 1st offence. but delaney and his big burly sandwich lovers gotta fill the coffers

i no longer am involved in any capacity with gufc, i just go to the games, no doubt i shall expect a summons from the delaneys 2 big fat sandwich mafia in the west

22/10/2006, 8:56 AM
That's scandalous

22/10/2006, 11:32 AM
I am not a defender of eircom league officials but pat (who is a member of the league ) was basicly saying that was they got it wrong again when in fact they had not, never heard pat slagging of officers from shamrock rovers as they were at least partly responsible

22/10/2006, 7:24 PM
I think clubs should take a united stance against this and fans should do their bit by making banners etc to show their disgust and opposition to this Goebbelsesque censorship. This **** cannot be tolerated.

Billy Lord
22/10/2006, 10:13 PM
The clubs elect the morons who run this league!

NY Hoop
23/10/2006, 1:36 PM
I am not a defender of eircom league officials but pat (who is a member of the league ) was basicly saying that was they got it wrong again when in fact they had not, never heard pat slagging of officers from shamrock rovers as they were at least partly responsible



23/10/2006, 6:24 PM
how do you mean rovers did nothing wrong or pat did not say or imply anything, let be fair ny when have you ever heard a manager say "my clubs ****ed up and cost me the league" it seems its earier to blame some poor nameless sod in the el office

24/10/2006, 2:06 PM
What the hell did Athlone fans do to deserve a €1,500 fine?:confused:

Conor H
24/10/2006, 2:12 PM
What the hell did Athlone fans do to deserve a €1,500 fine?:confused:

Let off a flare anyway.

24/10/2006, 3:40 PM
What the hell did Athlone fans do to deserve a €1,500 fine?:confused:

Plastic bottle thrown from the stand towards the dugouts when Shams scored.

24/10/2006, 5:09 PM
your clubs signed up to this whole process so if you want to look for morons look closer.
P.S. the eircom league is managed by the clubs