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01/10/2002, 11:10 PM
fai.ie (http://www.fai.ie)

FAI presents club licensing system - 30 September 2002

The FAI met with representatives of eircom League clubs at a specially convened meeting in Dublin on Monday to present its plans for the proposed FAI National Club Licensing System.

The club licensing system has been adapted from a UEFA template and clubs must meet the licensing requirements before the start of the 2004 season.

The primary objective of club licensing is to improve quality standards, both on and off the field. In order to gain a licence, clubs in the eircom League will have to prove they meet minimum requirements, such as having:
· Sufficient safety procedures and contingency plans;
· Adequate spectator facilities, including clean toilets, catering outlets and disabled areas;
· A youth development programme staffed by qualified coaches, with teams from Under 12s;
· Transparent financial structures and no overdue debts on transfers or players' wages.

A Draft FAI National Club Licensing Manual was distributed prior to today's meeting and clubs will have the coming weeks to provide their feedback on all aspects of the proposed system. In order for the clubs to be granted admission to the eircom League, they will have to meet minimum licensing criteria for either the Premier Division or the First Division according to their status.

The FAI Premier Division licence meets UEFA's minimum requirements for national top divisions, and will therefore also entitle Irish clubs to be granted admission to UEFA Cup competitions. Any club that is refused a licence will not be granted admission to the eircom League or any of the UEFA Cup competitions.

FAI General Secretary Brendan Menton said the licensing system is designed to stimulate continuous and shared improvement in club infastructure, finance, administration and sporting development.

"The Club Licensing System will prove a challenge for our clubs but the Association firmly believes that it is vital to improve the structure of senior football in Ireland. The Association will be devoting significant effort to ensuring the success of this new initiative," said Mr Menton.

The FAI will govern the licensing system and commit substantial resources to ensure that clubs are expertly monitored, assessing and advised. The FAI will also appoint an independent licensing body to ensure clubs receive equald and fair treatment.

Chairman of the eircom League Michael Hyland encouraged clubs to meet the challenge of the new licensing system, saying that benefits would accrue to clubs that offer a high quality product to their fans, to the visiting media and to their playing and coaching staff.

The meeting also included a presentation by UEFA Project Leader Marcel Benz. Mr Benz stated that the FAI system was integral to a broader UEFA Club Licensing System, which had been approved for implementation earlier this year by the UEFA Executive Committee.

Different versions of club licensing have been in existence for some years in a number of European countries, including France and Germany, and eight countries successfully piloted their own systems last year. UEFA's ambition is to ensure that by the start of the 2004 European campaign, hundreds of European clubs in all 52 Member Associations will have achieved a common set of licensing standards.

To view the FAI National Club Licensing Manual Executive Summary, click here (http://www.fai.ie/NR/rdonlyres/egdy2gfstf766khielp2ry5jwtktcjjupvl767zmftyb35xyye f5uvlu5a7jmdttlbybrj4beoqg2c/ExecSumm1.pdf)

Being optimistic, we shouldn't have to worry about the Stadium side of things, but theres still alot of other off field stuff that has to be sorted out.

02/10/2002, 1:52 PM
Originally posted by atfconline
but theres still alot of other off field stuff that has to be sorted out.
I reckon that goes for every club in the country. This could put a lot of clubs in danger, but knowing the FAI they´ll just publish it, forget about it and never implement it, same as usual.

10/10/2002, 11:26 PM
straaaaaaange...how did this post get in here?! I thought I only posted it in the Town section.

Anyways yes, most clubs will have plenty to do. However, most clubs will also have to do a fair bit on their grounds as well , at least we have a jump on all of them.

Thing is though, it's not just a FAI thing, it's coming from UEFA so they can't just forget about. I think it's a good thing in general, should have happened years ago. I would just prefer to have someone other than the FAI helping us out implementing it.

17/10/2002, 9:04 AM
Well for what it's worth Limerick's chairman seems happy enough that we'll manage it all. Personally I'm not convinced, especially not in Jackman Dump. No doubting that we are making progress in the right direction at last (though after the rudderless latter years of Fr.Joe's reign it was inevitable) but this might all be a bridge too soon...

17/10/2002, 9:17 AM
I was talking to Brendan Dillon (UCD's general manager) after the game on Friday and he was saying that we have major ground developments planned to comply with this. If we don't we're out of the premier apparently. He seems fairly confodent of getting the money for a three sided, 3000 seater ground (only €1.5m apparently). It looks like it might actually be acted on this time.

17/10/2002, 1:23 PM
Originally posted by Schumi
If we don't we're out of the premier apparently.
Apparently?! When was the last time you looked at the tables Schumi boy :D ;)

18/10/2002, 10:04 AM
We're only 4 off Bray after a dreadful start to the season. If we start to play, we'll end up ahead of them. And don't forget that we still have Cork to play at home!

18/10/2002, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Schumi
And don't forget that we still have Cork to play at home!

Division 1 so... :D

18/10/2002, 11:46 AM
You haven't been going to away games then I take it:p

18/10/2002, 11:52 AM
like i say... you aint seen me, RIGHT!!! ;)