View Full Version : BBC NI - Derry City FC ident

17/10/2006, 11:45 AM
Has anyone spotted this yet on BBC?

It has been on a few times since the weekend, between programmes.


17/10/2006, 12:11 PM
That's a great wee video.

Presents a very positive image of the club.

Great fan shots from Paris as well.

The odds of RTE ever doing something similar.....? :rolleyes:

17/10/2006, 12:13 PM
saw it during the week

very impressed. presents a good strong image of dc

17/10/2006, 3:18 PM
That's a great wee video.

Presents a very positive image of the club.

Great fan shots from Paris as well.

The odds of RTE ever doing something similar.....? :rolleyes:

Are you joking RTE the GAA/RUGBY TV station.Surely you know why it was buit in the deep south of Dublin 4 ,real Hoiniken/ryndabout country,and they have to show all the GAA matches cause of the culcthy politicians and parish priests.

Well done to Derry again even if they catch Shels before the fat lady sings!!!

17/10/2006, 3:22 PM
Super little video....... Makes Derry actually look like a top european club !

17/10/2006, 3:35 PM
That's a great wee video.

Presents a very positive image of the club.

Great fan shots from Paris as well.

The odds of RTE ever doing something similar.....? :rolleyes:

You see there are benefits to coming under the governance of the British Broadcasting Corporation. ;)

Seriously though, the BBC are the best in the world.

Calcio Jack
17/10/2006, 3:58 PM
That's a great wee video.

Presents a very positive image of the club.

Great fan shots from Paris as well.

The odds of RTE ever doing something similar.....? :rolleyes:

Boo hoo...the Mrs Kenny whining continues... maybe you should consider reapplying for membership of your own local league and you could have your local TV station cover your games by showing a one minute clip every Saturday afternoon instead of moaning about our National TV station to whom the residents of Derry don't pay any licence fee for the very good reason that they are residents of a foreign jurisdiction...

17/10/2006, 4:05 PM
Oh oh.Here we go.......

Great clip by the way. Was on last night before Eastenders as well, primetime.

17/10/2006, 4:13 PM
Boo hoo...the Mrs Kenny whining continues... maybe you should consider reapplying for membership of your own local league and you could have your local TV station cover your games by showing a one minute clip every Saturday afternoon instead of moaning about our National TV station to whom the residents of Derry don't pay any licence fee for the very good reason that they are residents of a foreign jurisdiction...

'Similar' meaning for other EL clubs. Not Derry.

Interesting to hear that you'd hate to see RTE do something similar for the EL clubs from the Republic.

Just cuz Rovers are in the basement league, doesn't mean you should want to stop other clubs in the south from having their moment in the sun....

17/10/2006, 6:00 PM
Boo hoo...the Mrs Kenny whining continues... maybe you should consider reapplying for membership of your own local league and you could have your local TV station cover your games by showing a one minute clip every Saturday afternoon instead of moaning about our National TV station to whom the residents of Derry don't pay any licence fee for the very good reason that they are residents of a foreign jurisdiction...In case you haven't noticed the Derry urban area spreads over the border in 3 directions and many of our fans live in the Irish Republic, with no point in Derry being more than 3 miles from the Border.

But then again should I expect anything else from the fans of a club who brought their passports to the Brandywell a few years back?

I'd also love to see what your "mates" from Belfast think of your enlightened attitude to geopolitics.

Take it down from the mast.....

17/10/2006, 8:59 PM
In case you haven't noticed the Derry urban area spreads over the border in 3 directions and many of our fans live in the Irish Republic, with no point in Derry being more than 3 miles from the Border.

But then again should I expect anything else from the fans of a club who brought their passports to the Brandywell a few years back?

I'd also love to see what your "mates" from Belfast think of your enlightened attitude to geopolitics.

Take it down from the mast.....

Go easy on the poor lad ORA.

Seems the Rovers fans have only recently found out about Bohemians unionist beginnings, and are now trying to out-orange them at every opportunity.

Shamrock Rangers FC - Loyalist club of the 26 occupied counties.....

17/10/2006, 9:10 PM
Saw it last night and while I wasn't paying close attention, it seemed to show the club and fans in a great light.

However, it struck me as a bit odd that the Beeb would be banging on about local coverage of local sport, given that they probably won't even be showing highlights of any of Derry's games in the League run-in. Kinda smacked of bandwagon-jumping in the aftermath of Derry's UEFA run.

Then again, maybe I'm just too cynical.

17/10/2006, 9:24 PM
Super little video....... Makes Derry actually look like a top european club !

Well we are!!:D :D

Saw it last night and while I wasn't paying close attention, it seemed to show the club and fans in a great light.

However, it struck me as a bit odd that the Beeb would be banging on about local coverage of local sport, given that they probably won't even be showing highlights of any of Derry's games in the League run-in. Kinda smacked of bandwagon-jumping in the aftermath of Derry's UEFA run.

Then again, maybe I'm just too cynical.

It does smack of badnwagon jumping. Havnt covered anythin about us since Paris, just a mention here and there about our results

17/10/2006, 9:26 PM
The odds of RTE ever doing something similar.....? :rolleyes:

Not a chance is the answer, they lick the gaahballers ass's instead... :mad:

A face
17/10/2006, 10:21 PM
Hang on a second, where were the BBC before this Euro run?

All the same its a great clip and perfectly sums up why its good to support your own.

It shows RTE up for being the pathetic little company (masquerading as a National Broadcaster) that it is. They are so cringe worthy bad its not believable.

alabama rover
18/10/2006, 6:06 AM
'Similar' meaning for other EL clubs. Not Derry.

Interesting to hear that you'd hate to see RTE do something similar for the EL clubs from the Republic.

Just cuz Rovers are in the basement league, doesn't mean you should want to stop other clubs in the south from having their moment in the sun....

From a Rovers Fan...... Great Footage and exposure.... first class production.....Congrats!


Calcio Jack
18/10/2006, 7:59 AM
'Similar' meaning for other EL clubs. Not Derry.

Interesting to hear that you'd hate to see RTE do something similar for the EL clubs from the Republic.

Just cuz Rovers are in the basement league, doesn't mean you should want to stop other clubs in the south from having their moment in the sun....

I think you are completely missing the point... ie that RTE is the National TV station for the ROI funded by people living in the ROI... you are not part of that so have no right to comment IMO or complain about how they go about their business... we've already had to listen to Kenny moaning about your isolation etc after the recent game against Shels... so if you are so unhappy then as I suggest go back and play in your own local league....

As for what Rovers currently playing in Div 1 has to with it is beyond me... but I would say when you joined the LOI you were more than happy to play in "the basement league" as you call it , you seem to of forgotten that.

18/10/2006, 8:21 AM
We asked TG4 about doing something similiar as our game against
Galway is the 1first ever 1st Division game to be shown live.

They said ... No.

18/10/2006, 8:53 AM
I wonder if RTE get any money from Sky, for retransmtting their channels into the North via satellite?

Do RTE count Northern Irish viewers in their viewing figures?

If the answer to either of the above questions is yes, then viewers in NI also partly fund RTE through subscriptions and advertising revenue.

18/10/2006, 9:53 AM
The fact that The Donegal Villages of Muff, Bridgend and killea have hundreds if not a few thousand Derry people now resident there, with quite a few Derry City supporters amonst them, it sort of Fcuk's your arguement out the window Jack.

I have a house in Donegal so I have every right to whinge, now away back under that rock.

NY Hoop
18/10/2006, 10:07 AM
honest to jaysus....why do you shams fans hav to be like this all of the time...someone else is getting a bit of attention and ur simply jealous cause u hav had none for some time and there is houses on ur ground :cool:
ur the ones with the "great" links up north, and as was said before, ur mates in belfast mightnt agree with ur statements.....this ist aimed at all shams fans either,, just the 1 or 2 that decided to post their metadone induced drivvvle on this subject!! fair play derry.good coverage for a great club....see yehs in a couple of weeks!

Quality:D It's between this and dcfcstalker's last post here for the award for absolute lunacy.


18/10/2006, 10:41 AM
I wonder if RTE get any money from Sky, for retransmtting their channels into the North via satellite?

Do RTE count Northern Irish viewers in their viewing figures?

If the answer to either of the above questions is yes, then viewers in NI also partly fund RTE through subscriptions and advertising revenue.

of course they count the viewing figures, and are in direct competition with UTV for advertising revenue,

and what the one rovers muppet failed to read is that a large section of our support (me included and ORA above for a start) actually does pay for a tv licience, and do have a right to complain,

18/10/2006, 11:07 AM
The fact that The Donegal Villages of Muff,

How could any organisation take seriously the views of people that live in
a village named after a ladies genitals.

Calcio Jack
18/10/2006, 11:08 AM
of course they count the viewing figures, and are in direct competition with UTV for advertising revenue,

and what the one rovers muppet failed to read is that a large section of our support (me included and ORA above for a start) actually does pay for a tv licience, and do have a right to complain,

Fair enough any individual who is resident in the ROI and pays their RTE licence fee is entitled to complaing about anything that is or isn't shown on RTE. So following your logic no doubt we'll expect that RTE in future will start to show live Polish matches, the odd nigerian game etc to cater for the requirements of the 400,000 people who have come to live here.Or maybe RTE will continue to feature items that they feel are of generous interest to a sizeable proportion of the 26 counties viewing public... that's a "call" they are entitled to make

Still IMO Derry City as an entity aren't entitled to moan about lack of coverage on RTE.... to the best of my knowledge Derry City FC is still located in Northern Ireland and thus the ROI's national broadcaster RTE owes them nothing... so as I say why don't you just relocate to your own local league .... the Eircom league accomdated you at a time when you couldn't play locally, you should now be good enough to thank us for that and go back.

Calcio Jack
18/10/2006, 11:48 AM
:eek: :eek: god almighty....

I thought this was meant to be a discussion board... care to engage in some rational debate or is the above the best you have to offer ?

NY Hoop
18/10/2006, 11:56 AM
Way above judging by his posts.

Calcio what you are saying is very controversial:D


Calcio Jack
18/10/2006, 12:19 PM
no its just the stupidness of that post astounded me lads....this started out as a well deserved pat on the back for derry, and a comment saying rte dont seem to b doing much to propmote our national league...one is well deserved, the other tue...so whats the problem?? anygood publicity for the league r a team in it is welcome....derry, who may not be in the republic of ireland are part of the league ( or the one above, in your case ) that our teams play in, so would a well done for being in the lime light not go astray? rather than nit picking, cause your team is in a lower league...i didnt see any one from other clubs bring an issueup with the post........

Well what's stupid for one man is a work of genius for another, so suggest you engage in the normal protocol of accepting that others have the right to express their views without then having to enjure immature name calling such as your use of the word "gimp".....

In relation to the issue in question... I don't have any problem with the league receiving some good exposure...God knows now we are under the auspicies of the FAI we'll need every bit we can get.

My issue is with what I see as a continous attitude of moaning that seems to emanate from Derry (Kenny's recent outburst frankly was emabarassing) and IMO I don't believe that Derry City FC are entitled to make such comments, of course that doesn't mean I don't acknowledge their right to make them. Also if Derry City FC are that unhappy with both RTE and the FAI, they do have the option of relocating back to the Irish League. On that point I feel quiet strongly, in that I think they should now be politely asked to return there. They joined as I said before the LOI under extraordinary circumstances and as those circumstances no longer pertain I think the debate re Derry remaining in the Eircom League needs to be opened up.

At a time when the FAI are looking for a new team to apply to join the league, I would doubt very much that they would entertain an application from a team based in the North.... thus following that logic surely it is time to request Derry ity to return to the Irish league, would you agree ??

Finally saying I am nitpicking about this because Rovers are currently playing in Div 1, IMO is frankly nonsensical, why would that make any difference to my argument...perhaps you'd like to explain ??

18/10/2006, 12:31 PM
In other words - the jumped-up northerners have the cheek to complain about something and they should feck off back to where they came from?!?!

Perhaps Cork City should be told to join the Munster Senior League, after Rico's complaints earlier in the season?

Dublin & District League - thats what some people want.

18/10/2006, 12:57 PM
i dont think they should be asked to leave firstly...without doubt imho they have the best fans in the league and bring an awful lot to it...their european exploits have been a great advertisement for the league, a number of people i know who dont follow the eague have even commentyed that it must be getting much better - this is alwaysw welcome as they mite decide to take in a few games...with regards to the fact yous are in div 1, i think theres a bit of jealousy on your behaf...being the "big club" and al that...i may b wrong but as you said, people are entitled to their opinion....another note - has there been any trouble with derry fans this year or in any recent years....the same question doesnt need to b asked about shams, as it answers itself with a most bdefinate YES - another reason why they are a great additrion to the league...if we are talking about promoting the league in a positive manner, then maybe a team that can be replaced lies a little bit closer to home than you think...and im not talking about bohis :D

Whatever about the valaditity of this argument, I don't a Sligo fan can get on any moral high-horse regarding behaviour of fans.

Yes, Derry fans are well behaved. As is the majority of clubs in the eL. Rovers do have their problems, as do a few other clubs with Sligo being one of them.

Getting back to the point -

A. Fantastic clip and will only shed Derry and the league on a whole in a good light.

B. Any club on this island would have been waiting a long day in hell for RTE to do something similar. All the same, BBC don't show eL games live (nor IL for that matter), while RTE do.

Calcio Jack
18/10/2006, 1:18 PM
[QUOTE=dcfc_1928;558272]In other words - the jumped-up northerners have the cheek to complain about something and they should feck off back to where they came from?!?!

Is that not a tad over the top and and a very disrespectful way to refer them ?

To be clear on this I think a rational debate is required in relation to Derry City's continued membership of the Eircom league... in fact I'd like to see it widened to include a debate about an all Ireland league. However unless we are going to develop an all Ireland League... then I'm of the view that Derry C should retunr to the Irish League as IMO that is their natural home and their membership of the Eircom should only be a tempoary arrangement brought by circumstances that no longer exist.

Calcio Jack
18/10/2006, 1:31 PM
i dont think they should be asked to leave firstly...without doubt imho they have the best fans in the league and bring an awful lot to it...their european exploits have been a great advertisement for the league, a number of people i know who dont follow the eague have even commentyed that it must be getting much better - this is alwaysw welcome as they mite decide to take in a few games...with regards to the fact yous are in div 1, i think theres a bit of jealousy on your behaf...being the "big club" and al that...i may b wrong but as you said, people are entitled to their opinion....another note - has there been any trouble with derry fans this year or in any recent years....the same question doesnt need to b asked about shams, as it answers itself with a most bdefinate YES - another reason why they are a great additrion to the league...if we are talking about promoting the league in a positive manner, then maybe a team that can be replaced lies a little bit closer to home than you think...and im not talking about bohis :D

Regarding the point as to whether Derry should remain in the Eircom league...accept you have your view but disagree with it.

Your incorrect assumption that I may be jealous is absurd. For me as a Rovers fan of over 30 years , whilst it may be disappointing that we are currently in Div 1, I have the unique IMO joy that every Rovers fan has of knowing in our hearts that we have a history and a future that allows us to bless the day that we were fortunate to be born into the "Rovers" family...so from our perspective jealousy isn't on the radar screen... indeed in my more reflective moments I feel nothing but a gentle pity for those of you who will never be able to share in the experience of being a fan of "Rovers" indeed I feel your life is something of a sham.

As for your comment about replacing a team closer to home.... well if you think that Sligo should be replaced then that surprises me...but no doubt you have your reasons.

NY Hoop
18/10/2006, 1:43 PM
I feel nothing but a gentle pity for those of you who will never be able to share in the experience of being a fan of "Rovers" indeed I feel your life is something of a sham.

As for your comment about replacing a team closer to home.... well if you think that Sligo should be replaced then that surprises me...but no doubt you have your reasons.

While I dont agree that Derry should be excluded from the league (IMO monaghan should not be in it as they bring nothing to it) the above is quality:D


Block G Raptor
18/10/2006, 2:13 PM
I've said it all along one thing the league needs is Marketing with High production values. If the Beeb can make derry look like a top european club then there is no reason RTE cant make the whole league look half decent. with a bit of clever editing and a good soundtrack a 30 sec. ad could make huge differences in attendances here

18/10/2006, 3:10 PM
" instead of moaning about our National TV station to whom the residents of Derry don't pay any licence fee for the very good reason that they are residents of a foreign jurisdiction..."[/QUOTE]

More the fool you for paying a licence to a National station that doesnt give a hoot about our standing in international club football because they are too busy covering local tribal squabbles in games that no other nation has even heard about never mind plays.

"And when my nation take its place among the nations of the Earth,then and only then shall my epitaph be written" Robert Emmett(paraphrasing)

18/10/2006, 3:38 PM
Here we go again.

Why is it always Shamrock Rovers fans who ahve to drag everything down in this forum ? Get over yourselves..... :rolleyes:

I raised the point that RTE wouldn't do something similar to the BBC ident. That doesn't say that I was demanding that RTE do something similar for Derry (what would be the point ?), nor does that represent an official DCFC statement. It means somethign similar for the other EL teams - you know, the ones in the Republic who have RTE as their national broadcaster. If teh likes of Calcio would rather let RTE off the hook and try to turn this debate into whether o ntDCFC should be in the Eircom League, then that actually puts you in a worse light than the goons in Donnybrook !

Incidentally - why is it always only Rovers fans who have a perverse fascination with Derry being a northern team, and all associated issues such as Sterling, the Queen etc ? Even Linfield fans have never felt the need to make an issue out of anything like that. I can only conclude that since Rovers's fans discovered Bohs unionist beginnings as a club, they have felt the need to embark on their usual petty one-upmanship by looking to out-orange them and any other team on the island.

Shamrock Rangers FC - The Loyalist Team of the 26 occupied counties....

NY Hoop
18/10/2006, 4:02 PM
Your last post shows you cannot be taken seriously.

One Rovers fan professes an opinion that Derry should not be in the league. I dont agree with it but he has the right to say so.

You are completely obsessed with Rovers and Rovers fans.

Talk of unionism and trying to out-orange each other is pathetic drivel consistent with the mind of a two year old. And the only consistency from you is WUMming.


Calcio Jack
18/10/2006, 4:10 PM
Here we go again.

Why is it always Shamrock Rovers fans who ahve to drag everything down in this forum ? Get over yourselves..... :rolleyes:

I raised the point that RTE wouldn't do something similar to the BBC ident. That doesn't say that I was demanding that RTE do something similar for Derry (what would be the point ?), nor does that represent an official DCFC statement. It means somethign similar for the other EL teams - you know, the ones in the Republic who have RTE as their national broadcaster. If teh likes of Calcio would rather let RTE off the hook and try to turn this debate into whether o ntDCFC should be in the Eircom League, then that actually puts you in a worse light than the goons in Donnybrook !

Incidentally - why is it always only Rovers fans who have a perverse fascination with Derry being a northern team, and all associated issues such as Sterling, the Queen etc ? Even Linfield fans have never felt the need to make an issue out of anything like that. I can only conclude that since Rovers's fans discovered Bohs unionist beginnings as a club, they have felt the need to embark on their usual petty one-upmanship by looking to out-orange them and any other team on the island.

Shamrock Rangers FC - The Loyalist Team of the 26 occupied counties....

And you accuse Rovers fans of dragging things down on this forum...

I for one don't have any "perverse fascination with Derry being a Northern team" I do however think it is time for them to return their home league.... if you find that perverse fair enough, I think it is the logical conclusion based on the fact that you in the past were a member of that league.

I do agree RTE could do more to promote the Eircom League but I am glad our manager doesn't spend his time on the air moaning about it. I do also stand over my contention that supporters and or spokes persons for Derry have a lesser entitlement to expect coverage from RTE than other 26 county based clubs have.

Your comments re Rovers and us out Oranging Bohs and calling us The Loyalist Team of the occupied 26 counties is IMO an insult not only to Rovers fans but also every citizen of the 26 counties. Furthermore it exposes a puerile nasty side to your character,which frankly adds nothing but a dose of bile to this debate and I think you might like to reconsider those comments and hopefully have the decency to withdraw them and I in turn will then have the graceiousness to accept that it was an unfortunate error of judgement that led yo to use them in the first instance..... or we could just forget about it have a laugh and move on

18/10/2006, 4:28 PM
I for one don't have any "perverse fascination with Derry being a Northern team" I do however think it is time for them to return their home league.... if you find that perverse fair enough, I think it is the logical conclusion based on the fact that you in the past were a member of that league.

Feel free to start a different thread on this topic then.

It would come down to a case of 'does the EL benefit from Derry's presence or not', and despite your little agenda I'm sure the vast majority on foot.ie will claim it does.

As for the notion of 'going back where we belong' - soccer in the Republic as a whole was actually a post-partition break-away movement from the Irish League in the north. Like Derry, Bohs and Shels were also former members of the Belfast-based Irish League. Perhaps the only natural conclusion that can therefore be drawn from your arguement is that we should all 'go back' to a single administration run out of Belfast - a sentiment that I would wholeheartedly support.

18/10/2006, 4:29 PM
Your last post shows you cannot be taken seriously.

One Rovers fan professes an opinion that Derry should not be in the league. I dont agree with it but he has the right to say so.

You are completely obsessed with Rovers and Rovers fans.

Talk of unionism and trying to out-orange each other is pathetic drivel consistent with the mind of a two year old. And the only consistency from you is WUMming.


Still smarting I see from making a fool of yourself on that thread re Wimbledon... :o

As they used to say in the Budweiser ads "Let it go Louis, let it go....."

NY Hoop
18/10/2006, 4:32 PM
Still smarting I see from making a fool of yourself on that thread re Wimbledon... :o

As they used to say in the Budweiser ads "Let it go Louis, let it go....."

Dear Obsessed,

It is very clear to all on this site who the fool is when you look at what you have posted. But feel free to ignore the valid points I made.

A nasty side to your character alright. And you're in politics?:eek:


18/10/2006, 4:35 PM
So following your logic no doubt we'll expect that RTE in future will start to show live Polish matches..

Incidentally - I see that Setanta are covering all of Poland's Euro 2008 qualifiers, which is smart business for them given the number of Poles in Britain and Ireland.

They're quite quick to see an opportunity In Setanta. Which may well explain why it was left to them to introduce a cross-border tournament, and also why they show more domnestic games thaN any other broadcaster north or south (with the possible exception of TG4).

18/10/2006, 4:37 PM
Dear Obsessed,

It is very clear to all on this site who the fool is when you look at what you have posted. But feel free to ignore the valid points I made.

A nasty side to your character alright. And you're in politics?:eek:


Give it a rest NY Hoop. I'm more than happy to be judged by my postings on Foot.ie over the years. I couldn't care less whether you are or not.

Now can you put the handbag down and leave us all to get on with talking about the football ? Thanks mucker.


NY Hoop
18/10/2006, 4:46 PM
Give it a rest NY Hoop. I'm more than happy to be judged by my postings on Foot.ie over the years. I couldn't care less whether you are or not.

Now can you put the handbag down and leave us all to get on with talking about the football ? Thanks mucker.


Give it a rest says obsessed?:D

The point is you're not talking about football. You go off on a consistent tangent against Rovers. Lose the chips on your shoulders. Note the way I dont slag off all Derry fans just because you are the one nutter amongst them who posts here.

Calcio made his points but you went radio rental as usual. I do feel sorry for you.



18/10/2006, 4:48 PM
Give it a rest says obsessed?:D

The point is you're not talking about football. You go off on a consistent tangent against Rovers. Lose the chips on your shoulders. Note the way I dont slag off all Derry fans just because you are the one nutter amongst them who posts here.

Calcio made his points but you went radio rental as usual. I do feel sorry for you.



Let it go dude.......

18/10/2006, 5:13 PM
so as I say why don't you just relocate to your own local league .... the Eircom league accomdated you at a time when you couldn't play locally, you should now be good enough to thank us for that and go back.The Eircom League "accomodated" us?!?!

We single handedly sustained the League for 5 years, in a period when everyone south of the border from club directors to publicans, shady Dubliners in flat caps who "minded your car"(whatever the fcuk that was all about?) to "3 bars for a pound" sellers all hastily bumped up their prices and got their pound of flesh when they saw the Northerns coming to town.

Your attitude is typical post-Celtic tiger rhetoric from an amnesiac nation with a very, very short memory.

The street runs two ways and the only way we will leave is as part of a united Irish league, which by the sound of your opinions, is something a 26 county nationalist like yourself would have no interest in anyway.

Derry being in the EL has been mutually beneficial and if you think otherwise, you're either in denial or you'd want to have a look at your political views.

18/10/2006, 9:02 PM
I've no problem with Rovers fans at all and have frequently praised them in the past so I'm not going to let one imbecile change my mind on that but I'm just glad he is in the vast minority of EL fans.

I'd love for Jack to explain to me why/how Northern Ireland is a great big love in and I can safely trot along to any ground in Ulster, he must know more about where I live than me!! 2 Setanta Cups and there is not a bit of bother in the province, eh?

When you are spouting off something other than ill informed opinion Free Stater I'll be more than happy to listen.

A face
18/10/2006, 9:20 PM
Alright lads .... back on topic now ..... you know what it is, read the title and the first few posts if you want to refresh your memory.

Any posts that drag it off topic again will be deleted, unless you can find a mod prepared to listen to that petty little squabble which is going nowhere.

Chill people, chill !!

19/10/2006, 4:27 PM
Oh lads do you not get bored of this S**T ? As i said before if you have a difference of opinion with DCFC Steve just let him win no matter how strongly you feel about the subject he just kills you with the length of does replies ! :p

You shoulda seen me with essays at school...... :D