View Full Version : The latest rumour - Alan Curbishley

13/10/2006, 10:37 AM
Heard Alan Curbishly is now in the frame as adviser in place of Robbo. This hand holding adviser routine is ridiculous. Why appoint a manager with a 2nd in command who is better qualified to manage than the manager himself?

The appointment of Stan has been strange from beginning to end (not that we've reached the end yet).

Noelys Guitar
13/10/2006, 11:41 AM
I completely agree. Even the dual manager thing ala Sweden, Stoke or Liverpool has never worked. I rate Curbishley as a manager but again we are back to madness time if he is going to be a "consultant". Surely if he was interested and then appointed it would only be a matter of time until he was full-time manager elsewhere. Now if Curbishley was to be handed the reins and Stan was to sit in the stand and call himself the gaffer! or become his assistant then that would work for me. At least Delaney seems to have knocked the Daglish rumour into touch.

Noelys Guitar
13/10/2006, 12:06 PM
From The BBC Gossip
Sir Bobby Robson is expected to stand down as international football consultant to Republic of Ireland due to ill health. (Independent)

With the FAI set to turn to ex-Charlton manager Alan Curbishley to replace him after deciding against Kenny Dalglish. (Daily Star

13/10/2006, 12:13 PM
Guardian seems to think Robson may stay on.

13/10/2006, 12:27 PM
What experience of international football does Curbishley have?

Has he ever managed a competitive game outside England at any level?

Dr. Ogba
13/10/2006, 12:54 PM
What experience of international football does Curbishley have?

Has he ever managed a competitive game outside England at any level?

I'd have to agree. I think Curbishly is a very good manager but to hire him as "international football consultant" when he has no international football experience is quite bizarre.

I really hope the FAI look further afield to see what continental options are available...

13/10/2006, 1:23 PM
I completely agree. Even the dual manager thing ala Sweden, Stoke or Liverpool has never worked. I rate Curbishley as a manager but again we are back to madness time if he is going to be a "consultant". Surely if he was interested and then appointed it would only be a matter of time until he was full-time manager elsewhere. Now if Curbishley was to be handed the reins and Stan was to sit in the stand and call himself the gaffer! or become his assistant then that would work for me. At least Delaney seems to have knocked the Daglish rumour into touch.

As I posted on another thread earlier:

I have no problems with Dalglish or Curblishley coming in to fill the role that Robson had. However, I do have one problem with it. Who is making the appointment? Is Staunton calling the shots? Is Delaney/FAI making the appointment over Staunton's head?

If Delaney/FAI are making the appointment, they are undermining Staunton. How does that make Staunton feel?

I said it before in an earlier post, I would have no problem with Dalglish coming in. I wouldn't have a problem with Curblishley coming in either. But if it is not what Staunton wants, then the FAI have two options. They either stick with Staunton and forget about his babysitter or they sack Staunton and appoint Dalglish/Curbishley/AN Other to the Manager's position.

Imagine if you were Manager and the FAI told you that they were going to bring in someone to watch over you, give you advice, etc. The FAI would basically be telling you that they are not confident you could do the job on your own. If it is Staunton who wants the guy in the stand, fair enough. If not, the FAI should forget about it or appoint someone to the Manager's job who they trust to do the job!!

13/10/2006, 1:28 PM
What experience of international football does Curbishley have?

Has he ever managed a competitive game outside England at any level?

Not sure that's important. Neither McCarthy nor J. Charlton had managed a team that had played in Europe to the best of my knowledge albeit both were experienced international players and J. Charlton had played in Europe. A top manager in the Premiership should be able to cope with managing the Irish international side since he will be dealing with players he would know.

13/10/2006, 1:32 PM
I think with Staunton we should either back or sack him. I am not a fan of his at all but this idea of an international consultant is rubbish, Curbishley will be offered job after job in England so he will be back at work within 6 months in my view. Let Staunton do the job or else get rid of him is my view, this idea of holding his hand is rubbish.

13/10/2006, 1:59 PM
Not sure that's important. Neither McCarthy nor J. Charlton had managed a team that had played in Europe to the best of my knowledge albeit both were experienced international players and J. Charlton had played in Europe. A top manager in the Premiership should be able to cope with managing the Irish international side since he will be dealing with players he would know.

I don't think anyone would question Curbishley as a candidte for manager but if he's brought in with the title "international football consulatant" he should know international football. For the record he'd be a super manager at this level IMO

13/10/2006, 3:43 PM
I'd leave Stan to his own devices if I could trust him but the man is mad stubborn.
Clearly he has demonstrated that he can be a catalyst in the restoration of some pride from a bad situation with a rope around his neck.
That's just one part of the equation. Will he now say, thanks Lee but next time don't call us....
Haven't a clue about Curbishley but I wouldn't mind having a tactically aware coach there, who is just as stubborn as Stan.

13/10/2006, 3:48 PM
Curbishley would be a good choice. Frankly, he'd make a better manager, but we're not going to get that now. :(

Noelys Guitar
13/10/2006, 4:06 PM
Staunton worries me in that he might play Kilbane and O'Shea together again in midfield. I don't think he will drop Carsley but he might. He might get his tactics wrong against San Marino (where guile will be needed to win). He brought us to unknown places with the 5-2 defeat against Cyprus. So nothing can be taken for granted even against San Marino at home. And I don't believe for a second that it was his idea to bring back Carsley and play him.

13/10/2006, 4:17 PM
I feel a bit like the ultra hypochondriac Woody Allen after he came out of the doctors office with the all clear results after weeks of tests.
Initial leap in the air euphoria but after 5 seconds it sinks in to him that he is inevitably going to die of something else some other time.

14/10/2006, 9:15 AM
I feel a bit like the ultra hypochondriac Woody Allen after he came out of the doctors office with the all clear results after weeks of tests.
Initial leap in the air euphoria but after 5 seconds it sinks in to him that he is inevitably going to die of something else some other time.

Best analogy I've heard to date. Hats off :)

14/10/2006, 1:42 PM
Why would Curbishley want to be an advisor? I can see why an older manager like Bobby would take the role, but I can't see Curbishley wanting it.

14/10/2006, 2:11 PM
Following on from James B's post (which I agree with, btw), there is also the question of money.
The job is basically that of Consultant to a part-time Manager. As such, you're really only talking a few weeks work a year.
Therefore, the choice facing the FAI is:
1. Allow Curbishley to combine the role with a club manager's job;
2. Pay him a huge wedge to ensure getting him exclusively;
3. Offer him a realistic package for the job.
Re. the first, I can't see that appealing to any decent club, even if the FAI were happy.
Re the second, I can't see the FAI being willing or able to do this.
As for the third, whilst Curbishley is not a greedy man by any means (he stayed at Charlton in the face of better paying offers), nonetheless, this would expect him to forego a salary perhaps five or six times more that would come with managing a big club in England.
It would seem to me to be made for someone coming to the end of their career, or in semi-retirement, such as Dalglish.
Whilst Staunton's job itself might just appeal to Curbishley (though I doubt it), I'd be very surprised if the FAI could persuade him to be a Consultant when he's just coming into the prime of his career.

Still, stranger things have happened; like the appointment of Staunton, for a start!

14/10/2006, 5:27 PM
Big Ron or Graham Taylor are more like it. :) The Curbishly rumour doesn't hold water.

14/10/2006, 8:52 PM
Graham Taylor are more like it.

There are enough turnips in greengrocer shops across the country besides importing one!!:eek: :D Do I not Like That!!:rolleyes:

Noelys Guitar
14/10/2006, 10:45 PM
Now lets get this straight. Graham Taylor as "International Consultant" to the "Gaffer". You would have Irish people worldwide on suicide watch. There would be mass confiscations of shoelaces and belts. High buildings would be off limits.

15/10/2006, 3:12 PM
i'd like to see David Pleat being offered the job, he makes some good observations in the article below that irish football should take on board.


15/10/2006, 3:40 PM
In case there was any confusion I was not suggesting these candidates as suitable, just more probable. I highly doubt that a man who was a short time ago a candidate for the England job and a successful manager in the Premiership would now slum it by becoming a consultant to Stan who is rapidly losing any credibilty ne created during his playing days.

Here is a quote from Stan on the Cyprus gae:

"Stephen Ireland played well on Saturday, Kevin Kilbane played well on Saturday. Unfortunately the back four didn't play well. I'm not blaming the midfield. I'm not blaming anyone, but if your back four don't play well you're not going to win games."

I'm not saying the back 4 played well, but we didn't have a midfield on Sat Stan so I suppose you couldn't blame the midfield? I think I see your logic. :rolleyes:

16/10/2006, 10:21 AM
No smoke without fire. Perhaps he was sounded out pending heavy defeat by the Czechs.

Still seems implausible though!

16/10/2006, 11:58 AM
i doubt Curbishely would take it, looking at the bottom of the Premiership a lot of managers are waiting to get the boot and he would hope to hop into a vacant seat anytime soon.......maybe he would go for west ham