View Full Version : Call to arms: White handkerchiefs.

08/10/2006, 10:05 AM
I don't think an internet petition will have the desired effect:

People going to the Czech game on Wednesday: don't forget the white hankies.

Spread the word.

08/10/2006, 11:24 AM
Delaney out! We need to let everyone see where the real problem lies.

08/10/2006, 11:36 AM
Ah yeah! blame Delaney for everythinig that has gone wrong with Irish football for the last 30 years. Blame Delaney for all the multiple ****-ups down in Cork, Dublin, elsewhere. Blame Delaney for last night. Blame Delaney for state that the eL is on. Blame Delaney for feeling ****ty today. Blame Delaney for the weather.

This could very well be the best thing that has ever happened to Irish soccer as it will finally now make people sit up and take stock of the state of the game in this country. Delaney's proposals to take over the league is a step in the right direction. We need branch & root reform of soccer in this country and calling for the resignation of the most articulate, professional and visionary CEO that the FAI has ever had is certainly not the answer. There is alot of incompetents involved in running soccer here but Delaney is not one of them. If anything he has now singlehandedly brought a breath of fresh air to the league. His new league model will revolutionise soccer in this country.

08/10/2006, 11:39 AM
I just want to see the Genesis report implemented.

08/10/2006, 11:43 AM
Ah yeah! blame Delaney for everythinig that has gone wrong with Irish football for the last 30 years.

This could very well be the best thing that has ever happened to Irish soccer as it will finally now make people sit up and take stock of the state of the game in this country.

Partizan, you're making a fool of yourself. You're loyalty is clouding your judgement. Delaney got rid of Kerr and vowed to replace him with a world class manager. He then hired Staunton. This is all down to Delaney. He will not stop until he has ruined the game. His plan for the eircom League is to convert all football clubs into fan clubs for English Premiership teams. See his praise of Sligo for proof.

08/10/2006, 12:06 PM
He will not stop until he has ruined the game. His plan for the eircom League is to convert all football clubs into fan clubs for English Premiership teams. See his praise of Sligo for proof.

Good God you'd swear he was Blofeld or some arch villan ffs intent on eatng all our babies. Its typical Cark anti-Waterford bias clouding your judgement. Delaney made an almighty arse up when he appointed Staunton. It was a gamble that blew up in his face. Brian Kerr was never up to the Ireland job either and what saved him from a worse fate was the re-emergence of Roy Keane. Having Brian Kerr in charge would not have made much difference to our qualification hopes. The fact of the matter, with or without Kerr we would simply have not qualified bacause a) the players arent there & b) 30 years of faliure have finally come home to roost and I believe will finally wake up the general public of the deep malaise that has been occuring in Irish soccer.

The Charlton years just papered over the cracks and now here we are over a decade later staring at the bare facts that football in this country from top to bottom is in a shambolic mess. Who's fault is that? Delaney's?

I think that its premature in calling for Delaney's head. How long has he being in the job? I think his new proposals will revolutionise in how this league is run given time. I'm not saying this because he's connected to WUFC but you cannot blame the ills and wrongs of 30 years at the door of just one man. Delaney ha snow been left carrying the can and its a job I dont envy. The result last night albeit depressing is perhaps the best thing that has happened ever to the game in this country - - ONE BIG WAKE UP CALL.

08/10/2006, 12:10 PM

Are you for real? Nothing is going to change while Delaney and Staunton have important roles in the FAI. There's no point waking up to the problems if you're not going to take any action to resolve them.

08/10/2006, 3:01 PM
I don't think an internet petition will have the desired effect:

People going to the Czech game on Wednesday: don't forget the white hankies.

Spread the word.

its not a bad idea...can you see it take off though...only got 800 euro for a foot.ie flag

do people care enough to do something...???

i really dont know...

08/10/2006, 3:20 PM
Partizan, you're making a fool of yourself. You're loyalty is clouding your judgement. Delaney got rid of Kerr and vowed to replace him with a world class manager. He then hired Staunton. This is all down to Delaney. He will not stop until he has ruined the game. His plan for the eircom League is to convert all football clubs into fan clubs for English Premiership teams. See his praise of Sligo for proof.

No, you are making a fool of yourself.

Talk about rhetoric.

His praise of Sligo for an innovative idea is "proof" that he wants to convert EVERY club into premiership fan clubs?? Ludicrous.

08/10/2006, 3:31 PM
No, you are making a fool of yourself.

Talk about rhetoric.

His praise of Sligo for an innovative idea is "proof" that he wants to convert EVERY club into premiership fan clubs?? Ludicrous.

Agreed. You'd swear by some of the C/\wkies here that John Delaney is the devil incarnate and to blame for all the fvck-ups of the last 30 odd years. John Delaney wants to bring the league kicking and screaming from the 1960s into the 21st century and this mullah comes up with a gem like that. Blaming Delaney for all the mess is simply throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Delaney is the new scapegoat, a patsy as you will. What about the incompetent crooks that have held prominent positions in the FAI? Louis Kilkcoyne anyone. Staunton should go but Delaney leaving (when all he wants to do is to bring some sort of professional set up to the league here for the first time ever) would bring ourselves into an even bigger disaster than we find ourselves in at present. Who would want the job of the FAI CEO? Answer nobody, its a poisoned chalice.

I wouldnt depend on Brady or Aldridge implementing long term structers for the eL. Would they fvck.

08/10/2006, 3:50 PM
Partizan would you crawl out of Delaneys hole and realise the man is killing our game!!

I hate agreeing with Corkmen but Peader is right!

08/10/2006, 3:54 PM
His praise of Sligo for an innovative idea...

"Innovative"? I pity the people you're teaching English to if you apply that word to what Sligo did. :rolleyes:

Partizan is pro Delaney because they're from the same stable, what's your excuse?
Partizan thinks that Delaney is good because he thinks he'll implement change. I'm sticking to the facts and stating that Delaney is killing the game. He promised a World Class manager when he sacked Kerr. Then he dug up an ex-player and started calling him a manager. He bestoyed that title on an individual who is quite obviously unsuitable for the job.

I wont even get into the Shels tax stuff. The guy is bad for the game at every level.

08/10/2006, 4:03 PM
i hope the fans do the surrender thing next wednesday

08/10/2006, 4:15 PM
i hope the fans do the surrender thing next wednesday

what dya mean jolly?

08/10/2006, 9:02 PM
As soon as it kicks off, everyone should stand up and walk out.

We aint gonna qualify now so fcuk them (the players) they don't give a fcuk anyway, so why should we. Im serious. Id rather watch eL players lose to the Czechs and Germans as long as they show a bit of heart and give 100%. And we'll probably do Wales, San Marino and Cyprus with them a nd secure 4th seed next time round.

SHOT - Delaney
FCUKED OUT - Stan Laurel and Ronald McDonald
DE-CAPTAINED - Keane (and possibly dropped)
DROPPED - O'Brien, O'Shea, Kilbane, Morrison (all never picked again, in fact take their passports off them)

pineapple stu
08/10/2006, 9:13 PM
I just want to see the Genesis report implemented.
It has been implemented. Delaney got what he wanted from it.

09/10/2006, 4:10 AM
"Innovative"? I pity the people you're teaching English to if you apply that word to what Sligo did.
Partizan is pro Delaney because they're from the same stable, what's your excuse?

Innovative (from innovation)= One entry found for innovation.

Main Entry: in·no·va·tion
Pronunciation: "i-n&-'vA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the introduction of something new
2 : a new idea, method, or device : NOVELTY
- in·no·va·tion·al /-shn&l, -sh&-n&l/ adjective

I stand by my use of the word. Here is another definition you might find useful.

Dictionary = a kind of book we use to learn about words we dont understand.

Peadar, I challenge you to find ONE post where I support John Delaney.

Here are some excerpts from another thread (edited so it isnt deleted)-

John Delaney Murdered Irish Football!

John Delaney has managed to set Irish football back 100 years in a matter of months. The Waterford man must have an agenda to destroy the game from within. He is single handedly to blame for the greatest national shame since Michelle Smith.

I also challenge you to explain how he has set the game back 100 years in a matter of months.

Please explain how you reach the conclusion that Delaney, rather than just clueless, is actually seeking the destruction of the irish football infrastructure.

You're spewing lots of bile, and it is over the top.

Delaney should go, I fully agree, but when you blame him out of all proportion, you weaken the validity of your arguement.

09/10/2006, 9:47 AM
Peadar, I challenge you to find ONE post where I support John Delaney.

Don't bore me!
You have an issue with me, rather than my opinion. I pity you, to be honest. Probably have relatives from Waterford or something like that. Half Limerick, half Waterford. Now there's a scary thought!

There's stuff about Delaney that is well known in eL circles. Some well documented and some which I wouldn't risk posting here. It will all come out in the wash eventually. If you don't know it then it's not my place to tell you.

The Swordsman
09/10/2006, 9:55 AM
I know we are all still hurting after Saturday night. Things look gloomy for Wednesday – in fact this is the first time for a long time that I cannot see us getting a result from an Ireland game.

Having said that, we must get behind the team. Nothing is going to change over the next few days so we’re stuck with what we’ve got.

Saturday night’s result was a disaster but it was still only three points dropped. As unlikely as it seems, we’re still in with a chance of qualifying.

Look at the North – beaten by Iceland then went on to beat Spain – maybe we can do the same. Hopefully our players/manager will be so ashamed of what happened on Saturday that they will pull out all the stops (clutching at straws here).

Protest about the Manager/FAI by all means but don’t let it get in the way of supporting your team. Put your disgust at the players to one side. If we don’t show any passion, we can hardly complain that the players or manager are not doing the same.

09/10/2006, 9:59 AM
what happened when brian kerr was fired (not reinstated to use the offical line) - **** up appointing new boss as we were kept waiting for o'neill when he didn't want job, then left no other options we appointed stan. who's fault is this mess - stan for taking a job that everyone of us would accept or the lunatic who put him there. whatever you thought of brian kerr he was a lot better than what we have now - i personally felt he should of stayed on for one more campaign and at least provide some stability.

if stan goes on wednesday night who will then take the job after firstly kerr was let go when most outside of ourselves in ireland thought he did a decent job (in fairness we were only a goal against the swiss at landsdowne away from the play offs) and then firing our only candidite after 3 games.

we have a very limited squad and by the last couple of knee jerk reactions very little patience. who would want the job - answer? probably niall quinn or ronnie whelan. sure we'll surely win with that!

the fai have put us in this situation and barr stayin with stan :eek: i can't see any other option

09/10/2006, 10:29 AM
I think its completely stupid to blame Delaney for EVERYTHING thats wrong with irish football. It just such an irish attitude to blame everyone else but yourselves, the people who are involved in the week-to-week running of it. Maybe perhaps we should blame the government also, somehow. Im sure this defeat and the state of irish football can be blamed on them as well.

The simple fact of the matter is that the irish senior team is a complete and utter shambles as a package. The players are as responsible for that as Delaney or Stan. We were player a complete pile of ****e of a team in Cyprus, a team we would have cast aside under McCarthy or (particularly) Charlton. Under McCarthy we did have a sticky game against them out there but we pulled through. It was suggested to me that Duff and McGeady were the only 2 players on the field. Duff is about 25% the player know that he was under Souness. Taking the opposition into account I thought he was shocking and has been for some time now. As for McGeady, ok I accept the fact that he has to be awesome cos he plays for Celtic but personally I think he the most overrated crock of sh1t I have ever seen (up there with liam miller). He never once went by a cypriot defender and actually messed up a strike to create the chance for the ireland goal (which the young lad took very well).

We all know that wed night is going to be tough both on add off the field. There might actually be some tension in the air in Lansdowne and the police might actually earn their money. However I dont see what this will achieve. I personally believe in supporting your team through thick and thin but dont expect the vast majority of fans to know any better. (This was suggested by an EL fan!!!!!)

As for the person who suggested that everyone walk out after kick-off. I for one wont be going you because the FAI dont care, they have their money for this game and san marino and also because real fans dont do that.

09/10/2006, 10:45 AM
As a boss you have to be accountable. Stan is boss of the team and has failed miserably so far therefore should go before it gets worse. Delaney is the boss who appointed Stan therefore should take responsibility for his actions and go with him. It's pretty simple logic.

09/10/2006, 11:30 AM
As for McGeady, ok I accept the fact that he has to be awesome cos he plays for Celtic but personally I think he the most overrated crock of sh1t I have ever seen (up there with liam miller).
What annoys me is that there are plenty of people (mainly from Cork) that want McGeady to fail. I'm pretty certain McGeady will be our star player before too long so I don't really care if people are writing him off. Seeing McGeady take every cross with his left foot made me realise that he's certainly not a winger. He takes all crosses with his right foot when playing on the left for Celtic. Instinct has him cutting inside at every opportunity and most of his assists are usually passes, not crosses. I thought he had a decent enough game on Saturday. He kept most things simple and didn't want to look greedy. Give him a few more caps and he'll be playing well.

Poor Student
09/10/2006, 11:37 AM
Eirebhoy is right. McGeady is not a conventional winger. He plays on the left wing and is used to turning back on his right foot to cross or cut inside to shoot. It's difficult to swap over to the right side and find yourself playing in a new team with new and less able players.

09/10/2006, 11:39 AM
If you play Mc Geady, then you need to compensate defensively in midfield. And if you play Mc Geady and Ireland in the same team .. then you need Makele playing in the centre and not a left winger/full back.

And that is not even the benefit of hindsight .. its fairly obvious to most people except it seems the man picking the team

09/10/2006, 11:54 AM
I think people should go to the game and support the team.
at the end of the match make whatever form of protest they want.
but its still 3 points up for grabs and abusing what is obviously a team running on zero confidance from the start or from the first mistake would be self defeating. lets not turn a bad situation into a farce just so the herald can sell more papers.

09/10/2006, 12:09 PM
The bottom line is Delany has given the job to Kerr and Staunton both have set us back in years, just look at what Matin Oneill has done with Villa a good manager makes average players good and good players great, O'neill virtually has the same team bar Petrov from last year when they struggled in the premiership. How come we don't here him going on about a transition period?
fairenough Delany hasn't picked the team but he did pick the man who did. Delany and Staunton should both stand down, Staunton jumped in the deep end with no experience at all apart from his time with Walsall, which he wasn't even managing. I still don't understand how a former defender can't at least have his team orgainised at the back...... MAYBE if Delany and his cronies take a pay cut we could actually get a quality manager with some experience instead of always going for the cheap option.:mad:

09/10/2006, 12:11 PM
I think people should go to the game and support the team.
at the end of the match make whatever form of protest they want.
but its still 3 points up for grabs and abusing what is obviously a team running on zero confidance from the start or from the first mistake would be self defeating. lets not turn a bad situation into a farce just so the herald can sell more papers.

think this is very wize indeed...but i think after weds depending on how they respond (the team) and how stan and delaney react we should then start the ball rolling on something worthwhile...???

09/10/2006, 12:39 PM
Peadar, osarusan - Try to ignore the actual person you're replying to and just reply to the post. If you want to talk personal then please exchange e-mails as it's bringing threads off topic.

09/10/2006, 12:51 PM
eirebhoy, i think what you were sayin about mcgeady is fair enough - a few more caps and he'll be a good player. but we havnt got the luxury of time at the mo, so we need our current strongest 11 out there wednesday. and mcgeady aint one of them

09/10/2006, 1:12 PM
I don't think it matters what eleven we put out, if there's no game plan.
I have to say i think McGeady is good enough, the young players did what was expected of them Ireland even scored for F*** sake what more can we ask it the senior players who let the team down, but again thats down to the management.... I dont know why we didnt just play with Carsley in the middle and one up front Morrison/Keane did f all.

09/10/2006, 1:17 PM
I would say he is. I'd have him on the right, Duff on the left and 2 of Andy Reid, Steven Reid, Stephen Ireland, Miller or Douglas. You definately need a combative midfielder in there though si the Reid's would be preferable.

I rate Stephen Ireland and I think he's got great ability in both feet, however, he is probably going to be most effective sitting behind the 2 forwards in a 5 man midfield where we can have defensive players behind him. Like McGeady, attacking is his main stength so you have got to try and find a balance.

09/10/2006, 1:52 PM
eirebhoy, i think what you were sayin about mcgeady is fair enough - a few more caps and he'll be a good player. but we havnt got the luxury of time at the mo, so we need our current strongest 11 out there wednesday. and mcgeady aint one of them
Well it's between him and A.Reid and tbh I wouldn't be too disappointed to see Reid play as I'm a fan of his. I thought McGeady played well on Saturday though and will only get better as he plays more and gains a bit of confidence.

09/10/2006, 4:16 PM
eirebhoy, i think what you were sayin about mcgeady is fair enough - a few more caps and he'll be a good player. but we havnt got the luxury of time at the mo, so we need our current strongest 11 out there wednesday. and mcgeady aint one of them

I personally thought that McGeady looked lively on Saturday and his performance wa sthe only positive on the night. He is a much better option on the wing than either of the Reids, who are both better in the centre, and McGeady is improving all the time under Strachan who is making sure he does his fair share of defensive duties as well as attacking.

The best midfield that is available to us on Wednesday is Duff and McGeady on the wings and Douglas and Quinn in the middle.

09/10/2006, 4:34 PM
McPhail has got to be in with a shout I can't believe he wasn't brought into the squad yet... Quinn is used a lot out on the wing alot at his club. I would like to have seen a five man midfield of

McGeady McPhail Ireland Carsley Duff


09/10/2006, 10:09 PM
Good idea and Delaney should go......he appointed an inexperienced underqualified( he only has UEFA B Licence) novice to manage a national team. Then to cover up the deficiencies he appointed Robson ( who has an A Licence) to mentor him , to get round the legal niceties required by UEFA.
Problem was , the poor man's health problems meant he was unable to fulfill this role in more than 1 game. And in all the games where Robson was missing , except Germany, the Irish team have been abject and abysmal.