View Full Version : Final whistle

07/10/2006, 11:01 PM

"Got a light mate?"

07/10/2006, 11:09 PM
what a picture, it was an unbelievable feeling. the whole of terryland was electric, everyone was buzzing. the flare at the end finished off the game nicely

Conor H
08/10/2006, 7:56 AM
It's not working for me!!:mad: :rolleyes: :(

Conor H
08/10/2006, 8:00 AM
Now i see it-what a picture!!!

08/10/2006, 8:02 AM
great picture Paddy

08/10/2006, 12:17 PM
where can you see this picture. it sounds class.

08/10/2006, 12:19 PM
I justed clicked on the link that is there

08/10/2006, 12:55 PM
looks unbelievable. now if ya compare that to the game we played on the saturday night a few weeks ago. its amazing what a couple of wins in a row and a big rival can do for the people of galway. lets try to keep terryland like this for the rest of the season and beyond

08/10/2006, 1:06 PM
there will be a big advertisement campaign for the dundalk game much like the rovers game so I ask everyone here to do what they can to help. For e.g. Galway taxis are planning on putting an advertisement on the back window of each taxi ( i think we who drive or own cars should do the same as well) for the game. There has also ben a lot of top businessmen in Galway city and county that are now looking at sending money into galway united and they will all be in attendance for the game, so lets get a replay of last friday and get the bank books rolling for next season and beyond.

The future is now in our own hands

08/10/2006, 1:56 PM
great photo , has anyone got any more photos? wasn't somebody on here talking about bringing a camcorder and putting it on youtube?

08/10/2006, 2:05 PM
i saw loads of people in terryland with cameras the last night. hopeully there'll be a few more put up somewhere. now a picture like that'd be cool on a t-shirt

08/10/2006, 2:10 PM
there are some more here http://www.flickr.com/groups/galwayunited/pool/

08/10/2006, 2:52 PM
try keep that atmosphere or something close to it for the remaining home games,it will be hard but i reckon if we win next saturday we will have around 3000 at the dundalk game.us in section c will again join in any singing that ye section a ppl start.i think its good to have guys in different parts of the stand singing and not just 1 corner.
due to technical difficulties(it wouldnt charge for me earlier that day) i couldnt record the match last friday night.ill def have it at the dundalk game,im so mad i couldnt get it for last friday,was the only bad thing about an unbelievable night.

08/10/2006, 3:07 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GvFdz5r0q0 try that link for some of our goals from terryland this season,its very quick,too quick perhaps,but at least its something.

08/10/2006, 3:19 PM
i asked the guy who recorded the game and crowd for a copy...he said there will be a dvd out at the end of the seasons!:D :D should be good to watch...:)

08/10/2006, 3:25 PM
yeah should be great, well watching ythe past few will be brilliant dont fancy watching our start to the season

08/10/2006, 3:31 PM
ur right there...maybe just the celebaring and da rovers game:D :D

08/10/2006, 3:42 PM
Just stuck up a few photos from earlier in the season here http://www.flickr.com/photos/90739204@N00/ stole yours too Paddy. I'll add some from Ballybofey next week

08/10/2006, 4:32 PM
ive just turned the final whistle pic into a wallpaper, ye can download load at: http://www.salthillknocknacarragaa.ie/final_whistle_terryland_wallpaper.jpg

08/10/2006, 4:37 PM
just put it up there, it looks class

08/10/2006, 7:24 PM
for the pic,thanks also for an embarassing article bout me in the match program;)

08/10/2006, 8:27 PM
for the pic,thanks also for an embarassing article bout me in the match program;)

I don't know what you are talking about Eamo1. I don't have anything to do with the mach programme.

Are you confusing me with Terrance Land who writes an article in the Programme? If so, you must be the unnamed GUFC fan who is ditching his Club for a woman. Your secret is out.

08/10/2006, 10:04 PM
got kinda bored - and made a collage of fridays photos, you can download it:
hope ye like it

08/10/2006, 11:31 PM
i have clearly made an error by associating you with the match programme,maybe being all loved up has made me all confused;) .ive missed 3 home games this year,i stand by my claim of not missing a game in previous 10 years,ive the match programmes to prove it.

09/10/2006, 10:46 AM
great video there on youtube with the goals from earlier in the season - some great memories!

09/10/2006, 6:58 PM
great video there on youtube with the goals from earlier in the season - some great memories!

yeah it was great alright but it went really fast it'd be great to get this dvd at the end of the season

10/10/2006, 4:14 PM
what a picture, it was an unbelievable feeling. the whole of terryland was electric, everyone was buzzing. the flare at the end finished off the game nicely

Yeah but today's Connacht Sentinel reports that the club will probably be fined 1000 euro for it. The flare I mean. That's like, a lot of lotto tickets/programme sales. (I'm no good at sums).

Conor H
10/10/2006, 4:20 PM
No we won't be.

10/10/2006, 4:29 PM
Sweet. Thank you Conor H.

10/10/2006, 6:49 PM
you sure we won't get fined conor

Patrick Dunne
10/10/2006, 7:18 PM
We'll have to wait until the EL receives the referees report and also the match observers report.

I would be hopeful that we won't get two separate fines, but if the referees report includes details of the coin-throwing we probably will be fined.

11/10/2006, 7:29 AM
A board/executive member said that an official (FAI member) had overlooked the flare issue and will let it go, but they will be reviewing the coin throwing incident.

11/10/2006, 11:13 AM
its only right that we get punished for the coin throwing incident. if it had happened to one of our players while we were playing, we'd definitely be crying out for their club to be fined.
The muppet who did it should be banned for a couple of seasons, maybe 2 or 3. it muppets like him that can give a section of fans a bad name. its already happening with keih kelly only complaining about the coin throwing incident and not even mentioning the best atmosphere in years in terryland