View Full Version : Delaney: eircom clubs still owe €1m to Revenue

07/10/2006, 9:45 PM
Sorry if I missed this, but I don't see it posted. From yesterday's Indo:

FAI chief executive John Delaney has admitted that eircom League clubs still owe over €1m to the Revenue.
"We'll get monthly accounts from individual clubs as part of the club licensing process.
"We're going to take on a compliance auditor in the FAI to make sure the clubs do so."
Full text (http://www.unison.ie/irish_independent/stories.php3?ca=94&si=1701513&issue_id=14736&printer=1).

07/10/2006, 10:03 PM
"We'll get monthly accounts from individual clubs as part of the club licensing process.

Errr... isn't that supposed to be in place already?

1m not much when you think about it. Several clubs already have repayment plans.

08/10/2006, 1:44 AM
Dear Mr Delaney

Kindly rape off somewhere far far away from here and take that waster Staunton with you


eircom League Supporters

08/10/2006, 3:37 AM
so if that is the case, then why have these clubs not been deducted points as was the case the case for rovers last year?
as always... its one rule for rovers, and one rule for the rest.

shamrock rovers, the ONLY tax compliant club in the league


Did Rover not get points deducted for going into administration, not simply being in debt to the revnue ? There's a very big difference.

And you're not the ONLY tax compliant club in the league....

08/10/2006, 10:45 AM
shamrock rovers, the ONLY tax compliant club in the league

Stupid comment. Very short memories.

The only clubs i can think of that have tax bills are Pats, Bohs & Shels who have repayment plans.

Mr A
08/10/2006, 2:28 PM
if you check with the tax office, and not the fai gob****es, you will find for FACT that we are the only club in the league that are up to date with our taxes. month by month.. and NOT in an arrears repayment scheme.. so we ARE the only up to date tax compiant club in the league.

Interesting that you seem to be expressing pride in the fact that your club was so incredibly badly run and had so few assets that it was able to pay a tiny portion of its debt and start again with a clean slate. If Rovers hadn't been such a basket case for so long, effectively cheating by their insane financial practices, they wouldn't be in the position they are now. And Rovers are still benefitting from the massive overspending via the points for the previous 4 years in the FAI guidelines for next year. Rovers are very lucky they weren't kicked out of the league completely when they lost their license last year, and to claim that the FAI have somehow oppressed you is frankly laughable. They've come out with guidelines that could nearly have been designed to get you back in the premier regardless of your onfield performance FFS!

That's no reflection on the 400c or anything they've done by the way, which has been admirable. It's just reflective of the fact that if Rovers want to hang on to their honours list, they have to live with the other aspects of the club's history as well.

Poor Student
08/10/2006, 2:52 PM
waterford united dont owe a cent to anyone.

Neither do UCD.

08/10/2006, 3:23 PM
.. so we ARE the only up to date tax compiant club in the league.

Still more stupid comments. Lets see if you can add an intelligent for number 3. :rolleyes:

Cork City have paid all monies owed to the Revenue.

08/10/2006, 4:49 PM
if you check with the tax office, and not the fai gob****es, you will find for FACT that we are the only club in the league that are up to date with our taxes. month by month.. and NOT in an arrears repayment scheme.. so we ARE the only up to date tax compiant club in the league.


Absolute total and utter nonesense.

On top of the other clubs already listed, City don't owe any tax money either. Even though we face more tax on our income than you do in the south (we have tax on gate receipts, you don't).

As Coleraine recently found out, the Tax authorities in the north are a lot quicker on their feet in reeling-in any oustanding money than the Southern lot. If City were in-debt to them believe me - you'd all know all about it.

08/10/2006, 5:06 PM
shamrock rovers, the ONLY tax compliant club in the league

buzzBrass-neckery of the highest order.

In case you haven't forgotten you defrauded the Irish taxpayers out of hundreds of thousands of Euro and the mugs in the Revenue let it happen. In any right thinking jurisdiction you'd have been forced to pay your debts in full or be wound up.

You arrogance is as breathtaking as it is misplaced.

Get off your high horse and do everyone a favour and save us the "I've been to the brink and now I'm a believer"-type lectures.

09/10/2006, 8:10 AM
FAI chief executive John Delaney has admitted that eircom League clubs still owe over €1m to the Revenue.
"We'll get monthly accounts from individual clubs as part of the club licensing process."
"We're going to take on a compliance auditor in the FAI to make sure the clubs do so."
"However as big as this tax bill may seem, its nowhere near as big as the explanation that I owe Irish football supporters for my incompetance."

You left out the ending! :D

Calcio Jack
09/10/2006, 12:38 PM
if you check with the tax office, and not the fai gob****es, you will find for FACT that we are the only club in the league that are up to date with our taxes. month by month.. and NOT in an arrears repayment scheme.. so we ARE the only up to date tax compiant club in the league.


Suggest you get your terminology correct...the fact that a club owes money and has a repayment scheme in place with the Revenue means they are Tax Compliant.... so you can try and make up the rules to fit your silly persecution complex that we are been picked on by the FAI.... that's unfair to the FAI, they don't pick on us on purpose...they by their imcompetence manage at some time or another to pick on all clubs equally.

09/10/2006, 1:12 PM
Suggest you get your terminology correct...the fact that a club owes money and has a repayment scheme in place with the Revenue means they are Tax Compliant.... so you can try and make up the rules to fit your silly persecution complex that we are been picked on by the FAI.... that's unfair to the FAI, they don't pick on us on purpose...they by their imcompetence manage at some time or another to pick on all clubs equally.

Spot on

09/10/2006, 1:18 PM
i think the issue rovers fans have is we get punished for not being financially viable/reckless and relegated as a result, while no action is taken against the other clubs who are doing the same.

ditto the points deduction, its one rule for rovers, one for derry.

are we being unreasonable in asking for the rules to be applied consistantly?

Correct me if I am wrong but did you not get punished for filling incorrect accounts at the time of your licence application. You got no fine for going into administration or having your debts written off?

09/10/2006, 6:36 PM
bloody cheek we have and always will be tax compliant

Student Mullet
09/10/2006, 7:04 PM
I would have tought that the debt was much bigger than 1m. Most of that ammount is presumably concentrated in a few Dublin clubs?

09/10/2006, 7:08 PM
On the same theme, iirc Shels next scheduled agreed payment of backtax was due to the Revenue this month, anyone know if the players got paid in the last few weeks? or indeed if the Revenue got paid?

09/10/2006, 8:42 PM
Question for Mr. Delaney

Where did all the money that Eircom paid in their sponsorship , which should have been set aside for the EL, in all the years, before the suddenly increased prize money go to?

Cause Eircom had paid €1 million per year for every year of their sponsorship up to last year specifically for the League, and yet it is only this year that there has been a significant increase in the prize money on offer to the League and it was presented as part of the package to "bribe" the EL clubs into voting for the merger with the FAI ! So John where's the missing millions gone?

09/10/2006, 9:49 PM
Where did all the money that Eircom paid in their sponsorship , which should have been set aside for the EL, in all the years, before the suddenly increased prize money go to?

Do you realise how many staff employed by the eircom league? I am sure the 1m goes a long way to paying their wages. You cannot blame Delaney for the eL as the FAI is a separate entity. The eL-FAI merger may elminate some double jobs & save some money.

09/10/2006, 9:50 PM
Do you realise how many staff employed by the eircom league? I am sure the 1m goes a long way to paying their wages. You cannot blame Delaney for the eL as the FAI is a separate entity. The eL-FAI merger may elminate some double jobs & save some money. The extra prize from the last 2 seasons has been funded by the increase in tv coverage.

Student Mullet
09/10/2006, 10:03 PM
Do you realise how many staff employed by the eircom league?I don't. Can you tell us?

Mr A
10/10/2006, 10:20 AM
Whatever about the recent improvements in prize-money- the increases next year are being funded by the clubs themselves through far higher entrance fees at the start of every season.

10/10/2006, 11:35 AM
Whatever about the recent improvements in prize-money- the increases next year are being funded by the clubs themselves through far higher entrance fees at the start of every season.

Eh ? :confused:

Mr A
10/10/2006, 12:33 PM
Just making a point relating to the earlier posts on the subject of prizemoney. The prize money for the new league is going to be far higher than now, but that is funded by much higher entry fees for clubs (around 22k for the premier if I remember correctly) and the fact that all the prize money will be allocated to the top half of each division.

pineapple stu
10/10/2006, 12:50 PM
Not entirely true. Yes, only 6 of the 22 clubs will actually see an increase in the nett of prize money earned minus entry fees, but the prize money increase overall is in excess of the increased league fees. For example, prize money is being axed entirely for the entire lower half of the First Division (from E5k to nil), while league fees increase from, I think, E10k to E12k.

However, a sizeable proportion of the prize money increase is coming from the clubs themselves. Robbing the poor to feed the rich.

Mr A
10/10/2006, 1:00 PM
Hey- actually being bothered to add up the numbers is cheating!

11/10/2006, 9:23 AM
Here we are squabbling about who owes the Revenue what miserable pittance, while the action (http://www.foot.ie/showthread.php?t=43341) is happens elsewhere, with football being shafted at every turn.
The real dereliction of duty by the FAI is to turn a blind eye to this and to pretend it has nothing to do with football.

11/10/2006, 10:05 AM
However, a sizeable proportion of the prize money increase is coming from the clubs themselves. Robbing the poor to feed the rich.

Or alternatively - robbing the rubbish to reward the worthy/successful....

pineapple stu
11/10/2006, 12:53 PM
I hope that was meant in jest...

11/10/2006, 3:13 PM
I would have tought that the debt was much bigger than 1m. Most of that ammount is presumably concentrated in a few Dublin clubs?

Actually I think this is nothing short of miraculous if thats all thats outstanding. Even if we take all the tax compliant clubs(!!!) as being say, 16 out of the 21, the noncompliant only owe 200k each on average - what an achievement. And if we reverse it and only 1 is compliant, that means on average of 50k per club owing, or in the case of Shels, Derry, Drogs, Cork, a fortnights wages! Remarkable turnaround, what with wages going up and crowds falling/stagnant.