View Full Version : Its my (virtual) round...

06/10/2006, 1:45 PM
What are you having?

I alternate between lager and Cider for the most part though I find lager in this country pretty bland. I usually drink Heineken but to be honest as long as its not Bud or Miller I don't mind. Sometimes I switch to the pint bottles of bulmers if its a hot day and I'm in a beer garden somewhere. If I'm drinking at home I'll get some decent bottled beers (Sam Adams, Starpramen, Erdinger) from O Briens ore those little bottled lagers from Aldi (20 x 25 cl for €8.65). Sainsbury's (Newry) have a great range of English and French Ciders so when I go u their I usually pick up a variety.
When it comes to spirits I'm fond of the brandy. Occasionaly for a treat I'll buy a good bottle of Cognac (VSOP or better) but it will probably be christmas before I get anything like that in, though I did treat myself to a bottle of Havana Club seven yr old rum yesterday.

06/10/2006, 1:56 PM
as long as its not american brewed im happy. has anything ever tasted so much like human urine in the way coors light does

*waits for funny men to ask how i know the taste of urine*

06/10/2006, 2:00 PM
as long as its not american brewed im happy. has anything ever tasted so much like human urine in the way coors light does

*waits for funny men to ask how i know the taste of urine*

Have you tried Sam Adams? American brewed but nice. Their are nice American beers but the likes of Bud, Miller, Coors, Rolling Rock etc. are pish.

06/10/2006, 2:00 PM
What are you having?

I alternate between lager and Cider for the most part though I find lager in this country pretty bland. I usually drink Heineken but to be honest as long as its not Bud or Miller I don't mind. Sometimes I switch to the pint bottles of bulmers if its a hot day and I'm in a beer garden somewhere. If I'm drinking at home I'll get some decent bottled beers (Sam Adams, Starpramen, Erdinger) from O Briens ore those little bottled lagers from Aldi (20 x 25 cl for €8.65). Sainsbury's (Newry) have a great range of English and French Ciders so when I go u their I usually pick up a variety.
When it comes to spirits I'm fond of the brandy. Occasionaly for a treat I'll buy a good bottle of Cognac (VSOP or better) but it will probably be christmas before I get anything like that in, though I did treat myself to a bottle of Havana Club seven yr old rum yesterday.

Maybe you should start to consider this (http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org/?Media=PlayFlash)...;)

06/10/2006, 2:19 PM
Maybe you should start to consider this (http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org/?Media=PlayFlash)...;)

Na, drinking's better fun ;)

06/10/2006, 4:11 PM
It's hard to find decent American Beer, but Sam Adams and Yuengling(pronounced Ying Ling) are pretty good. Partial to a nice pint of Guinness myself. The quality of Guinness has improved dramatically here in the US over the last few years.

06/10/2006, 4:13 PM
Nice pint of Real Ale

06/10/2006, 4:50 PM
I will finish work tomorow night and head to an izakaya(cheap restaurant), where I will down copious amounts of KIRIN beer, or shochu (I cant translate that-a kind of potato or rice based drink). Been waiting for it all week.

06/10/2006, 5:18 PM
Nice pint of Old Speckeled Hen or a drop of Hobgoblin and if im feeling upto it, a bishops finger :D

06/10/2006, 6:05 PM
I will finish work tomorow night and head to an izakaya(cheap restaurant), where I will down copious amounts of KIRIN beer, or shochu (I cant translate that-a kind of potato or rice based drink). Been waiting for it all week.

Kirin's nice alright. Had it in Yamamori and Wagamama.

07/10/2006, 12:27 AM
Kirin's nice alright. Had it in Yamamori and Wagamama.

Are they restaurants or places in Japan?

I know Yamamori is the name of a restaurant in Dublin, but dont know about wagamama. It means selfish in Japanese though.

07/10/2006, 12:56 AM
Wagamama is under the stephens green centre. Yamamori is in George's st.

pineapple stu
07/10/2006, 3:19 AM
A pint of cider will do me. Except for now, cos I'm approaching "too many"...

Don't really like beer. Which is a problem in countries other than Ireland and GB when cider isn't really an option...

07/10/2006, 10:52 AM
Cider is quite popular in certain regions of France and Spain.

Drumcondra Red
11/10/2006, 4:53 PM
I'm a Lager kinda guy, enjoy a few "Bitter's" when in England don't like Cider at all, but when in Vilnius earlier in the summer myself and a few redsmen accidently found out that the Cider over there is top notch, absolute quality!!!

11/10/2006, 6:54 PM
JD and coke all the way.

Then pints ob Bud or Foster's (it's cheaper).

11/10/2006, 7:29 PM
Bud and Fosters are both piddle, and weak piddle at that. Bud should be legally required to refer to their "beer" as Headache In A Can.

Franciscan Well Rebel Red
Old Fashioned


11/10/2006, 10:24 PM
Red Bull

:D :D

lim abroad
12/10/2006, 2:24 AM
i almost feel ashamed to admit that i actually like miller,maybe i've been in the states too long,looking forward to coming home at xmas to savour a few pints of the black stuff though

12/10/2006, 2:29 AM
Miller's alright. easily the best of the lagers sold in bars.

12/10/2006, 7:42 AM
Miller's alright. easily the best of the lagers sold in bars.
I think not. While there is a lot of generic same old stuff, I'd easily rate Budvar above a lot of them.

We don't have many Brewpubs here, but thankfully the few we do have some great beers. I enjoyed a few Porterhouse TSB's at the weekend, and I'm well overdue a trip to the Franciscan Well.

Other than that, been drinking a lot of ales recently, or in the pub it's usually bottles of Guinness.

12/10/2006, 7:56 AM
Mine will be a JD and Diet Coke there please! Or double malibu & orange juice. or a Co*ksuckin Cowboy.

12/10/2006, 8:10 AM
or a Co*ksuckin Cowboy.

Leave Heath Ledger out of this! :D

12/10/2006, 9:04 AM
Ha ha.....very funny! I love them tho! Yum

12/10/2006, 6:23 PM
Mine will be a JD and Diet Coke there please!
Well hello....

Miller's ok when you're drunk, like Blu WKD, but I wouldn't drink it all night. The aftertaste is too much.

Raheny Red
12/10/2006, 7:07 PM
Well hello....

The aftertaste is too much.

Do the bubbles burn your tongue :D :p

12/10/2006, 10:04 PM
Forgot to mention the very rare foray into the world of blue aftershock.

13/10/2006, 7:49 AM
Aftershock its rats fookin arse :(

For me Murphys in Cork, Guinness in The Pale, and Carlsberg or Heineken pints if I'm on the lager.

As regards spirits, I love Hennessy, scares all me mates :D That or Southern Comfort and plenty of ice.

13/10/2006, 8:19 AM
My dad rarely drinks but a few years ago we were in a hotel in Donegal and he had a few pints and then demanded a wee bit of that "aftershave" much to the embarrasment of my bro who was 19 and drinking aftershocks himself...

13/10/2006, 9:18 AM
In fairness, aftershave probably tastes nicer.

13/10/2006, 9:21 AM
What kind of aftershave?

13/10/2006, 10:40 AM
I like the taste of most aftershaves.....:D

13/10/2006, 12:46 PM
I believe Old Spice is the aftershave of choice in al-fresco drinking circles. That and turps.

Raheny Red
13/10/2006, 1:02 PM


13/10/2006, 1:25 PM

Makes the heart grow fonder.

Noelys Guitar
14/10/2006, 12:18 PM
Guinness or most of the German Weiss beers. Coors light is without doubt the worst drink in the world. And lets not forget the visit to the chipper, Kebab house, shorma house, Indian or Chinese take-away post gargle. I used to live in Holland and a load of Freddie's followed by a Shorma is guaranteed to keep the colon in "running" order!

15/10/2006, 11:36 AM
But for the love of Jesus watch out for that yellow sauce! There's only so many times you can have your colon replaced.

15/10/2006, 2:13 PM
Now this (http://www.virtualbartender.beer.com/VB2/) is a virtual round. Give it a chance to load and type in beer. When you get your first one, type in beer again. Then, one more time, type in beer. When you get done with your beer, type in banana!:eek: :D

Lads, you're welcome. Ladies, ah well, tuff.

Raheny Red
15/10/2006, 2:33 PM
Ha I remember that alright :D

15/10/2006, 4:09 PM
Type in Kiss! :eek: :o

15/10/2006, 4:39 PM
Type in Kiss! :eek:
Or feel..:eek: :eek:

17/10/2006, 1:38 PM
I drink bud and have done since i was younger than i am now and I refuse to apologize. i dig the aftershock in all its colours aswell. i'm also revisiting southern comfort and red these days.