View Full Version : The word "muppet"

03/10/2006, 8:36 AM
Does it annoy anyone else, or is it just me, and occasional poster with 300 odd posts. Personally, I wish it was m****t. The word conjures up images of chavs and young double-barrelled surnamed vulgar rich and new rich kids in post-christian materialistic society. (Probably a bit over the top, but I don't know how else to put).

Seems to crop up quite often on Stan threads .. although perhaps "puppet" might be more appropriate.

03/10/2006, 11:00 AM
I find it annoying too, seems to have crept into popular usage over the last 5 years or so

03/10/2006, 12:06 PM
It doesn't bother me. I'd rather call someone a "muppet" than a "clueless f***in w**ker"!

And is this really a "support" issue ;)

03/10/2006, 12:25 PM
And is this really a "support" issue ;)Not unless the OP has an actual complaint to make.

03/10/2006, 12:55 PM
Not unless the OP has an actual complaint to make.

probably not a support issue .. not really in complaint territory either .. more of a grumble. .. request to have the word starred... while at the same time realising that there are probably more deserving words to be starred like e.g. Glasgow Celtic ;)

03/10/2006, 1:06 PM
I'm pretty sure 'Celtic' has been censored in the past, as has 'Keane'.

I think 'muppet' is relatively innocuous. I'd prefer that to all the f*cks and sh*ts we see around here.

03/10/2006, 8:57 PM
viking, you'd do very well to keep your head below the parapet. You're treading on very thin ice.

04/10/2006, 4:06 PM
I love the word. It's one of my most common insults in everyday life.

05/10/2006, 12:03 AM
Instead of calling someone a muppet, call the male Kermit the Frog and the female Miss Piggy!!:D :p :D

05/10/2006, 10:50 AM
Instead of calling someone a muppet, call the male Kermit the Frog and the female Miss Piggy!I'll use that.

05/10/2006, 11:15 AM
I think 'muppet' is relatively innocuous. I'd prefer that to all the f*cks and sh*ts we see around here.
You gonna start banning alll these f*cks and sh*ts? I suggest a pop idol style vote out...

05/10/2006, 11:48 AM
Reality TV is bad enough without Reality Foot.ie!

05/10/2006, 9:13 PM
Does it annoy anyone else, or is it just me, and occasional poster with 300 odd posts. Personally, I wish it was m****t. The word conjures up images of chavs and young double-barrelled surnamed vulgar rich and new rich kids in post-christian materialistic society. (Probably a bit over the top, but I don't know how else to put).

Seems to crop up quite often on Stan threads .. although perhaps "puppet" might be more appropriate

I cannot honestly believe that someone could seriously start a thread about banning the word 'muppet'. For me its the same as calling someone a 'langer', 'spanner', 'pleb', 't-wat' etc. There's nothing vulgar about the word and seems to be an attitude among posters on foot to create a new utopian society here which for me smacks of pure Maoist. Come six months we won't be able to type 'the' in case it displeases someone. No offence Macdermesser but could you not think of anything more interesting to discuss...you muppet (couldn't resist :D )

pineapple stu
05/10/2006, 9:18 PM
Actually, the word tw*t refers to the female pudenda, which is therefore as vulgar as calling someone a c*nt. And in a bizarre piece of useless trivia, the Oxford Dictionary (the one here at home anyway) notes an "alternative" use of the word as a being a term for a nun's headwear. Robert Browning used it in a poem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/****) obviously not knowing what it meant and got a bit of a shock when it was pointed out to him!

06/10/2006, 7:50 AM
I cannot honestly believe that someone could seriously start a thread about banning the word 'muppet'.

I don't think he mentioned that he wanted it banned, more so a case of telling us it annoyed him a little. Don't take it so seriously! :)

Actually, the word tw*t refers to the female pudenda, which is therefore as vulgar as calling someone a c*nt.

I don't find the "female pudenda" vulgar at all so technically any word referring to it shouldn't be classed as so. ;)

06/10/2006, 7:56 AM
I cannot honestly believe that someone could seriously start a thread about banning the word 'muppet'. For me its the same as calling someone a 'langer', 'spanner', 'pleb', 't-wat' etc. There's nothing vulgar about the word and seems to be an attitude among posters on foot to create a new utopian society here which for me smacks of pure Maoist. Come six months we won't be able to type 'the' in case it displeases someone. No offence Macdermesser but could you not think of anything more interesting to discuss...you muppet (couldn't resist :D )

hehe .. was waiting for the first person to call me a m****t.

I've seen a lot worse threads to be started up to be honest .. and to be fair, it provoked a response from yourself, who is about as prolific as posting on here as I am. I was just expressing a personal opinion and wondering did anyone else feel the same. Not seriously demanding it to be banned .. but poking a bit of fun at people who use it religiously now in their limited vocabulary. By the way "t.w*t", is another one of my pet hates (but I won't start a thread on it;) ).

I would have thought eejit, amadan, langer would suffice.

But of course, just like in a lot of other cases, we have to ape our neighbours across the water.

PS. Actually t.w*t is starred! I take back what I said! I want M.up**t starred too!!