View Full Version : Motorcycle safety

28/09/2006, 3:34 PM
I don't know if there are any motorcyclists on the forum, but what is the law in Ireland with regards to wearing a helmet? The reason I ask is that in Florida and California, it's not required that you wear one, but you must wear a seat belt when driving your car! A couple of accidents have occurred in recent days where I live and no helmet was worn by either party and of course both incidents resulted in fatalities from head trauma. I ride my bike once or twice a week, with a helmet, but I was wondering what your thoughts were regarding this law. Personally, I think it's crazy not to wear a helmet.

the 12 th man
28/09/2006, 3:42 PM
Compulsory for both Rider and passenger here in Ireland.The figures over here for motorcyle deaths are frightening.I'm an ex-biker and would have always worn a helmet.

28/09/2006, 3:54 PM
Personally, I think it's crazy not to wear a helmet.

Also madness not to ride without proper protective clothing including but not limited to gloves, boots and decent back padding.

28/09/2006, 3:59 PM
Also madness not to ride without proper protective clothing including but not limited to gloves, boots and decent back padding.
No doubt. As the weather over here is extreme at times, it's hard to wear all the gear, but almost everyday I see lads flying down the road with nothing but a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. They're just asking for it.

the 12 th man
28/09/2006, 4:11 PM
Its also law in some European Countries to wear helmets but for some reason (maybe because its very hot in the summer) the law is not enforced.

Most days here it would be too cold anyway not to wear one.