View Full Version : Top Class

22/09/2006, 3:20 PM
I was in Stuttgart with a mate who travelled from continental Europe where he now lives. We met up with his mate, an Irish ex-pat who he met abroad. In turn, this guy had a mate from Limerick who hooked up with us, plus a fanatical 3G Irishman from Sunderland. We spent all day Saturday at the Schlossplatz drinking & just hanging out.

As we set off to the ground the Limerick lad, who I'd never met before, noticed his Irish jersey had been nicked. I went back to our hotel & gave him my spare and told he can post it back to me.

I just got the jersey back, neatly pressed(!) but also accompanied by a new Irish rugby shirt for for 3 yr old daughter. With her growing up in England I've a battle on my hands converting her to the cause. This'll be a mssive help.

I don't even recall mentioning my family, but I thought the present was top class.

It's what makes these trips special IMHO.

Sligo Hornet
22/09/2006, 9:24 PM
Don't be too surprised..that's what being Irish is all about!!:)......Ive experienced a similar "fear" being married to a lovely ( but English ) Girl and now have two grown up children ( born in England ) aged 20 & 18, both of whom are fanatical IRELAND fans,....having accompanied me to Paris, Cyprus and Stuttgart.....and are "booked" for San Marino!!!

Fear not..........all will be OK!!!!:D

26/09/2006, 10:50 AM
I was in Stuttgart ........
As we set off to the ground the Limerick lad, who I'd never met before, noticed his Irish jersey had been nicked. I went back to our hotel & gave him my spare and told he can post it back to me.

must of been a german who nicked the jersey:D :D :D

26/09/2006, 11:22 AM
It was'nt green with small green,white, gold around neck and sleeves was it???? And big eircom logo on front??? :D :D

I'll get my coat!!!!

26/09/2006, 10:29 PM
I'll give the flipside to Irish Kindness....
I'm fairly nouveau when it comes to supporting Ireland abroad, but I was determined to go to Glasgow for Kerr's first match in charge. I wasn't being paid particularily well at the time and had too much of a penchant for the booze (when you travel on yer own to games sometimes its better not to be too mad for the gargle).
Anyway I flew with Lyanair to Glasgow (ahem! Prestwick) but the flight had to land in Glasgow international due to fog. Which was brilliant for me. Had a decent few scoops in the City Centre and made my way to Hampden with two Scouser 2g's. After the game made my way back to the centre to have a few more gargles before getting a train to Prestwick for the flight back at 5.30 a.m.

Hopped in a cab at about 2.00 a.m. (with about £15 in my pocket) and jauntily told the cabbie to "take me to Prestwick good sir!" He asked me did I know how far out it was and I said yeah no worries it wasn't far. I'd say he heard the sh!t running down me legs when he told me it'd cost £60. I knew full well I didn't have the cash on me, but, being a civil servant who gets paid on a Thurs the money would probably be in the account by the time I'd get to the airport. Anyway to cut a long story short, the money hadn't transferred, and I couldn't pay the fare. He gave me a card with his address with my sincerest promise that I'd forward it on.
The interest is rising on how much he's owed now.

27/09/2006, 12:29 PM
The interest is rising on how much he's owed now.

But not the guilt?:eek:

27/09/2006, 1:02 PM
Why did you not pay Kingdom

27/09/2006, 3:27 PM
in fairness the lad who dropped you to the airport must of been 2g (or 3-4g)himself because i know i've got some taxi's in glasgow and if they're from the other half you'd not get away with promising to send on the money to them!!

27/09/2006, 3:44 PM
But not the guilt?:eek:

Nope, the guilt level definitely rose alright! And Neil, I didn't refuse to pay him intentionally, but all I had was a business card with his address on it. Sure I'd that lost after a day.

27/09/2006, 3:52 PM
donation of a similar amount to a childrens charity and letter to the daily record as penance!

27/09/2006, 3:55 PM
''Lost'' I like it.....sure that wasn't a subconciously intentional mistake!!! ;)

27/09/2006, 4:35 PM
donation of a similar amount to a childrens charity and letter to the daily record as penance!

The only childers charity I'll be donating to will be the Mrs Kingdom's chosen one, so that'll be either Mothercare or Ladybirds.

27/09/2006, 4:47 PM
''Lost'' I like it.....sure that wasn't a subconciously intentional mistake!!! ;)

Nah, twas genune alright. The way I see it these things come in swings and roundabouts. I've been fcuked over for the following games:

Holland 2001
Basle 2003
France 2005
Switzerland 2005
Stuttgart 2006

by either having to fork out hand over fist for tickets or to bribe security, so a Scottish cabbie, losing out on €60 doesn't really bother me too much now.
Things balance out in the end. I'm going to hell for my crimes anyway.