View Full Version : Damage to future Tourism

19/09/2006, 11:22 AM
Just wondered what do you think would do more damage to future tourism in this country?

A possible taxi strike that O'Donoghue seems to see as a doomsday scenario which will have little impact given how close taxis can actually get to the K Club?


The time it took the European Team, complete with garda outriders, to get down the M50 mid morning?

10 years of excuses, no solutions and not even the cops can get down the M50 in a reasonable time. Shame on O'Donoghue and his cabinet colleagues - regardless of what the taxi drivers do, this will be the most damaging aspect to tourism in Ireland.

Conor H
19/09/2006, 11:29 AM
It will be highly interesting to see is the Taxi drivers do strike.With so much money to be generated i doubt all will strike.As was the case hear in Galway during race week.
Agree though it will look bad if there is a low number of Taxi's operating next week.

19/09/2006, 12:26 PM
The time it took the European Team, complete with garda outriders, to get down the M50 mid morning?

2 hours from the airport to the K Club dispite a garda escort. Brilliant. Only when our politicos get embarished like that will they realise that others not ferried around in convoys. :cool:

I could care less what the taxi drivers do. I don't think will see anyone using a smelly taxi to get to the K Club.

19/09/2006, 12:56 PM
Only when our politicos get embarished like that will they realise that others not ferried around in convoys.
They should be made travel without outriders and without using Bus Lanes for a month to see what it's really like. Maybe the GRA should issue a directive as a protest against the reserve - would be a massive boast for their overtime too.

I don't think will see anyone using a smelly taxi to get to the K Club.
They're not allowed near enough anyway.

19/09/2006, 1:29 PM
As I said before, Golf is for Freemasons.

Lionel Ritchie
19/09/2006, 3:51 PM
:D Very good Bohs.

Whatever about it's being for members of what the late 'Masons apologist Vere Wynn Jones called "a society with secrets rather than a secret society" (:confused: ..you tell me ...I find that at least as ominous and dodgy) it surely is, after Cricket and Tennis, the third most boring game on Earth.

I don't think the taxi drivers strike, if it happens, will make a blind bit of difference to future tourism.

*Rack renting of accomodation and services (particularly around the time of sporting, cultural, holiday and festive events.)

*Blighting areas of unique physical, geographical and cultural beauty/importance with so called infrastructure.

*Our general emphasis on maximising "spend per head" be it in a cafe (concept of a re-fill is virtually unheard of here), pub, restaurant, nightclub and many other recreational pursuits.

*the only foreigners who get a truly genuine (if cynical) Céad Míle Fáilte here tend to be morbidly obese tartan trousered, tousle capped, "kiss me -I'm Irish" sweatshirt wearing, 60-something Americans who we're certain have plenty of the only type of green we care about and who we're sure are ****ing off home as soon as they've spent it.

Those are the kind of things that are going to damage Irish tourism.

19/09/2006, 9:49 PM
:D Very good Bohs.

Whatever about it's being for members of what the late 'Masons apologist Vere Wynn Jones called "a society with secrets rather than a secret society" (:confused: ..you tell me ...I find that at least as ominous and dodgy) it surely is, after Cricket and Tennis, the third most boring game on Earth.

I don't think the taxi drivers strike, if it happens, will make a blind bit of difference to future tourism.

*Rack renting of accomodation and services (particularly around the time of sporting, cultural, holiday and festive events.)

*Blighting areas of unique physical, geographical and cultural beauty/importance with so called infrastructure.

*Our general emphasis on maximising "spend per head" be it in a cafe (concept of a re-fill is virtually unheard of here), pub, restaurant, nightclub and many other recreational pursuits.

*the only foreigners who get a truly genuine (if cynical) Céad Míle Fáilte here tend to be morbidly obese tartan trousered, tousle capped, "kiss me -I'm Irish" sweatshirt wearing, 60-something Americans who we're certain have plenty of the only type of green we care about and who we're sure are ****ing off home as soon as they've spent it.

Those are the kind of things that are going to damage Irish tourism.

Totally agree with you. And whats the bloody story with the no refill policy? The profit on a cup of coffee is serious. They could fill your cup three times and still be making 60%

NY Hoop
20/09/2006, 10:03 AM
Any yanks complaining of traffic have never driven in NY.

What is genuinely damaging to tourism is the filth of the country. People just dump their rubbish anywhere.

Plus in Dublin you have junkies roaming the streets like the undead. This is deeply embarrassing and troubling. I've been to a lot of cities, and with the exception of Amsterdam, there is none that let junkies roam around the capital city centre.:rolleyes:


20/09/2006, 12:46 PM
Any yanks complaining of traffic have never driven in NY.

What is genuinely damaging to tourism is the filth of the country. People just dump their rubbish anywhere.

Plus in Dublin you have junkies roaming the streets like the undead. This is deeply embarrassing and troubling. I've been to a lot of cities, and with the exception of Amsterdam, there is none that let junkies roam around the capital city centre.:rolleyes:

Here here!

I've been a lot of places and Its rare to come accross a first world city that is as dirty as Dublin.

20/09/2006, 1:21 PM
Here here!

I've been a lot of places and Its rare to come accross a first world city that is as dirty as Dublin.

Agreed. I lived there for the whole of the summer and always had an uneasy feeling walking around the Christchurch area (where I lived). I never experienced any trouble myself but the amount of dead eyed junkies that you'd pass on a day to day basis was staggering. Couple that up with the rudeness of regular Dublin people, and the general filth of the city and Dublin all in all makes for an unpleasant experience for all

NY Hoop
20/09/2006, 1:45 PM
The set places for junkies getting their methadone in D8 are on Winetavern Street and John Street.

What is worrying is the amount of tourists that go through Dublin 8 on their way to the Guinness brewery and seeing this. Inevitable that something bad will happen.

What is sickening is that these vermin are also on social welfare and its us the taxpayers who are giving them it.


20/09/2006, 2:38 PM
The set places for junkies getting their methadone in D8 are on Winetavern Street and John Street.

What is worrying is the amount of tourists that go through Dublin 8 on their way to the Guinness brewery and seeing this. Inevitable that something bad will happen.

What is sickening is that these vermin are also on social welfare and its us the taxpayers who are giving them it.


Abbey St., Talbot St. and the Liffey Boardwalk near Liberty Hall are usually full of Junkies and Winos as well.

20/09/2006, 3:37 PM
there is none that let junkies roam around the capital city centre.:rolleyes:

Considering it's a free country, what do you suggest we do? Lock them up!?

What is sickening is that these vermin are also on social welfare and its us the taxpayers who are giving them it.

For arguments sake, would you class someone as vermin if i.e. as a 12 year old girl they were abused and forced to run away where they then ended up on the streets and developed a habit because of the people they mixed with?

NY Hoop
20/09/2006, 3:46 PM
Considering it's a free country, what do you suggest we do? Lock them up!?

For arguments sake, would you class someone as vermin if i.e. as a 12 year old girl they were abused and forced to run away where they then ended up on the streets and developed a habit because of the people they mixed with?

Oh FFS obviously am not talking about kids. Why is it on this forum you have to spell it out sometimes?

I suggest they get their methadone away from the capital city centre. And no this is not a NIMBY situation either.


20/09/2006, 3:56 PM
Oh FFS obviously am not talking about kids. Why is it on this forum you have to spell it out sometimes?

You maybe have to spell it out so don't you don't come across as a dinosaur...we're not all telepathic and we won't all assume you "only meant"...

NY Hoop
20/09/2006, 3:59 PM
Stop WUMming. It is plainly obvious what I meant.

The issue is damage to future tourism and junkies roaming the streets like the undead is a danger.


22/09/2006, 10:36 AM
Comparing golf with cricket is just offensive. This how the sporting hierarchy works:

Rugby is for people who pretend to be better than you. Golf is for people who believe they're better than you. Cricket is for people who genuinely are better than you.

23/09/2006, 11:59 AM
Rugby is for people who pretend to be better than you. Golf is for people who believe they're better than you. Cricket is for people who genuinely are better than you.FACT! :D

23/09/2006, 7:27 PM
Did anyone else see the 'little emerald isle' in the lake at the K Club?

I am sure thr yanks will love it but corny as hell. :eek:

23/09/2006, 9:02 PM
Its an absolute disgrace how little taxi drivers are paid in this country, but particularly how little they are paid in Dublin.

Saint Tom
24/09/2006, 5:34 PM
what 60k a year for the guys who put the hours in??? how awful..... i wonder how they manage to feed themselves and their poor poor families

24/09/2006, 5:40 PM
what 60k a year for the guys who put the hours in??? how awful..... i wonder how they manage to feed themselves and their poor poor families

Ireland is an expensive country to live in & sure thats the least an unskilled worker should be paid. I suppose if it was a well paid occupation we'd have 60k & not only 30k taxi drivers...