View Full Version : IFU - Email Promotion For Bohs v Cork - Please Help Circulate

Michael Nugent
29/08/2002, 2:43 PM
We now have an email version of the leaflet promoting the Bohs Cork game tomorrow.

It is an A4 word document, with pictures of the club crests, plus Glen Crowe and John O'Flynn.

It is adapted from a format designed by Brian Gartlan.

Can anybody who wants to help circulate it please send me an email (michael@happying.com) and I will send them the word document as an attachment.

Please then circulate by email it to any friends, colleagues, web site, mailing lists that you feel would be interested.

I will be out distributing the printed versions of the leaflets from about 4 pm, so please email me before then or I won't get your message until late this evening.

Michael Nugent

29/08/2002, 3:43 PM
thats a great idea. work noticeboards and things like that would be the job too for future games