View Full Version : O'Flynn transfer rumour?

26/08/2002, 12:06 PM
I heard he rumoured to be off to Celtic......

I'm not sure where the info came from originally & don't really hold much confidence in it but any word of this down leeside?

26/08/2002, 2:25 PM
Someone told me there was an Ipswich scout watching him against Monaghan on tuesday night, I dont know if theres any truth in it though!

26/08/2002, 2:28 PM
It will always be a problem to hold onto players that do particularly well. O'Flynn has been in flying form and it is a good sign that clubs are interested.

I would obviously love to see him stay but any half decent bid would be accepted I think.

26/08/2002, 2:41 PM
The big question is how much is he worth to the club over til the end of next season.

Theres no doubt city would suffer a lot if O'Flynn left plus IMO attendances would then start to suffer.

I think the easily worth 200k to city & that probably doesn't include revenue if city get to europe.

Given hes such a valuable player to city they shouldn't allow any travel for trials mid-week, weekends be ok if maybe city had a free weekend.

With transfer deadline in UK this week O'Flynn should be staying put for a while longer anyway.

Even allowing for dip in form by city he must be easily be good for 15 league goals this season?

26/08/2002, 2:46 PM
How much do you think O'Flynn would be worth (say halfway through the season, if he's still scoring regularly - its a bit early to say now)? I'm talking real transfer fees here, not the traditional EL crate of Lucozade Sport and €100 voucher towards a Stoke City season ticket variety so beloved of Irish clubs down the years.

I think any transfer would need to include a significant sell-on clause, and none of this ten grand after he makes 5 million first team appearances rubbish that seems to happen far too often. It'd be a shame to see him go because the EL needs to keep its top players, but if he keeps up his scoring form much longer its inevitable he'll move on really. I'd be anxious to see City get fair value for him because it'd set a precedent for the rest of the league as far as transfers go. At the moment its difficult to get anything decent as virtually every player has been criminally undervalued when being sold across the water.

26/08/2002, 2:50 PM
Maybe this is a bit unrealistic but, I honestley believe that he shouldnt be left go for less than half a million + a substantial sell on clause. He would be a huge loss for City and we should be suitabley compensated.

26/08/2002, 3:12 PM
If he gets called up to the u-21 squad & plays i think he'll start to attract attention quickely.

I'd say no eL would be bought for more than 250k at the moment unfortunately but more its probbaly more important to have clauses built in for 1st team appearances rather than sell ons given the Bosman transefrs these days.

26/08/2002, 3:26 PM
bournemouth when they sold Matt Holland to Ipswich for 800k put in a clause that they would get 20% of any future transfer fee over 800k.

it might be the financial rescue of the club if the deal goes thru with aston villa...

but the relevance...

all clubs in the eL should stick such a clause in the contract [imagine selling another Roy Keane for 30k!!]

Cork would be mad to let him go for less than STG£200k + 20% of any transfer fee over 200k

26/08/2002, 3:42 PM
I cant see us keeping him...best thing we've had in years it'd be heartbreaking if he or o'callaghan left but it wouldnt surprise me. They are the talk of the league and we have a title shot if they atay as far as i'm concearned. i can see us loosing one or the other for a paltry fee i'm afraid

26/08/2002, 7:01 PM
I hope we can hang onto him for another few months, maybe end of the season, but I can't see him staying beyond then. The least we should be looking for is 200k and a 10-20% sell on fee as well. No more sales for peanuts! Maybe one of the best things to come out of the ITV digital collapse is that low-level clubs in england won't even have the paltry sums they used to offer us so it will be the bigger clubs that take players from the eL, and bigger clubs=bigger money

27/08/2002, 1:44 AM
if city do decide to sell him, anyone up for kidnapping him and handcuffing him to a goalpost at the X, only leaving him out for games!!!!! Don't know what we'll do for away games?

27/08/2002, 6:58 AM
Surely all this depends on what type of contract he has with City.
He could have all sorts of clauses written in there, and City may have no real options at all. If they do, however, when, and if, he goes, a minimum fee of €300,000 + 25% of any further sign on.
That should keep the cheepos away !

27/08/2002, 8:43 AM
Realistically speaking if you look at the present state of affairs, there are one of two things that will/have happened.

You can be sure John O'Flynn has as good an escape clause if an english club comes in as he could have got. He last thing he may have wanted was a fee stopping him going back to england.

Or he was sick of england, signed a good long contract and has no intention of going back, provided he's reasonably compensated. Either way you will know if an offer comes in.

IMO if we intend as clubs to realise our playing assets we will need to get more than one year deals with players. Clubs should have been signing 2 season deals with players. I don't think there is much money left in the game over in england and you will find alot of good players without clubs.... So I wouldn't say big clubs, big money, would ever happen... Darren Kelly's transfer was crazy... defies belief... I rather see the best players in this league stay here...

27/08/2002, 10:20 AM
IMO We should beef up his current contract and make it hard for him to leave. He's worth about 500 on the gate each week...

27/08/2002, 10:54 AM
Isn't O'Flynn on a 2 year/season contract?

27/08/2002, 10:56 AM
Yeah...according to the Echo anyway....

27/08/2002, 2:19 PM
Isn't this the third or fourth time this topic has come up???
Nothing new, still with Cork but it a short season!!!!!
Nobody knows

27/08/2002, 7:12 PM
...don't know if it's been mentioned but no transfers can take place after next weekend until January.
It's a UEFA rule and it applies to our little old league too.
If O'Flynn is with us next week he'll be with us for the rest of the season at least.

29/08/2002, 10:33 AM
And that ends that discussion!

29/08/2002, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by niamh
And that ends that discussion!

So its a 2 year or 2 season contract?


29/08/2002, 11:31 AM
still 2 days to go to Saturday :) he could be gone by then!

29/08/2002, 5:58 PM
I heard he on 250 euro's a week, all the fulltimers are on that who signed new contracts this summer. I say offer him a new four year deal and double it.

30/08/2002, 7:52 AM
Originally posted by Sid
I heard he on 250 euro's a week, all the fulltimers are on that who signed new contracts this summer. I say offer him a new four year deal and double it.

Jeez, i'd hope he's on more than that. He'd get more in McDonalds like

30/08/2002, 8:16 AM
He'd get more than €250 in McDonalds!
To keep players like JO'F and GO'C here, they would want to be getting somewhere in the region of €500 to €750 a week, at the very least.
Then we have the chicken and egg syndrome.
To get the crowds to come in, you must have good players. To have good players, you must have the money to pay them. To have the money to pay players, you must be getting the crowds.
So, what comes first ?
We need someone to payout a lot of money for a while, until there is some return on it. Can Brian Lennox do this?
He's not a Berlusconi or a Moratti (AC and Inter Milan) who can shell out millions when ever he wants to.
Maybe we could try something like a group of fans "adopting" a player. For example, 100 fans sign up to pay €20 a month to pay a player €2000 a month each during the season.
Would there be any takers for that I wonder?.......;)

30/08/2002, 9:20 AM
Theres no way O'flynn be on 250 yoyos a week but on the otherhand he probably not on a huge amount either as didn't really have an track record when joing city. Could be aon goal bonus too though?

The fulltimers should be paid decent wages & then shipped off to the schools around the city when the they start back. Fulltiemrs should be used for club PR in their spare time.

30/08/2002, 9:43 AM
Maybe we could try something like a group of fans "adopting" a player. For example, 100 fans sign up to pay €20 a month to pay a player €2000 a month each during the season.

Bohs have setup an account for fans to donate to the club, all monies from this account goes directly to paying the players wages.

30/08/2002, 9:45 AM
Did i hear right that Bohs fans are paying Kevin Hunts wages?

30/08/2002, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Pablo
Did i hear right that Bohs fans are paying Kevin Hunts wages?

I think some of them offered to do so to get the club to extend his contract.

IMO theres a big difference between financially supporting a professional fulltime squad with a professional manager (e.g. Bohs) & the mickey mouse fulltimer status that city or most teams would have. Until city can provide a professional fulltime setup & career for the likes of O'Flynn players like him will always want to leave for the bright lights of england as soon as possible...

If city planned to provide something along the Bohs line i think most city supporters would pay anthing up to 15 euro a game if saw the money been used productively...

30/08/2002, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by Peadar
...don't know if it's been mentioned but no transfers can take place after next weekend until January.
It's a UEFA rule and it applies to our little old league too.
If O'Flynn is with us next week he'll be with us for the rest of the season at least.

i read somewhere on the eircom league message board that uefa have given the natioanl league special dispensation from this transfer window until january 31 due to it being a transition season.

30/08/2002, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by eoinh

i read somewhere on the eircom league message board that uefa have given the natioanl league special dispensation from this transfer window until january 31 due to it being a transition season.

The fear factors returns! he could go at any time! ;)

30/08/2002, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Pablo
The fear factors returns! he could go at any time! ;)

I don't ant to be accused of ending this discussion but probably just means inter-eL transfers allowed during september? If the rest of europe can't make an transfers likely they can't make any from the eL?


30/08/2002, 11:34 AM
The debate rages on :)

I think it unlikely a transfer will take place after he's played just half a dozen or so senior matches. So were stuck with the useless git!

30/08/2002, 6:55 PM
Originally posted by eoinh

i read somewhere on the eircom league message board that uefa have given the natioanl league special dispensation from this transfer window until january 31 due to it being a transition season.

That, if true, does not give the right to clubs from other countries to buy players from National League of Ireland clubs!

John O'Flynn is NOT leaving Cork City FC!

31/08/2002, 12:37 PM
Your people tell you that eh Peadar??

Question: Has he signed a 2 season contract or a 2 YEAR contract???

02/09/2002, 5:16 PM
Originally posted by pete
but probably just means inter-eL transfers allowed during september? I
AFAIK, inter-el tranfers allowed until this Saturday at midnight.

05/09/2002, 10:46 AM
The eL have some sort of dispensation. But non- eL clubs cannot buy players as their transfer season is over for the time being. An Irish club can at present buy a player from an Irish club.

I have no idea whether this is for the remainder of the season or just another few weeks. No one seems to know for def.

But considering where City are in the league why would he leave for another Irish club.

05/09/2002, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by niamh
The eL have some sort of dispensation. But non- eL clubs cannot buy players as their transfer season is over for the time being. An Irish club can at present buy a player from an Irish club.

I have no idea whether this is for the remainder of the season or just another few weeks. No one seems to know for def.

i read yesterday that the transfer season here remains open until october 31

05/09/2002, 3:20 PM
Originally posted by niamh
But considering where City are in the league why would he leave for another Irish club. Dare we say the dreaded word...MONEY ????? .......... :p