View Full Version : Are you addicted to Foot.ie? (Test)

12/09/2006, 3:25 AM
Take this quiz to see how addicted to foot.ie you really are...

What you’ll need for this quiz; Either a) a pencil/pen and a piece of paper or more likely b) a spreadsheet open to keep tabs on your score.

Have you registered here? 1 point if yes
Have you registered here more than once? 2 points
Have you registered here more than once and backed yourself up in an argument? 5 points
Have you registered more than once and argued with yourself? 10 points
Have you started a thread? 1 point
Have you started more than 10 threads? 5 points
Do you know how many threads you’ve started? 100 points

Are you a moderator? 10 points
Are you a supermod? 20 points
Are you not a mod or supermod but know the difference between the two? 100 points

Dou you visit foot.ie at home? 1 point
Do you visit foot.ie at work? 2 points
Have you threatened to quit your job if they blocked foot.ie? 100 points
Have you visited foot.ie after midnight? 2 points
- between 2 and 5? 5 points?
- Between 5 and 6? 20 points
Do you know the real identities of more than 5 foot.ie members? 5 points
Do you post on the foot.ie blog? 15 points

Have you been given a warning by the mods? 10 points
Have you been told “you can leave if you like, I don’t care?” by dahamsta? 50
Have you threatened to leave
- Over “idiot posters”? 10 points
- Over “idiot moderators”? 25 points

Have you made any of the foot.ie meet ups? 20 points
Have you travelled more than 5 miles to a foot.ie meet up? 30 points
Have you travelled to a foot.ie meet up in another country 100 points
Do you know the real identities of more than 5 foot.ie members? 5 points
Do you know the real identities of more than 20 foot.ie members? 40 points
Do you know the real identities of more than 100 foot.ie members? 200 points
Do you know all of the dahamsta’s previous names? 100 points
Have you been accused of stalking somebody on foot.ie? 150 points
Was that person actually stalking you? 200 Points

Have you voted in Post of the Month? 1 point
Have you nominated a Post for POTM? 5 points
Have you received a nomination for POTM? 10 points
Do you secretly cry every month when you’re not nominated? 100 points

Have you bookmarked foot.ie? 20 points
Is it your home page? 50 points
Do you click on New Posts? 20 points
Have you bookmarked the New Posts search page? 50 points
Is the new posts search page your home page? 100 points
Do you read each and every one of those posts? 200 points
Do you only look at the totty watch thread? -200 points

Have you got involved in a League of Ireland fan v Irish national team fan “debate”? 5 points
Have you posted on a “blah blah is a disgrace thread”? 5 points
Have you posted on a rival teams forum after they’ve beaten you 3-0? 25 points
Have you quoted more than 3 posts in a thread? 10 points
Have you reached the word limit for a post? 50 points
Have you requested dahamsta increase the limit? 100 points

Have you taken this quiz? 50 points
Did you write this quiz? 200 points
Do you wish you had’ve written this quiz? 500 points

If you scored
- between 1 and 100; What are you doing here?
- Between 101 and 250; Seem like you have a decent handle on things?
- Between 251 and 500; Slightly OTT but at least you get to see some daylight. Right?
- Over 501; GEEK!!!!

12/09/2006, 7:12 AM
I can so quit any time i want :cool:

12/09/2006, 8:58 AM
Is that the Insomnia kicking in again Dodge :D

12/09/2006, 9:32 AM
a mere 388 :)

12/09/2006, 10:31 AM
106. Does that make me normal?? :D

12/09/2006, 10:32 AM
Is that the Insomnia kicking in again Dodge :D
Nah, was actually working at that time. Seen something similar on another forum and cut and paste most of it (just tailored a coupleof questions for us and added in one or two)

12/09/2006, 11:06 AM
373. Just as well I didn't wish I'd written the quiz. :D

Drumcondra Red
12/09/2006, 11:09 AM
243, I've got a handle on things!!!

12/09/2006, 11:33 AM
Apparently I've got a handle on things too.......:eek:

pineapple stu
12/09/2006, 12:45 PM

You should get bonus marks for actually marking yourself in the quiz.

Student Mullet
12/09/2006, 1:01 PM
174, I'm disappointed. I thought I was a bigger internet nerd than that.

pineapple stu
12/09/2006, 1:03 PM
How did Bald Student score?

Student Mullet
12/09/2006, 1:05 PM
How did Bald Student score?Are you asking me? I don't know.

12/09/2006, 3:00 PM
145:eek:. Thought I'd have got more:o.

12/09/2006, 3:14 PM
You're disappointed you're classed as pretty normal :eek: . What do they feed ye up there? :D

12/09/2006, 3:17 PM
225, makes me normal I suppose?

12/09/2006, 3:22 PM
You're disappointed you're classed as pretty normal :eek: .Well yeah because I thought I was more addicted than the test suggests:D.

Aberdonian Stu
12/09/2006, 4:12 PM
97 and that includes giving myself points for both the times you asked if I knew the real identities of 5 or more users.

Did anyone else notice that repitition.

12/09/2006, 4:14 PM
Did anyone else notice that repitition.Yep, I just ignored it the second time it was asked:D.

the 12 th man
12/09/2006, 4:28 PM
97 and that includes giving myself points for both the times you asked if I knew the real identities of 5 or more users.

Did anyone else notice that repitition.

Noticing and then posting that here is + 1000 pts:D

Raheny Red
12/09/2006, 6:42 PM
-92 :cool:

12/09/2006, 7:46 PM
383 for me.

12/09/2006, 7:58 PM
257 for me

Plastic Paddy
12/09/2006, 8:23 PM
Fabulous idea Dodge. 158 points for me. Like SM I thought it would have been more. I can't say I'm that disappointed though. :cool:

:ball: PP

12/09/2006, 9:10 PM
493 :D

Leading at the moment - but then again - I have been here for a good five years

12/09/2006, 9:12 PM
353 - acceptably addicted! I've definately thought about bookmarking the 'New Posts' page, just never got around to it!

A candidate for POTM, methinks.

12/09/2006, 9:15 PM
153...........Reitoir and me met up in Dublin for Bohs vs Rover but I maintain that was not 'travelling to another country for a foot.ie meet up' because I was already there and there was only 2 (3??) of us actually meeting up ;) (and I don't want 253 points!!!) Also I'm not totall sure if Dahmsta told me he didn't care if I quit.....might have....

12/09/2006, 10:49 PM
207, not bad, not bad at all.

Bald Student
12/09/2006, 11:45 PM
How did Bald Student score?174, though I'm disappointed. I'd thought I was a bigger internet nerd than that.

13/09/2006, 10:39 AM
New addition;

Being disappointed with your score. +400 points

13/09/2006, 11:15 AM
ehh...518...but then those stalker questions were put in just for me! they gave me 350 alone!

13/09/2006, 1:40 PM
113, narrowly avoiding being tarred and feathered or what not.

Post counts, like league tables, don't lie, I suppose... :D

13/09/2006, 2:42 PM
Yeah the stalking question accounts for 350 of my points. (damn you patsh!!!!)

There used to be athing on the userlist giving posts per day, that was a much hander guide

13/09/2006, 5:22 PM
166 points for me. 500 short of the number of the beast!!:D :p :D

16/09/2006, 10:23 PM

fc hammer
16/09/2006, 10:59 PM

17/09/2006, 2:00 AM
I dont need a test to tell me I'm addicted............................273

The Stars
17/09/2006, 8:23 PM

17/09/2006, 10:04 PM
158 see told you I could quit anytime (sweats)

Mr A
18/09/2006, 12:23 AM
158. Not too bad.

An overall postcount clause would have been good though :)

18/09/2006, 10:36 AM
113. I'm really more of a Bohs message board fiend though I can't get on it at work so I make do with foot.