View Full Version : First RTE eL footage of the season!

21/08/2002, 10:30 AM
Think this deserves a whole thread for itself! ;)

RTE (late news on Net 2) had report from turners cross last night! Showed the 3 goals, Steven Napier being stretchered off + the send off.

Footage looked abit yellow to see cos of the floodlighgts & the camera angle from the press box area.

Woods goal looked great dispite the bad angle.


21/08/2002, 10:48 AM
They showed the goals of the Rovers Dundalk cup game

And technically neither of them count as El coverage

21/08/2002, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by Dodge
They showed the goals of the Rovers Dundalk cup game

And technically neither of them count as El coverage

Yeah that be FAI Cup coverage i suppose ;)

That was the match tv3 had a camera & reporter there just to do interviews dispite not being able to show any match action. Its debatable what the tv3 coverage be like outside the pale but i think they'll be so much better for big dublin derbys.