View Full Version : School tomorrow

29/08/2006, 10:00 PM
5th year.:mad: :mad: :mad:

Red&White Rover
29/08/2006, 10:16 PM
4th for me...but i dont officially start til friday, im in mentoring 1st years tomorrow:eek:

my bitches:)

Conor H
29/08/2006, 10:23 PM
He he im finished school!!!!!:D :D

29/08/2006, 10:24 PM
I wud love to go back gonna miss the craic I had over the 6 years but there is no way I cud go back and do the leaving cert again!!

But now I have college ahead of me hope it will be as good as my school years where!!

Raheny Red
29/08/2006, 10:32 PM
School is amazing - I miss it!

29/08/2006, 11:30 PM
I wud love to go back gonna miss the craic I had over the 6 years but there is no way I cud go back and do the leaving cert again!!

here here!!! on to college!!! :D

29/08/2006, 11:53 PM
School was good craic back in the day alright. Oh, to be back:( :p

30/08/2006, 9:01 AM
Delighted you kids are all back. Sick of coming home from work and seeing you all out enjoying yourselves! :D

30/08/2006, 9:04 AM
I would love to be back too....walking miles with no shoes and a spud in your pocket for lunch...the squeak of the chalk on your little slate board....

Ok am not that old but feel it....my eldest son started Secondary School yesterday...hes all growed up now.

30/08/2006, 9:23 AM
It is a pain when the scools go back, it means more traffic and my journey to work gets longer:(

Block G Raptor
30/08/2006, 9:58 AM
My Fiancees little fella started today . may God have mercy on his teacher

De Town
03/09/2006, 9:42 AM
Started TY myself. Biggest waste of a year ever! :rolleyes:

03/09/2006, 12:06 PM
Transition is the best laugh cos it's just a doss all year long.

Into 6th myself tomorrow, the grind year. The one real reason I'm not looking forward to it is cos it means I can't go out as much!!! I just hope I can make it til mid-term without going mad from lack of fun.....sorry for moaning, I'm just feeling sorry for myself.

De Town
03/09/2006, 1:29 PM
Transition is the best laugh cos it's just a doss all year long.

Definately! It's great craic alright, just a bit of a waste of a year.

Anto McC
03/09/2006, 2:09 PM
School is amazing - I miss it!


What i wouldn't give to be that carefree again.

04/09/2006, 11:30 AM
Transition is the best laugh cos it's just a doss all year long.

Into 6th myself tomorrow, the grind year. The one real reason I'm not looking forward to it is cos it means I can't go out as much!!! I just hope I can make it til mid-term without going mad from lack of fun.....sorry for moaning, I'm just feeling sorry for myself.

TY was a class yr dont think it would have been half as good if my hole year had to do it and if I didnt do it it I would have been 16 going into 6th yr and 17 doing my LC and I dont think I wud have done as well as I did if I didnt do TY.

Now off to college now and start in just over a week :(

Rory H
04/09/2006, 11:36 AM
i probably should have done ty..im more mature this year and i would have been doing my leaving cert with more confidence

still im in college...doing a crappy course...but its way better than school..ye will learn that soon!

Raheny Red
04/09/2006, 11:40 AM
College is just as good, if not better! :cool:

Drumcondra Red
04/09/2006, 11:42 AM
School was great, college had its advantages but it didn't have the carefree advantage of school, work, well work gets a bit tiresome at times!

The Stars
04/09/2006, 6:41 PM
college is even more carefree than school....you can miss classes if you want and not a word is said.Also,the advantage of the night life/

04/09/2006, 6:51 PM
ahhhh ty...

not even started and im all ready lovin it!!!!!!!! lol!!!!

06/09/2006, 12:34 PM
We were one of the schools in the Transition Year experiment...in other words every other school in the County got to finish in 5th yr but we did 6. In TY we did loads of extra modules but also continued on with our course work full speed ahead. It meant that 6th yr was pretty much a revision year. Loads of people did really well in LC then but I was a lazy biatch.