View Full Version : Performance Art?

21/08/2006, 3:54 PM
Who pays to see stuff like this? (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060821/od_nm/art_pig1_dc)

"The work left me with an undercurrent of pigginess, unexpected fantasies of mergence and interspecies metamorphoses began to flicker into my consciousness." :eek: :D

I think the acid kicked in there!

22/08/2006, 2:26 AM
Who pays to see stuff like this? (http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060821/od_nm/art_pig1_dc)

"The work left me with an undercurrent of pigginess, unexpected fantasies of mergence and interspecies metamorphoses began to flicker into my consciousness." :eek: :D

I think the acid kicked in there!

This kind of stuff really annoys me. Where is the artistic value?

Other stuff I can remember - covering a hotel room in melted cheese
- Cutting a cow in half
- putting a crucifix into a jar of urine

To be honest, I dont appreciate art at all, but when I see paintings I can at least see that there is talent being shown, but with the above examples, I just see junk.