View Full Version : Bobby Robsons Health

Reality Bites
18/08/2006, 9:18 AM
Will Bobby go to Germany ? How sick is he at the moment?... I think if Bobby goes to Germany we may be capable of pulling something out of the Fire.. The contrast between Stan and Bobby is immense even from Day 1 at the press conference when Stan spoke he was awkward and inarticulate Bobby was the Master -enthusiastic and Charismatic, the line in the sand with the matches was clear we played excellent fluent football when Bobby was their for the Swedish game, we were dross when he wasn't - Chile and Holland!. GET WELL SOON BOBBY!

18/08/2006, 10:43 AM
No news in the papers regarding Bobby but we need to take into consideration the man is 73 and has had a few scares in the last few months.
Personally I doubt if he will be involved long term.

18/08/2006, 10:50 AM
I think he is a contractor so hopefully the FAI not stuck with massive sick pay bill or worse...

He seems to be having one health scare after another these days so probaly time he called it a day & relaxed.

18/08/2006, 11:25 AM
I don't think watching that lot, will be doing his health any good:(

18/08/2006, 3:43 PM
I don't think watching that lot, will be doing his health any good:(

I wouldn't be surprised if he had another stroke after seeing the game alright :(

If he's unable to carry on for us who then? It's difficult to think of someone experienced, who's out of work at the moment and would not cost too much.

George Graham? - still only 62 and could help sort out our defence or has he been out of the game too long?

Anyone else?

Fergie's Son
18/08/2006, 3:48 PM
Kenny Daglish.

And yes, Terry Venables would have been a fantastic hire.

18/08/2006, 3:55 PM
Kenny Daglish.

And yes, Terry Venables would have been a fantastic hire.

Yeah maybe Daglish as he and Staunton would probably know eachother from their Liverpool days. Staunton was only a kid then though and wasn't in the first team if i remember correctly :confused:

18/08/2006, 4:17 PM
George Graham is a good shout. He would have respect from Stan and the squad, not to mention qualities where we appear to need them most (i.e. defensive areas) He is still involved in punditry etc... so I'd imagine he should be still fairly clued up on whats happening in world football, the game hasn't changed that much!

20/08/2006, 10:03 AM
Bobby to have tumour removed from his brain, good luck and best wishes Bobby


20/08/2006, 6:11 PM
I assume that was the reason he collapsed in Ipswich, not a rumoured stroke. Good look to him anyway, not having the best of times since he took the Ireland job.

21/08/2006, 7:50 AM
He also had one removed from his lung early on in his Ireland career.

Dr. Ogba
21/08/2006, 8:04 AM
This is his fourth cancer scare!!! :eek:

Best of luck to him, hope he makes a full recovery. I can't really see him staying on in his role for us though...watching that lot would make ye lose the will to live! :(

21/08/2006, 2:36 PM
Obviously it's extremely sad about Bobby's health....but.

Bobby was brought on as even the FAI realised Stan had no experience in International management. One would imagine this is especially important at the beginning of his career. From what we can see it is hard to see Bobby having a role this season (realistically, its hard to see him having a role again).

So, if Stan was too inexperienced in May, what are the FAI doing about a replacement for Bobby. It appears sod all is the answer. I know this might sound stupid but even asking Mick McCarthy to help out may not be that bad an idea.

Possibly, they think given the result against Holland Stan would see this as a slight on his ability. Leaving aside the fact that it would be and thats because he hasnt got any, I dont think Stan's views should be given too much weight. With luck it might force him to resign!

25/08/2006, 12:56 PM
I had another think about possible replacements and maybe Graham Taylor would be a decent candidate. He's only 62 and wouldn't be in great demand. As far as I know he onlyy does the odd game for BBC 5 live on the radio. He wasn't the perfect manager for England but at least he has a few years international experience and is probably fairly media savvy after the terrible treatment he got when he was England manager. He would know Stan and Kevin McDonald from when he managed Villa.
I suggested George Graham earlier but maybe he is a bit too much of a dominating character and might not get on so well with Staunton and his lack of experience. Taylor would probably not be as good as Bobby but he would seem also to be easy to get along with and would give Staunton some sound advice and encouragement rather than tell him how crap he is :D
It's obvious that he needs some kind of help if Robson is unable to continue.

25/08/2006, 1:04 PM
I had another think about possible replacements and maybe Graham Taylor would be a decent candidate. He's only 62 and wouldn't be in great demand.

As the idiot would say do i not like that
Why do you think he is not in great demand?????
It wouldnt be because he is rubbish by any chance.
You would be better off putting a tracksuit on a monkey for all the help
Taylor would be

25/08/2006, 1:58 PM
As the idiot would say do i not like that
Why do you think he is not in great demand?????
It wouldnt be because he is rubbish by any chance.
You would be better off putting a tracksuit on a monkey for all the help
Taylor would be
What about Ron Atkinson then? :D

25/08/2006, 2:04 PM
What about Ron Atkinson then? :D

He's rescuing peterborough for some reason,scraping the bottom of the barrell it looks like

Dr. Ogba
25/08/2006, 2:40 PM
Bryan Hamilton maybe???? :eek:

Sure isn't he familiar with the Irish setup!!??:o

25/08/2006, 5:04 PM
Best wishes to Bobby Robson and lets hope his mobile is charged because Staunton making tactical decisions against the 3rd best team in the world on his toblerown scares the sh#te outta me!

29/08/2006, 3:52 PM
What about Ron Atkinson then? :D

I think I'll play the lotto for the fist time in my life this week :p

13/09/2006, 1:42 PM

13/09/2006, 1:55 PM
What's the gist of the podcast Neil? Its 20 min long.

13/09/2006, 1:56 PM
Have not listend to it.

17/09/2006, 11:27 AM
We need to have Bobby back to full health asap. Staunton is lost without him running the show. Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if Bobby never came back due to the nature of his problems.

18/09/2006, 3:21 PM
Never mind. John Delaney's joint-favourite football manager (equal with Stan) has now got nothing to do in October: Bryan Robson.

20/09/2006, 12:00 AM
This is the last report I could find, by the sound of it he is doing fine, no indication of if or when he will be back though.


20/09/2006, 1:03 PM
He is back writing for some of the Sunday nespapers which is a good sign