View Full Version : Clubcall

24/07/2002, 2:28 AM
Just checked out the shels web that i got from fai site and i see they have a clubcall number which sounds like a good idea for the club - every club in uk has them clubs even smaller than us and all they do is get some bloke to rattle off a bit of news from the club generally crap but if you say work for company and have access to a few phones you could ring away and the money would go to the club - i know when i was in sydney i was ringing everyone back home from where i worked - and a few xxx ones to.
but if a club like shels can do it with there ****e support surely city could do it it would be handy some info to probably - i see city selling jerseys this wk large n xl WHAT ABOUT THE WEE LADS???? more money losing.
the fai has links to all el clubs bar city???????? bad managment by city again me thinks...
well il see all the corner boys soon flying home this mon night from bangkok just doing a bit of whoring for the next few days
slan abhaile

25/07/2002, 12:48 AM
very good point flynny. looking forward to seeing u when u return from your travel.

25/07/2002, 8:55 AM
I believe $hel$ have closed their clubcall number.

25/07/2002, 9:13 AM
What was the number for this season??
3-0 3-3 2-2 0-5 0-1 :D :D :D

25/07/2002, 9:23 AM
what time is meeting on monday night red rooster i arrive in to cork central at 6.30pm n i do be getting on the lash on arrival and might meet up with the boys later.
i just checked the fixtures n i see we have them west brits at home twice n after the damage the ****s did in horseshoe after last game i was there it could be payback time..............