View Full Version : Punishment for serious crime too soft in Ireland?

02/08/2006, 1:04 PM
Is Punishment for Serious Crime in Ireland too soft ( i.e. are the sentences too short ) ?

02/08/2006, 1:07 PM
( i.e. are the sentences too short ) ?

What is too short? 10 words or less?

:D :D :D

02/08/2006, 1:10 PM
Should be in current affairs but you can't post something like that without giving your own opinion first. When you do I'll move it...

02/08/2006, 1:11 PM
Too short, and too easy. Prisoners rights should be restricted to diet, education and exercise. White collar criminals included.

(Next time I'm accused of being a liberal treehugger, I'm linking to this post.)


02/08/2006, 1:36 PM
I don't know about too short, but it's too short before they actually get out. i.e. 3 years out of an 8 year sentence or something similar.

02/08/2006, 2:26 PM
ya it is too short, the time served, and the sentence handed down. its ridiculous.

02/08/2006, 2:53 PM
Just voted myself and whoever voted no to this topic, should b ashamed of themselves. Crime in this country is getting more serious and more ruthless by the day. Stiffer sentences should b handed down. Instead of spending loads of money on politians wages and government jets cant they put money into building more prisons to house the scum bags than leaving them out early cause they have nowhere to house them. Thats just my view.

02/08/2006, 3:03 PM
Just voted myself and whoever voted no to this topic, should b ashamed of themselves. Crime in this country is getting more serious and more ruthless by the day. Stiffer sentences should b handed down. Instead of spending loads of money on politians wages and government jets cant they put money into building more prisons to house the scum bags than leaving them out early cause they have nowhere to house them. Thats just my view.

That would be me and I'll never apologise for not being a reactionary right-wing tosser.

Anyone who votes yes to such a general question is either a) familar with all sentences handed down in this country - and the reasons for them - or B) a Herald leader writer.


02/08/2006, 3:22 PM
or C) Regular Adrian Kenny phone show caller.

The question is way too vague to vote yes on. What is considered a serious crime? What should the sentances be. I do feel that people who are convicted of sexual assault often get off lightly. Penalties for White Collar Crime are definitely way to leniant.

02/08/2006, 3:30 PM
HAve no idea. Suggest most who voted don't either

06/08/2006, 5:21 PM
Well looks like in light of recent events some prisons are becoming a deterrent again !

Poor Student
06/08/2006, 10:12 PM
Some of the sentences handed down for some sex crimes, particularly paedophelia have been nothing short of a disgrace. I don't have imperical evidence at hand but if someone has something to the contrary please prove me wrong, but don't rapists and paedophiles have horrendus reoffending rates?