View Full Version : Boycott the FAI !

15/07/2002, 7:46 AM
Controversial it may seem, but should we as supporters start boycotting eircom league matches ? until the FAI sorts itself out and shows some respect to the people that supportting their organisation.
They are screwing us left , right and centre and as much as I want to go see city play, I'm not going to put up with this ****e much more.

Any thoughts ?

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

15/07/2002, 8:07 AM
not a hope mate. i support city not the fai. if you want to take action against the fai don't be hitting the clubs.

if you really ddi support city you wouldn't find it so easy to boycott city.

why don't you just not watch the matches on sky, that is what i will be doing

A face
15/07/2002, 8:55 AM
Dysan .... when sell your Man U shirt, i might think of it then :D

And i am with Dalo on this one, i follow City not the FAI, in actual fact i think they are right to look for money/resources, RTÉ didn't want to show the games anymore so the sold the rights to sky, i dont like the idea of pay per view but if that what needs to happen then so be it

Unless Dysan, you have a better idea on how to get money. We are all ears !!

15/07/2002, 9:23 AM
First of all Dalo, do not question my support for City, I have been a fan all my life - and as for A FACE, I do not own any foreign clubs jerseys.

This is not a question about supporting cork city, its about standing up for whats right, and not being led by the nose like a lamb to the slaughter by a corrupt and unjust organisation.

Obviously, the reponses here show that the intelligence of some of city's fans is questionable.

Dalo - sounds very much like a skanger name .

15/07/2002, 9:50 AM
What I hate is this whole bandwagon thing, this is something we el fans have been saying for years, sack the FAI, the FAI have yet to show real support to the el so why should we boycott CCFC matches, so what if SKY have bought the rights, Irish supporters may be the best fans but we are the greatest armchair supporters in the world, we won't get up off our asses to go down to watch our local football, we would rather watch British football on SKY,
RTE don't have a constitutional right to football they can go sh*g off as they have not supported the el, Government has passed over the el so many times, so why should our clubs take the slack

This is not a question about supporting cork city, its about standing up for what’s right, and not being led by the nose like a lamb to the slaughter by a corrupt and unjust organisation.

Spoken like a true armchair supporter.
To the FAI it made perfect scenes, they have something worth money, if Ireland lost to Russia the amount would have dropped. el fans have being saying the fai should be sacked for years, most people in Ireland don't even know what happened in the el last year, They turn around in a Park and party for our 'moral victories' they don't support Irish football there sunshine supports, the FAI are lining there own pockets as is the norm..... but than this is no shock to el fans, at least we've been promised some money they can't go back on that. as much as the fai are not the most popular, they and sky have done more for football here in a week than RTE and the government have for years.

Free tv is gone......

15/07/2002, 9:52 AM
The eL is not the FAI although obviously comes under the FAI organisation. If you suggesting boycotting Cork City you may as well say people boycott underage or junior clubs.

I don't understand why someone who says he has been a city "fan all my life" would suggest depriving his club of much needed funds.

15/07/2002, 10:14 AM
Dysan? sounds like a vacum hoover whose bags needs to be emptied.

BTW son if you really were a city fan (and that i doubt) you would know the Fai are geared towards the national team not the national league and if in some amazing way the money does benefit the Nl then I am all for it.

the only people complaining about the sky deal are the armchair supporters. if you don't like it then don't bother watching the ireland games on sky- it's that simple and perhaps get out and watch some real live football instead:D

15/07/2002, 10:28 AM
I was listening to Eric Byrne from eth Labour Party on eth radio going on about how his "right" to watch Jack's Army once every four years - even though he admits he has never been to Landsdowne and doesn't even know who plays at Richmond Park (in his constituency), RTE did nothing for Irish football, so if SKY put up the cash and it is used for eL and schoolby football I say great .... only thing is it's a big IF to trust the FAI to do anythig useful with it.

15/07/2002, 10:36 AM
Armchair supporter ???, look at the location of some of these idiots, one of them is a smack head skanger and the other is in Luxmebourg of all places, when was the last time you were at the cross???? feckin wasters.

15/07/2002, 10:42 AM

15/07/2002, 10:51 AM
sounds like a wind up merchant taking the p*ss a la muller a while back

15/07/2002, 11:02 AM
Yes I live in Luxembourg,
Last year I only got to see perhaps 7 or 8 CCFC matches and maybe another 5 el matches, excluding 3 different European fixtures, the year before I went to Lausanne, all CCFC Dublin away matches and I still managed several home matches my location is a disadvantage, more than most 'Irish Fan'
I return on weekends to support el football, this year although only two matches old I have managed to see Pats play in Europe, but then it is only the beginning,
is that an armchair supporter!!!! Don't question my support for Irish football, you don't have to be in the country to support the league, just ask bertie ahern and all these "fans of Irish football" most have never set foot in an el ground, but stiil are great fans of the Premership in england.
the meaning of 'Armchair supporter' has obviously passed you by

an Armchair Supporter can be used to refer to a person who knows, or claims to know, a lot about a subject without having direct experience of it. 'Cambridge International Dictionary of English'

Good man dysan help prove my point....... do you want a cushion for that chair????

15/07/2002, 11:09 AM
i remember bertie claiming he supported boh's when he was a lad though I am sure that switches to old drumcondra or shel's when it suits.

as for me being a skanger smackhead i only keep a supply for personal use:D

15/07/2002, 11:18 AM
do you want a cousion for that chair????

I presume you mean a cushion ??? .

Anyway, since you claim to know what an 'Armchair Supporter' is and the 'armchair' part is only figurative, then why would you be offering me a cushion ? I think you have proved you are a fool and you should go back to watching play school or something to brush up on your english.

15/07/2002, 11:33 AM
Are you here for a slagging match or do you have any realistic points..
You have not made any points at all, just gone into a tantrum, you come with a suggestion with no thought, method or result and you expect us to follow your Idea, you revert calling us idiots and non-supporters!

how old are you seeing as city are only around since '84 I doubt that you have been following the all your life. but then it's not up to me to say if that's true or not

yes the word should have been cushion, and it's to support you in your armchair as you seem to be spinless,

come on make a point, back them up........ try to use the superior education you have.

15/07/2002, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Dricky

come on make a point, back them up........ try to use the superior education you have.

superior education ? wot ...... like his inter-cert:D

besides lads as i always get told keep the slagging private

15/07/2002, 12:01 PM

A face
15/07/2002, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by dysan
Armchair supporter ???, look at the location of some of these idiots, one of them is a smack head skanger and the other is in Luxmebourg of all places, when was the last time you were at the cross???? feckin wasters.

Dysan, sooo young yet sooo bitter, what is your story matey, you are here five minutes and already in a slaggin' match.

Dricky, i didn't think you would take the bate from a wind up merchants like Dysan, but if you did .... take it easy on him. :D :cool:

how are you anyhow, you are out there a while now ??

15/07/2002, 1:07 PM
A Face, don't have your name sorry but thanks for asking I'm good out here over two year now life is good. Will miss the footy on Friday nights but thinks Friday night footy will give us some extra wins, especially against the Dub teams. EL is getting more of a support here now then every and the Lux branch of the CCFC supporters club is now at it's highest membership of 5 lol :)

I don't normally get into the slagging matches but I had nothing to do this morning so what better way than to do this. At least there maybe some valid points from him next time and not the noise of a bandwagon

15/07/2002, 1:44 PM
You have already made 4 posts on this thread and you have yet to make a valid point.
If you were a true City fan, you would never dream of boycotting City games because in doing this you are going to hit City in the pocket, it wont have the slightest effect on the FAI.
Also, since you are such a great supporter of the el you should no that RTE have never done anything for the el, hopefully TV3's coverage of the el will be an improvment on RTE's. Sky bid over 3 times what RTE bid, if this money is used properly it will benefit all aspects of Irish football. RTE dont have a god given right to broadcast Irish football, like everyone else they must pay for the privilage.

So, Dysan go back to your armchair and evaluate how much of a City/el supporter you really are.
Oh yeah, dont bother replying unless you have a valid argument insead of a whole load of petty insults!!

15/07/2002, 3:32 PM
I find that its quite ammusing/ironic that the same people who before the World Cup were pleading, nay demanding, that the government allow pubs open earlier so they could watch the national team "in a community atmosphere", now are demanding, in the same week that the government cuts health refunds, that the government buys out the Sky deal.

Some people have their priorities all wrong :(

PS Dysan, the eL's new TV agreement is with tv3, not Sky, so whats the point in boycotting the eL? Its the internationals you should be aiming for (but they are already sold-out (http://www.fai.ie/FAI/Fans/Tickets.htm) , so there's no point)