View Full Version : Quinn calls for GAA-scale investment in football

26/07/2006, 9:27 AM

I have revised my opinion of Niall Quinn. Up to now, he gave a very good impersonation of a man who hated Irish football. But now, having revised from the league assessment panel, he is free to speak his mind. And speak his mind he has.
I wonder if John O'Donoghue will respond?

26/07/2006, 9:49 AM
I was surprised to read that given Quinns strong GAA links.

Poor Student
26/07/2006, 10:00 AM
He's right of course, but it's a bit hpyocritical of a man who has secured a large private investment of Irish money into an English club to ask our own government to invest public funds into something he wouldn't. It is slightly encouraging for him to say so though.

26/07/2006, 10:02 AM
As long as the soccer fans of this country, don't support irish soccer, the goverment is going to care.

26/07/2006, 10:03 AM
Agree with Poor Student. In fairness pete he didn't critise the GAA, he just pointed out the flaws. I wouldn't say he has "strong" GAA links, he just played it as akid and watches the odd game. Its not like he's involved or anything

Real ale Madrid
26/07/2006, 10:14 AM
Agree with Poor Student. In fairness pete he didn't critise the GAA, he just pointed out the flaws. I wouldn't say he has "strong" GAA links, he just played it as akid and watches the odd game. Its not like he's involved or anything

Perphaps if the govt put proper money into football it would become a decent investment opportunity.
Quinn and his consortium are investing money in Sunderland beacuse they see Sunderland as a club with a lot of potential and a chance to make money. Not beacuase any one of them hate the eircom league and love english soccer. Its to make money.
no eircom league club can be viewed upon like that at present.

Can someone post up what he said? Cant access link at work.

26/07/2006, 10:36 AM
Can someone post up what he said? Cant access link at work.

Sunderland chairman-in-waiting Niall Quinn has urged the Government to replicate its input into Gaelic games by putting together a major investment package to save Irish soccer.

Quinn was in Dublin on Monday night for Sunderland’s pre-season friendly against Shelbourne, a game organised as a favour for the Tolka Park club with Sunderland committing themselves to the fixture as a gesture of goodwill.

After the game, he told Shelbourne’s official website: “I know the clubs have agreed to do something, by voting to merge with the FAI and it can go ahead.

“But, to me, the biggest input has to be made by the Government. If you drive through every crossroads in Ireland you see where the Government have assisted the GAA, and fair play, the GAA are doing a great job.

“The FAI are a serious organisation now and are making great strides in terms of getting this league into a fitter state. The Government have to take note.

“In its present state, it’s being allowed to decline and I think the Government should hold its hand up and do something about it.”

26/07/2006, 11:24 AM
The FAI seem to be a have lot more political savy these days being very careful not to criticise the government & always given nice photo calls to the Ministers as it does not seem like can get funds if you p!ss off the Minister.

For all the ills of irish football the International football team is the biggest draw in irish sport even when not doing so well. The FAI need to make greater use of that in attracting sponsors who will promote irish football. eircom are uselsss promoters of both the international & league football.

26/07/2006, 11:26 AM
Agree with Poor Student. In fairness pete he didn't critise the GAA, he just pointed out the flaws. I wouldn't say he has "strong" GAA links, he just played it as akid and watches the odd game. Its not like he's involved or anything
Quinn reeks of GAA -- he's always on about it. Wasn't he playing with some team in Kildare, or was that my imagination?
In any case, that makes it all the sweeter.

26/07/2006, 4:12 PM
He has very strong GAA links, he played for that team in Kildare and before he went to England he played minor for the Dubs. Often see him at Tipp hurling matches and Dublin football mayches. Also in his autobiography he says sometimes he regrets chosing to go to England and not stay and play GAA at home. He is GAA through and through

26/07/2006, 4:22 PM
The point I'm making is he has stronger soccer links. He has no official connection with the GAA organisation, just the sport..

el punter
26/07/2006, 4:46 PM
He's got a background in both GAA and football lads, and there's nothing wrong with that is there? Must we all become GAA haters to call ourselves true supporters of local football?

26/07/2006, 4:51 PM
yes :p

26/07/2006, 4:59 PM
Gaa is a great game and so is football its ok to like both and go to both. I think there is a great post on the foot.ie blog about this and I agree with that post in its entirety. To be honest Quinn is right in what he says but not anything revolutionary. OF course the Government should invest more in Irish football.

26/07/2006, 5:10 PM
He's got a background in both GAA and football lads, and there's nothing wrong with that is there? Must we all become GAA haters to call ourselves true supporters of local football?

Yes, check out what the rednecked fascists are up to in South Dublin. They hate football with a passion and would happily see us die as a sport. We should always remember that. Football is the biggest participation sport in the country and they really, really hate that fact.


26/07/2006, 5:27 PM
Just cause they behave like that does not mean you have to stoop to there level. You can take the higher ground and still have time for the sport if not certain individuals contained within the admin of it. I think what is happening out in Tallaght is terrible and The GAA out there are behaving terribly in my view.

26/07/2006, 6:08 PM
Yes, check out what the rednecked fascists are up to in South Dublin. They hate football with a passion and would happily see us die as a sport. We should always remember that. Football is the biggest participation sport in the country and they really, really hate that fact.

I would like to avail of this worryingly more frequent opportunity to agree 100% with WAR. Anyway, that's a different debate. If all of the GAA-lovers out there are happy to agree that football should be funded on an equal/proportionate basis, I'm happy with that.

26/07/2006, 9:32 PM
Niall Quinn calls for greater investment in domestic football just as he completes a takeover of a mediocre foreign club involving his money and other wealthy Irish investors.........

Disco pants he may have, but irony he clearly doesn't get.

27/07/2006, 3:03 AM
Did I also read/hear somewhere (probably shelsweb interview) that he called on the government to give incentives to rich Irish people to invest in the EL like they do for the horse racing? Apparently there are 30,000 or so millionaires in Ireland and i hope they all invest in Shelbourne! All seriousness aside though ;), didn't sound like a half bad idea. I don't mind if the rich get richer if the EL can benefit as a result!

27/07/2006, 3:15 AM
Hate the GAA organisation - but have nothing against football, handball or hurling - brilliant game IMO.
They deserve the money they get - fair play to them for getting it out of the gov. We have to do likewise - we are the biggest sport in Ireland and we desrve to be treated as such. Btw I respect Quinny for what he did for Ireland but he is a total hypocrite

el punter
27/07/2006, 7:41 AM
that he called on the government to give incentives to rich Irish people to invest in the EL like they do for the horse racing?

The thing about investors is that they are generally interested in making money. Investing in a son of Sadlers Wells is a fairly sound way to generate new streams of non-taxable revenue.

Sadly investing in a League of Ireland club would appear to be pi$$ing it away - unless there was some magnanimity behind the investment where kudos was put above money.

That's why Quinner's dosh is in the north east of England - he reckons him and his consortium can make it pay.

manic da hoop
27/07/2006, 8:35 AM
I would like to give you all my honest opinion of the GAA, but unfortunetley the moderators do not permit the kind of language I would feel compelled to use.:(

27/07/2006, 11:08 AM
Quinn is one of these guys that tries to please everybody but in the end ends up offending lots and lots of people.

NY Hoop
27/07/2006, 11:13 AM
Quinn is one of these guys that tries to please everybody but in the end ends up offending lots and lots of people.

Who is he offending? Who are these "lots and lots" then?

It's his money. As has been mentioned there is no money to be made in this league.


27/07/2006, 12:23 PM
The source of the interview in which he mentioned it was on our site

if your interested.

27/07/2006, 11:20 PM
The thing about investors is that they are generally interested in making money. Investing in a son of Sadlers Wells is a fairly sound way to generate new streams of non-taxable revenue.

Sadly investing in a League of Ireland club would appear to be pi$$ing it away - unless there was some magnanimity behind the investment where kudos was put above money.

That's why Quinner's dosh is in the north east of England - he reckons him and his consortium can make it pay.

Is investing in sunderland not pi$$ing it away?(no offence to sunderland,I prefer them over them black and white bast*rds)

28/07/2006, 12:11 AM
Let's face the facts here. Whether or not you like or dislike Quinn is besides the argument here. Oirland is a land built on the barstool and as such, when Niall Quinn speaks it is more likely that what he says will be listened to. I hope Niall Quinn says it again next week and the week after.

I suppose when he says investment in this case, he is talking about something akin to the investment that the Govt. put into the GAA which I assume is a mint more than what is on the table for eL clubs and 'soccer' ('football' for the rest of my rant!). That sponsorship whould be facilitated by the FAI and either divvied between all clubs or that where clubs do not have the necessary skills to close sponsorship deals that the Commercial Department in Merrion Square can help out.

This is slightly different to Niall Quinns consortium who have taken over at Sunderland. This is a financial investment designed to make direct monetary returns for the investors. Sponsorship has an indirect return and investment by the Govornment should be our right as it is for GAA, Horse Racing and Dogs etc.

28/07/2006, 12:23 AM
Is investing in sunderland not pi$$ing it away?(no offence to sunderland,I prefer them over them black and white bast*rds)
Is there any team/person that Rovers fans DON'T hate? :p What's wrong with Newcastle Utd?

Quinn is one of these guys that tries to please everybody but in the end ends up offending lots and lots of people.
That's him to a tee. Tries to be everyones friend but I think people can see through him. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy, but he's full of sh!t. Saying he sometimes regrets going to England and instead could have stayed at home playing GAA is typical of the tripe he comes out with. That's Niall trying to butter up the GAA crowd in this country. Really Niall? Cos if you stayed at home playing GAA for free you wouldn't be in the position you are in now - No model wife, no millions in the bank, no horses, no punditry on Sky TV and certainly no complete ownership of an English football club. :rolleyes:

He's right in what he says about the government though, they need to invest more. A tax amnesty for 10 years for investors in EL clubs would also give the league a major boost.

Stevo Da Gull
28/07/2006, 8:43 PM
I would'nt have a go at Quinn for investing in Sunderland. He's not just some buisnessman from Ireland interested in running a football club that overlooked the league. He played for Sunderland and was a big hit with the fans and he loves the club- so he decided to step in and stop the rot with his own time and money now that the club is in need. And what he's saying makes sense to me anyhow.

alabama rover
30/07/2006, 7:53 PM
[QUOTE=4tothefloor]Is there any team/person that Rovers fans DON'T hate?

Maybe Cork

If I think of any other, I'll let you know.