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21/07/2006, 6:22 AM
...more than anything else (and I've been awake pretty much all night brooding, so forgive me if I'm a bit incoherent) is this:

"The issues affecting all eircom League clubs in terms of viability and securing a sustainable future within the league are
similar and are very much behind the rationale for the planned merger
with the FAI".

The oleaginous pr1ck couldn't resist the temptation to pimp his masterplan even as he announced that its primary objective had been attained.

Heartbreaking that it ended as abruptly as it did, but I suppose the writing on the wall was clearly legible even from the time Roddy began systematically to dismantle Giller's team. With the benefit of hindsight, it's obvious that the iron was hottest in late 2003/early 2004 (immediately after the Bray game) and we failed to exploit the opportunity. By the time Giller left the momentum had stalled fatally.

I think, in the final analysis, that allowing Dublin City to rot and stagnate irrevocably in the First Division (particularly at the behest of a slackjawed con artist like Delaney) would have been undignified and a betrayal of everything the club stood for. I personally am proud to have counted myself among those who supported their club, not out of blind chauvinism, but because they believed fervently in what it represented. It was a pleasure and privilege to know you all. The same goes for the players, none of whom ever gave us cause to doubt their dedication no matter what the odds (with the exception of that bloated blimp of a fifth columnist Kenny, of course.)

All-Time XI

Toccy, McGauley, Whelehan, Foy
Cottsy, Crowley, Burke, K. Brennan
O'Neill, Freeman

Subs: Horgan, Wes Byrne, McGill, Collins, Farrell
Manager: John Gill

Random selection of memories - Ringo stationed behind the Cobh dugout drowning out Dave Hill's instructions with some righteous beats, and Hillie's increasingly apoplectic reaction. A "certain element" of the home support deriding Trevor Vaughan's efforts within earshot of Rocky at 0:1 against Kilkenny in Whitehall, only for Vaughan to bludgeon an equaliser and curl in a deft free-kick 60 seconds later, causing Rocky to leap around triumphantly repeatedly roaring "F*ck the begrudgers!" and almost do himself an injury.

Keith Foy failing to consummate that epic comeback in Waterford at the RSC in Giller's last league game - a part of my soul died when his 92nd minute penatly rebounded off the post. Gary O'Neill playing the entire eircom League on his own in 2004, and more often than not emerging on top. Arriving a few minutes late for a pre-season friendly at ALSAA this January, only to find a disconsolate Stuart Malcolm trudging in the opposite direction, having been sent off for a frank exchange of fists with an opponent 90 seconds into his debut (an act for which Keely rewarded him with the captaincy.)

Three stooges in the Ivy House:
D: "If Nesovic is such a p1ss-head, why isn't he here?"
Me: "The dipso nutter's probably barred."
B (sotto voce): "He's sitting behind you."

There were glorious occasions along the way too, of course, but it's incidental things like these you invariably miss the most.

21/07/2006, 8:22 AM
Good read, Sheridan.

Hopefully you will remain a constant poster here on foot.ie

21/07/2006, 4:38 PM
Very Enjoyable read.

I met Rocky on several occasions and always admired his determination to make Dublin city something all on his own.The man deserves great credit and it is a great shame that they have left the league.

Anto McC
21/07/2006, 5:08 PM
Great read!

27/07/2006, 2:48 PM
I think, in the final analysis, that allowing Dublin City to rot and stagnate irrevocably in the First Division (particularly at the behest of a slackjawed con artist like Delaney) would have been undignified and a betrayal of everything the club stood for. I personally am proud to have counted myself among those who supported their club, not out of blind chauvinism, but because they believed fervently in what it represented. It was a pleasure and privilege to know you all. The same goes for the players, none of whom ever gave us cause to doubt their dedication no matter what the odds (with the exception of that bloated blimp of a fifth columnist Kenny, of course.)

Well said Sheridan.

Was at the final Supporters meeting last night - surprising as it sounds I found it even more bleak than I had anticpated. Feel rotten today, and I can only think that this has no small part to play. I've yet to collect my thoughts sufficiently to try and summarise the whole experience up to this point, and my feelings on its demise. If this board remains open I'm sure I'll think of something coherent in the next week or so...

For what it's worth; Dublin City Legends 11

Toccy, Sweat, Ben W,Foyser
Giller, Crowley, Burke, Brennan
O'Neill, Freeman

Bench: Pender-Collins-Kennedy-Cotsy-Farrell-Weso-Malcolm- Keely Jr-and sure while we're being sentimental - Mick O'Byrne

Coach-Gar Cronin

27/07/2006, 2:54 PM
Was at the final Supporters meeting last night - surprising as it sounds I found it even more bleak than I had anticpated.
I figured I'd have the same reaction, and at the risk of seeming selfish decided against putting myself through that ordeal. I trust you literally liquidated the club's assets in the bar?

27/07/2006, 3:03 PM
Lads, you guys have obviously got a love for the game, don't let it die, get involved with your local junior or schoolboy clubs. I think you will find it an enjoyable experience. People like you guys are vital for the game to continue to prosper. I know you are probably still feeling s***e but perhaps throwing your enthusaism elsewhere will help ease the loss.

27/07/2006, 3:10 PM
As a non DCFC supporter a memory that will stick with me for ever and a day is the final game of the 2003 season out in Whitehall. It was what Irish Football is all about.

Bray brought (what must be a record away support in the eL) 2500 fans to the match. If Bray won they won the 1st division title and promoted, and if DCFC drew or won they won the 1st division title and got promoted to the Premier.

Bray battered the DCFC goal for nearly 90 minutes but it just wasn't to be, Some how DCFC got the draw they needed. Well when i say some how i mean they had a big helping hand for a certian Mr. Anthony Buttimer. He awarded the worst peno i've ever seen in my life and then failed to give Bray at least 2 stone wall penos.

The final whistle went and DCFC celeberated like crazy, but i'll never forget Devo trying to attack the ref, he went fcuking balistic ! never seen a manager react like that.

I've actually never been as nervous in my whole life as i was that night, the feeling after the match was just horrible, knowing that we should have won the match only for a little man in black.

We then went on to loose in the play-offs to Finn Harps..... Wasn't the best couple of weeks in my life to say the least.

27/07/2006, 3:13 PM
I figured I'd have the same reaction, and at the risk of seeming selfish decided against putting myself through that ordeal. I trust you literally liquidated the club's assets in the bar?

No, no liqidating. Had a Lucozade and a Twix and got the hell out of there.(training tonight:( ) There's a fair chunk of money there (more than we had in our tenure at any rate) and it was decided to give SK as much as he needs to try and get the Ladies team back on track. The rest will go to some tokens for Rocky and Breda I think. There will be one last hurrah in the HF clubhouse over the coming weeks anyway, you'll obviously be told about it.

27/07/2006, 3:17 PM
Lads, you guys have obviously got a love for the game, don't let it die, get involved with your local junior or schoolboy clubs. I think you will find it an enjoyable experience. People like you guys are vital for the game to continue to prosper. I know you are probably still feeling s***e but perhaps throwing your enthusaism elsewhere will help ease the loss.

I hear you knocking...

My plan as it stands anyway is to take a sabatical from the eL till the end of the season. Will pop up here and there at other games in me DC gear no doubt. Then I'll re-assess for next year. Won't go back to the head-in-the-sand days of Premiership football that's for sure, but at the same time, very hard to see me getting worked up about another eL team for a long, long time to come...

27/07/2006, 3:20 PM
Good plan. No reason the ladies' team can't keep the flame alive, it's not like their existence was contingent on the parent club.

I'd love to see a Dublin City team take the field one last time for some kind of fixture involving as many of those players we listed above as possible when/if circumstances allow.

Poor Student
27/07/2006, 3:30 PM
I have some fond memories of attending both the relegation playoff games with the DC fans last year. The group may have been small, but you made some great noise.

27/07/2006, 3:32 PM
you should have been there sheridan, you could have got player of the month trophy and your pic taken.`:D
I'm not sure what I did to merit the player of the month award (other than get on the end of a Daisy Brennan pass, which, let's face it, is more than can be said for most of his team-mates.)

27/07/2006, 3:32 PM
Dublin City are like genital warts no one wants to see them when the come
and your ****ing glad when they are gone:D

27/07/2006, 5:45 PM
did he make a pass at you? is that why hes called daisy?:D

Nope. He almost performed root canal surgery on him from about 35 yards, his tool of choice an Umbro Centaurus Pro football...:o

28/07/2006, 9:42 AM
Last Friday evening I was chatting with Barry Burke and told him bout him being in Maynard's all time fav City team. He was gutted about your demise but delighted that he is still in your memories. He has been our player of the season so far after a tough year last year I am now begining to see what you have been talking about.

Just thought would let you know that he still holds Dublin City in high esteem. Didnt get a chance to talk to Horgy but mite in Kilkenny tomoro.

28/07/2006, 5:50 PM
Last Friday evening I was chatting with Barry Burke and told him bout him being in Maynard's all time fav City team. He was gutted about your demise but delighted that he is still in your memories. He has been our player of the season so far after a tough year last year I am now begining to see what you have been talking about.

Just thought would let you know that he still holds Dublin City in high esteem. Didnt get a chance to talk to Horgy but mite in Kilkenny tomoro.

Appreciate that Magicme. It would probably help the emotional paralysis to know that some of the guys that we invested our hope, time and effort in knew what they meant to us. Maybe we won't be forgotten completely if that is the case.