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Paddy Garcia
12/07/2006, 7:06 AM
CORK CITY’s preparations for tonight’s Champions League qualifier against Limassol of Cyprus have been rocked by a public spat between manager Damien Richardson and star midfielder George O’Callaghan.

The player of the year issued a dramatic statement to the Irish Examiner last night in a bid to clarify the issues behind his mysterious absence from recent City games, including tonight’s Champions League clash.

In the statement released by his lawyer Cathal Lombard, O’Callaghan reveals his dismay at the tone of a meeting with Richardson and his subsequent inability to secure a meeting with the manager or the chairman, Brian Lennox, to resolve the stand off “in a non-confrontational way”.

O’Callaghan claims that he has sought a meeting with Damien Richardson to seek an explanation on recent comments by the manager in the media regarding the player. O’Callaghan is adamant that the statement is an accurate reflection of what transpired between himself and Richardson last Tuesday, July 4.

It states: “George confronted the manager privately to express his disappointment and disgust at this. Further, he challenged the manager’s entitlement to fine or dock him two weeks’ wages either in the manner in which he had done so or at all. George had been advised by the PFA of Ireland that neither the manager nor the club had the right to impose such a fine in such manner.”

The statement then alleges that O’Callaghan was then told by Richardson: “You know where the gate is”.

It continues: “Later that afternoon, George approached the club chairman (Brian Lennox) to express his concern. He met the chairman for one hour or thereabouts, insisting he did not want that kind of drama and he wanted only to play football. He also told the chairman that he wanted this issue sorted privately without it going to the media.

“The club chairman agreed, said he would speak to the manager and told George he would call him in the morning (Wednesday). No such call was made to George O’Callaghan and indeed no such call or any call has been made to George O’Callaghan since then either by the club chairman or the club manager.”

The statement claims that Richardson has told several journalists that George has “personal problems”, that George “was going through a difficult time”, that George “was given time off for personal reasons”, that George was told to “take a break and get his head right”, that George was ordered to “take a break and get himself refreshed mentally” — “none of which has any valid basis.”

It adds: “The fact is that since last Tuesday (July 4), George has continued his strict training regime in the hope and prospect that he would be contacted and would be able to play for the club in its most prestigious game so far.”

The solicitor’s statement also claims that many attempts have been made throughout Monday and yesterday by, and on George’s behalf, to organise a meeting with the club chairman in an effort to resolve these difficulties in a non-confrontational way. “None of these attempts have been facilitated.

“For the record, neither the manager or the club chairman has contacted George O’Callaghan and, despite the allegation by the club manager that there was no communication or contact between George and himself over the weekend or yesterday it seems strange that Mr Richardson would not be aware of the many telephone conversations which took place yesterday afternoon, yesterday evening and this afternoon between George’s solicitor Cathal Lombard, and variously, a director of Cork City Football Club, the chairman of Cork City Football Club and that club’s solicitor.

“Ultimately, when all attempts to secure a meeting had by 4.30pm yesterday afternoon failed it was decided to issue this formal statement to the Irish Examiner.” It also says: “For the record, George O’Callaghan, the club’s finest performer and player in recent years, is completely gutted that despite his loyal service to the club he has been side-lined particularly in this manner by the club’s management and particularly so in advance of a game which would have been the highlight of his career to date and a showcase for him in his international career into the future.

“Not alone that, George is gutted because of the disappointment to the loyal fans who have supported him throughout that time.”

His legal team, headed up by Eugene Carey and Co., Mallow, said that O’Callaghan will not be making any further statement for the moment.

“He must now take whatever steps are necessary to protect his reputation and character, personally and professionally both in the national arena and internationally.

“We, George’s legal team, are intent that every conceivable protection necessary will be sought and procured for this valuable player.”

Irish Examiner 12th July

Mental Man
12/07/2006, 7:13 AM
GO Georgie, u tell em ! :p

12/07/2006, 8:10 AM
Glad you started a new thread on this because there aren't enough of them already and this is news to everybody! :rolleyes:

12/07/2006, 8:15 AM
Superb timing too. thanks George.

12/07/2006, 8:35 AM
what a whinger - anyone have any doubt that it's all about the money for him - how long did it take him to go complaining to the PFAI.

Not a word about good luck to the team in the match though :rolleyes:

The Good Son
12/07/2006, 8:57 AM
Just the opportunity those "Lennox\Richardson out" saddoes were waiting for no doubt. If we don't get a result they'll get their first chance since the Portadown Setanta match last year to prove their love for Dolan by throwing chips at Lennox. Even more reason than normal to hope for a victory tonight, let George know there's plenty life without him. He can then come back and apologise like he had to do with his advisor (when he was manager) in the past, and then proceed to play the best football of his time with City like he also did the last time.

12/07/2006, 9:02 AM
So how long has George got to run on his contract and whats the story there? If he's looking for an improved contract surely they can work it out without washing their dirty linen in public.
Regardless of who's behaving like an arse, I think Cork would be better having him in the team for tonight for a number of reasons. (a) I assume they are paying him, (b) playing your best 11 gives you the best chance to win, (c) even if George is having a whinge and wants more money or to leave then the best place for him to be is either on the pitch proving his worth to either his current club or anyone who's window shopping.

Of course it's too much to hope this is an elaborate ruse to make the Cypriots think they're playing a team in disarray and George and Rico are currently laughing it up in the Cork City war room?

12/07/2006, 9:30 AM
Not a word about good luck to the team in the match though :rolleyes:
Thought that was the most interesting bit tbh

Patrick Dunne
12/07/2006, 10:00 AM
Georges solicitor is Cathal "amazing improvement in short space of time" Lombard.

Interesting partnership. Drink and drugs don't mix ;)

12/07/2006, 10:18 AM
He's brilliant isnt he...another great character of the EL

12/07/2006, 11:24 AM
sounds like a loser to me. He will never play for shels thats for sure

12/07/2006, 11:28 AM
sounds like a loser to me. He will never play for shels thats for sure
You can't fecking afford him. I'd love him at pats

12/07/2006, 11:36 AM
He will never play for shels thats for sure

That didn't stop you from signing Kearney.
He said he'd never "play" for shels and he certainly stuck to his word! :D

12/07/2006, 12:02 PM
That didn't stop you from signing Kearney.
He said he'd never "play" for shels and he certainly stuck to his word! :D

So true Peadar!!!
:D :D

Thought Dodge and Bigmac's comments about the bit missing from George's statement are on the button...

12/07/2006, 12:40 PM
how long did it take him to go complaining to the PFAI.
He should've been on to them as soon as disciplinary action was talked about if he had any sense ffs.

Interesting timing and interesting about no mention of wishing the team luck, as has been said. And the Cork hardcore singing his name on Saturday too....

12/07/2006, 12:57 PM
And the Cork hardcore singing his name on Saturday too....

2 or 3 people, Macy. Although it probably sounded a lot louder over the silence from the home support.

12/07/2006, 1:01 PM
2 or 3 people, Macy. Although it probably sounded a lot louder over the silence from the home support.
2 or 3? More like one person and a megaphone for the vast majority of the what singing was coming from the away fans...

12/07/2006, 1:04 PM
2 or 3? More like one person and a megaphone for the vast majority of the what singing was coming from the away fans...

Yes, that's exactly what happened! :rolleyes:

Plenty cheers for Rico at fulltime, especially when he came over to applaude the travelling support but you probably left 10 minutes early like the rest of your lot and missed that.

12/07/2006, 1:09 PM
Stayed to the end, but didn't notice any great reception to Rico as I walked over from the far side.

12/07/2006, 1:15 PM
Stayed to the end, but didn't notice any great reception to Rico as I walked over from the far side.

Sounds like you failed to notice a lot of things and incorrectly noticed other things. Hardly a credible witness.

12/07/2006, 1:23 PM
as an aside, is it legal to fine a player?

i know its standard in football and it sounds to me like georgie is having a temper tantrum as opposed to making a principled stand, but i ave always wondered if it would stand up.

can any other industry dock wages arbitrarily if you screw up at work?

12/07/2006, 1:29 PM
can any other industry dock wages arbitrarily if you screw up at work?
Happens regularly in shops/bars if something is wrong. have always wondered myself

12/07/2006, 1:56 PM
as an aside, is it legal to fine a player?

I'm sure it must be written into contracts or else some overpaid primadonna in the premiersh!te would have challenged it already

12/07/2006, 3:17 PM
“He must now take whatever steps are necessary to protect his reputation and character, personally and professionally both in the national arena and internationally.

Loved that bit...yeah you're a GLOBAL superstar Georgie:rolleyes: Lads I don't know him from Adam and realise he's obviously a good player but everything I read about him makes me think he's not half the player he imagines himself to be...

12/07/2006, 3:34 PM
Statement on the Official Cork City FC website (http://www.corkcityfc.ie/) from the clubs solicitors saying that the focus is on tonights game and they don't feel it's appropriate to respond to Georgies statement at this time...

12/07/2006, 3:39 PM
Nice response "we're not going to respond"

12/07/2006, 3:40 PM
They're hardly going to get involved in anything before a big game though Dodge...standard procedure.

12/07/2006, 5:36 PM
I was just saying they shouldn't have wasted their time doing anything at all if that was the case...

12/07/2006, 6:20 PM
Happens regularly in shops/bars if something is wrong. have always wondered myself

does it?

can you give an example?

not being contrary but was a union rep for years and never heard of wages being withheld outside of football.

any EL players/former players on here able to clarify if there is a clause in contracts allowing this or is it just 'part of the game'?

12/07/2006, 8:59 PM
Sorry, not full wages but any breakages/spillages stopped from people's wages. Small scale stuff. When I was 16 it happened to me. Thought it was wrong then too

13/07/2006, 10:03 AM
Do any other eL clubs fine players for red cards? I don't think it would be in players individual contracts but Rico did introduce the policy this season & Danny Murphy & Roy O'Donovan have already been fined. I suppose could point out that Rico also be fined 3,000 by the eL which is probably more or less 2 weeks wages...

Typical PFAI Union causing more trouble... :p

13/07/2006, 10:10 AM
Regardless of whether or not it is written into a contract, it is not legal to dock/fine/deduct anybodys wages for any other reason other than absenteeism beyond annual leave and sick days. In the event of such absenteeism, the relvant days pay only can be taken from a persons salary.

13/07/2006, 2:36 PM
Some clubs dock players for red cards as par for the course. Others do it if a player gets sent off for something stupid, kicking a ball away when on a yellow already. The basis is that the player is not available for employment because of the red card so he gets docked. Although there is procedures that have to be gone through.
I'd be fairly sure that clubs feel that fines earned by employees should be paid by employees so Damos rant may be costly.

13/07/2006, 9:26 PM
I don't think it would be in players individual contracts but Rico did introduce the policy this season & Danny Murphy & Roy O'Donovan have already been fined.
And Michael Devine too apparently which would have been a disgrace.
Mortgage repayments are exempt from this.

13/07/2006, 9:49 PM
O’Callaghan needs to sort his head out for the sake of the Eircom League Co-efficent

13/07/2006, 10:26 PM
O’Callaghan needs to sort his head out
That's the jist of it as far as i'm concerned.

13/07/2006, 10:31 PM
Some clubs dock players for red cards as par for the course. Others do it if a player gets sent off for something stupid, kicking a ball away when on a yellow already. The basis is that the player is not available for employment because of the red card so he gets docked. Although there is procedures that have to be gone through.
I'd be fairly sure that clubs feel that fines earned by employees should be paid by employees so Damos rant may be costly.

by that logic you dont have to pay injured players

13/07/2006, 10:41 PM
Will O'Callaghan be back for the second leg?:confused:.

A face
13/07/2006, 10:59 PM
This was released today.

Firstly, we would like to heartily congratulate the management and players on their fine winin the first leg of our Champions League first qualifying round tie last night and the Rebel Army for their passionate support.

However, as dedicated fans of Cork City Football Club, we are increasingly worried about the ongoing difficulties between one of our vital players and the club and it's effect on all parties, the players and supporters at this time.

We are very disappointed that matters internal to CCFC are being played out so publicly through the media.

Our football club is participating in the premier club competition for football in the world, and the unnecessary and unseemly distraction of this dispute could not have come at a worse time.
We highly value the contribution that both George O’Callaghan and Damien Richardson have made to our club and we hope they will continue to contribute to the further success and advancement of CCFC for many years to come.

We implore all sides to think of the bigger picture here, so that there are no further distractions from what may be another glorious chapter in the history of CCFC.

We are appealing for common sense to prevail, and that all parties involved will come to an agreement where our full squad can train and prepare properly for the return leg of our Champions League tie against Apollon Limassol, and for our continued challenge to retain the eircom League.

The CCOSC are happy to provide any help, in any form, to bring this sensitive issue to a speedy and amicable resolution.

Remember, United we stand, Divided we fall.

13/07/2006, 11:02 PM
O’Callaghan needs to sort his head out for the sake of the Eircom League Co-efficent

:D lol :D good man!

A face
13/07/2006, 11:18 PM
:D lol :D good man!

Well since the Bohs results from a few years back dont count anymore, it is actually a concern. Derry and Drogs will have helped it out tonight fair play but yeah, i dont think there is any harm in TJR looking at the league coefficent !?!!

13/07/2006, 11:23 PM
Well since the Bohs results from a few years back dont count anymore, it is actually a concern. Derry and Drogs will have helped it out tonight fair play but yeah, i dont think there is any harm in TJR looking at the league coefficent !?!!

FFS I was only laughing at what he said because it was funny!

No need to go on the defensive! :rolleyes:

13/07/2006, 11:43 PM
by that logic you dont have to pay injured players

No, you don't pay them because the PRSI covers their wages when they are unfit for work (ie football).

A face
13/07/2006, 11:47 PM
FFS I was only laughing at what he said because it was funny!

No need to go on the defensive! :rolleyes:

Ahh .... i'm not !! :eek:

For the record, i see the funny side aswell ... i was just chipping in to the debate, infact i was going to slag Bohs there aswell but thought better of it.

BohsFans, you're picking stuff up from my post that is not there (not meant to be anyway)

14/07/2006, 3:29 AM
GOC had a chat with one of the Dublin teams' managers last night. He will definitely not be back in Cork. He has an agent working hard to get him a deal in England and thats his preferred option but if neccessary he'll move to another club in the league. As of today only one club has contacted him. he himself apparently contacted a couple of clubs and they weren't interested

14/07/2006, 10:44 AM
He has an agent working hard to get him a deal in England and thats his preferred option His agent wouldn't be a rather rotund chap, nice suits?. I wonder did he try Reading?

Jerry The Saint
14/07/2006, 11:00 AM
No, you don't pay them because the PRSI covers their wages when they are unfit for work (ie football).

What was the deal with Liam Kelly?

(I was shaping up for a dig there but I don't really know the full details or how it played out in the end...:o )

Poor Student
14/07/2006, 11:10 AM
GOC had a chat with one of the Dublin teams' managers last night.

I'm gonna put 2+2 together and make 5 here. Given it's you posting this, Pat's have some new investment apparently, Shels have money trouble, Bohs haven't got the Dayler cash and Rovers are in the graveyard, it's obvious who that must be.

14/07/2006, 11:18 AM
I'm gonna put 2+2 together and make 5 here. Given it's you posting this, Pat's have some new investment apparently, Shels have money trouble, Bohs haven't got the Dayler cash and Rovers are in the graveyard, it's obvious who that must be.Wasn't the same manager down in Cork anyway doing a bit for RTE?

14/07/2006, 11:19 AM
agreed ! great signing for Pats but will McDonnell be able to cope with the biggest ego in the league i fear it'll end in tears.

Also heard Shels are on the verge of signing Keith Fahey, stupid move for him if he does. He can't get his game at Drogheda and he defo wont get his game at Shels with the amount of midfielders they have....