View Full Version : Fearless vs House of Flying Daggers vs Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

03/07/2006, 12:54 PM
Well, if you've seen all three which is your favourite of these three films?

I assume some spanner will be asking which one option he should select if he likes all three equally but I'm not going to put in a 'No preference' for the pedantic eejits out there ( if you don't have an firm opinion, don't try and offer it, by choosing not to vote I will assume you have no opinion or preference on the issue ).
I know some people will argue that there is no way to measure this ( that people have no opinion ) and that proper polls will show this, but this is just a simple poll for those who love martial arts films and to see what peoples' preferences are amongst the films listed above.

I'm sure that others will argue that I should've listed more films but I've just gone for the mainstream films that most would have seen ( rather than have people vote when they may not have seen all the films listed ).

03/07/2006, 2:40 PM
Crouching Tiger had fantastic fight scenes, and more of them, but I think House of Flying Daggers has a much stronger storyline. I haven't seen Fearless, but from what I've read it starts well in terms of fights and storyline, but both fade as the movie progresses

Jerry The Saint
03/07/2006, 5:16 PM
Crouching Tiger had fantastic fight scenes, and more of them, but I think House of Flying Daggers has a much stronger storyline. I haven't seen Fearless, but from what I've read it starts well in terms of fights and storyline, but both fade as the movie progresses

Hero slices up two of those movies into little pieces (although I enjoyed all 3). Haven't seen Fearless yet.

03/07/2006, 5:48 PM
Hero slices up two of those movies into little pieces (although I enjoyed all 3). Haven't seen Fearless yet.
Agree 100%

04/07/2006, 12:57 PM
I haven't seen Fearless, but from what I've read it starts well in terms of fights and storyline, but both fade as the movie progresses

I hope you didn't vote then, seeing as you haven't seen all three?

I thought Fearless was better than the other two. I haven't seen Hero yet but will try and see it in the next few weeks.

Lionel Ritchie
07/07/2006, 9:25 AM
"House of Flying daggers" was apparently the simplest title they could come up with for western audiences. Apparently - back in Japan it's actual title translates as something closer to " Attacked from twelve different directions at once". So There.

BTW - I would totally knob yer wan in it. Ooh ya. Ssssmokin'!!!!

07/07/2006, 12:26 PM
No Kung Fu hustle?...if you haven't seen "Ong-Bak"-Thai Warrior, I highly recomend it... and "Old boy", not really martial arts, but umm Asian, with some cool fight sequences.

07/07/2006, 4:06 PM
Ong Bak is rubbish. I can't describe how dissapointed I was by it. It was as cheasy as an early Jackie Chan pic. (If you've seen half a loaf of Kung Fu you'll know what I mean"
Old Boy was bloody good though. HOFD out of the above including Hero (which to me was visually) too much like a fabric softner comercial.

08/07/2006, 9:07 PM
Why vote on westernised /*******ised vewrsions of good movies.

Asian movies dont convert well to american movie premises and are best watched in their original form.

Check out Once upon a time in China for a decent jet li movie or "hard boiled" Chow Yun fat and Stepehn Chow or possibly the best movie ever "bullet in the head"

Watching and liking the 3 movies in the poll is like ordering curry sauce, chips and chicken balls from a chinese and saying chinese food is deadly.
