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The Stars
01/07/2006, 6:02 PM
Unlucky England:D

Lets just wait for the excuses in tomorrows papers.
1.Rooney Sending off
2.Svens Tactics
3.Michael Owens injury
4.Not bringing another Striker
the list goes on...

01/07/2006, 6:09 PM
Unlucky England:D

Lets just wait for the excuses in tomorrows papers.
1.Rooney Sending off
2.Svens Tactics
3.Michael Owens injury
4.Not bringing another Striker
the list goes on...

Not exactly unhappy myself.

As for excuses, I think........

1. Rooneys sending off was justified (if it was deliberate-I think it was)
2. Svens tactics have always been poor, and poor tactics is hardly 'luck'
3. Owens injury - fair enough, but he wasnt any good anyway.
4. Again, poor management, not 'luck'
5. I'm sure the list will go on.............

but the truth is most of their star players failed to fire, especially Lampard, who I thought as terrible throughout the tournament. Also Sven doesnt know how to change a formation to adapt during a game. And finally, I think they were just not good enough.

Noelys Guitar
01/07/2006, 6:26 PM
"I'm H-a-p-p-y. I'm h-a-p-p-y. I know I am. I'm sure I am. I'm h-a-p-p-y.

Noelys Guitar
01/07/2006, 6:30 PM
The ref will have to go ex-directory. The news of the filth will have a "You Rooned it Ref" headline. And Sven wil blame it all on mad Fr Horan!

01/07/2006, 6:32 PM
Just waiting for the 44 years of hurt bs... until the next chance to win the world cup!!! fat chance, they're a bunch of chokers, and theres too much expectation on their team!

ah well, france v brazil shortly and the tins are in the fridge! :D

01/07/2006, 6:34 PM
The ref will have to go ex-directory. The news of the filth will have a "You Rooned it Ref" headline. And Sven wil blame it all on mad Fr Horan!

England's Roonation all down to Argie Ref

01/07/2006, 6:37 PM
England roo sending off

Closed Account 2
01/07/2006, 6:37 PM
Rooney was disgusting, stamping on Carvalho"s privates like that... no wonder half the Portuguese team was incensed.

01/07/2006, 6:51 PM
his team mate Ronaldo didnt do him any favours either, be great to be a fly on the wall at the first get together

01/07/2006, 7:11 PM
Happy, relieved and excited. Portugal deserved it and I hope they go on to win it. England will get slaughtered in the papers tomorrow.SGE better get out of town while he can.Rooney is just a tramp.:D

Closed Account 2
01/07/2006, 7:17 PM
I dont see things improving for them with McClaren taking over.

Frank Blue
01/07/2006, 7:21 PM
I just thought I'd add my thoughts on this gave from an English point of view.
Portugal had the more skilful players, but could not even beat 10 men in normal time.
England will continue to fail, due to the set up, which goes to the top of the England FA. More disappointment will ensue, as the favourite will continue to be picked. Lampard has proven that he is unable to play the international game. Beckham is nothing short of laughable. He's been dreadful since 1998. Rooney is an angry young man and needs sorting out.
Eriksson is laughing all the way to the bank. Took 4 strikers: Owen - returning from injury and look what happened there; Rooney - a risk as was injured, clearly not match fit and a hot head; Walcott - must be the biggest joke ever by a manager; Crouch - played well today, but not the greatest goalscorer.
In all honesty, I really wonder why people follow this national side at all.
McLaren will be no different. The England FA had the opportunity to change their ways in the 1970's by apponting Brian Clough, and they chose not to do so. Favouritism rules and cronyism.

01/07/2006, 8:58 PM
I think England fans will be looking for answers - Erickson's salary justification would be one. How they continue to miss penalties and how Gerrard, Lampard can be world class for club teams but fail to live up to expectation for country.

The Stars
01/07/2006, 9:13 PM
let the arrests insue tonight.
Already england fans have stop a music performnace i the town and the riot police are out.
And they wonder why people dont like them???

Forever Dreamin
01/07/2006, 9:18 PM
in fairness Rooney got sent off by his team mate and England only started playing when down to 10 men. I cant stand the man but feel sorry for him, this still wont stop me having a few gallons to celebrate the result!
1 last request for the FA, please persuade Sven to stay on!!! :D :D :D

01/07/2006, 9:43 PM
let the arrests insue tonight.
Already england fans have stop a music performnace i the town and the riot police are out.
And they wonder why people dont like them???

Just after watching the BBC news. They had a live interview with their man who has been traveling with the english fans. He said it was a quiet night with fans drowning their sorrows. And that their was a "minor standoff" close to where he was standing (town square I presume) "involving some english fans and riot police".
He then went on to say how German fans had changed their minds about english fans and the germans now think they're a grand bunch of lads. Some how i'd say he only spoke to 1 fan how hadn't come across any english fans

01/07/2006, 10:27 PM
F*cking delighted! And that b*llsh*t about the Germans thinking they're great lads. The propaganda is like as if the country was at war. Read some bloke in the (London) Independent meeting a German the other day. Claimed the German said: 'You English? I can do an impression of the English' and with perfect home counties accent he held out his arms in plane like fashion and started singing 'Two world wars and one one world cup, doo dah'. Yeah the Germans like them like they like walking dogsh*t in their houses.:rolleyes: W*nkers.

01/07/2006, 10:34 PM
Fantastic result. We can now enjoy the rest of the WC.

Anyone see the english flag in the dug-out behind erickson tonight with 'No Surrender' scralled in biro on it - the bast*rds.

It's very quiet in Twickenham tonight........happy days!!

01/07/2006, 10:59 PM
There's a Portugese Cafe in the centre of Worcester

Probably won't be there tomorrow

01/07/2006, 11:39 PM
Wanted them ta win!! Eriksson let them down again! bringin walcott instead of defoe nd bent! Hargreaves is actually quite a good player! only reason evry1 tinks he's muck is coz he plays in germany! he's changed my mind on him ova the WC!!

02/07/2006, 1:40 AM
Aaaaaaaahhh - relief at last. :D

No more hype, "three lions" bullsh*t til 2008. :rolleyes:

lim abroad
02/07/2006, 2:05 AM
in fairness Rooney got sent off by his team mate and England only started playing when down to 10 men. I cant stand the man but feel sorry for him, this still wont stop me having a few gallons to celebrate the result!
1 last request for the FA, please persuade Sven to stay on!!! :D :D :D
rooney got himself sent off imo,what a disgrace he left his whole team down

02/07/2006, 2:35 AM
Aaaaaaaahhh - relief at last. :D

We don't get away with it that easily...:D

There's still the post mortem to come to finally realise what the rest of the world have known for the whole tournament, that they are simply not good enough.

But when the BBC and ITV serving up the bullsh!t during *every* game, why not believe/be deluded in thinking you'll win it? :)

02/07/2006, 9:33 AM
Does this mean those bl00dy stupid ingurland flags on peoples cars will come down this morning???.... no thought not

02/07/2006, 9:34 AM
We don't get away with it that easily...:D

There's still the post mortem to come to finally realise what the rest of the world have known for the whole tournament, that they are simply not good enough.

But when the BBC and ITV serving up the bullsh!t during *every* game, why not believe/be deluded in thinking you'll win it? :)

Did you actually watch the BBC ? The pundits BEFORE the game said Sven's tactics are all wrong and they should be playing 4-4-2. At half time they against castigated the tactics. They was no hype and they are entitled to have a pro-England bias :eek: whether we like it or not.

I thought Portugal were the poorer of the two sides. Crouch showed what he could do when he came on. I reckon they would have beaten Portugal with Crouch and Rooney starting up front and Hargraves/ Gerrard in the midfield and Lennon out right (Lampard and Beckham dropped).

The buck stops with Sven. His tactics have been terrible. If I was an English fan I'd never forgive him and his side kick, McLaren, is next up. God help them !!

Captain Tinrib
02/07/2006, 11:08 AM
watched svens press conference this morning, im suprised he didnt say " we can still win the world cup". **** off back to sweden, they make me sick, didnt deserve to be even in the world cup. Lampard: OVERrated, Beckham:do i need to explain!!!!, Cole: Show boat, Gerrard, World class for liverpool, be better in the ireland squad :), well they are ENG-ER-LANDing in the airport this morning..HA HA

Closed Account 2
02/07/2006, 11:14 AM
rooney got himself sent off imo,what a disgrace he left his whole team down

Agree 100%, he is a petulant little turd. He is always mouthing off at refs or opponants, can't control his temper and cost them big time today.

Still the English have "their villians" in the form of Christiano Ronaldo and Sven Eriksson. Ronaldo was only doing what anyone would do had they seen the lout stamping on a teammates groin, and McClaren will be far far worse, tactically, than Eriksson (at least if his spells at Derby and Middlesboro are anything to go by).

Frank Blue
02/07/2006, 11:35 AM
Agree 100%, he is a petulant little turd. He is always mouthing off at refs or opponants, can't control his temper and cost them big time today.

Still the English have "their villians" in the form of Christiano Ronaldo and Sven Eriksson. Ronaldo was only doing what anyone would do had they seen the lout stamping on a teammates groin, and McClaren will be far far worse, tactically, than Eriksson (at least if his spells at Derby and Middlesboro are anything to go by).

Not sure of the source, but read this on another site:

WAYNE ROONEY last night sensationally accused Cristiano Ronaldo of deliberately getting him sent off - as England crashed out of the World Cup against Portugal after a nerve-shredding penalty shoot-out.
He revealed that his Manchester United team-mate spoke to him just before the game and said: "I am going to get you sent off."
Rooney, in tears and raging, told fellow players in the dressing room: "I can never play with him again. I am going to f****** sort him out."
TV cameras caught the moment, before kick-off, when cocky Ronaldo whispered in Rooney's ear then butted his neck. Rooney looked bewildered.
Then, in the 61st minute, cheating Ronaldo kept his word - charging to the ref Horacio Elizonodo to badger him into showing England's talisman the red card for a seemingly accidental clash with Ricardo Carvalho. Rooney pushed him away - and Ronaldo got his wish.
As the England star headed off 32million fans watching on TV at home saw slimy Ronaldo wink smugly to his coach Phil Scolari.
Last night Manchester United sources revealed bad blood has festered between Rooney and Ronaldo for most of last season. A United insider said: "Wayne thinks Ronaldo is not a team man, is vain and only interested in himself."
Ronaldo has indicated that he wants a transfer to Real Madrid, but if that doesn't happen and he returns to Man U it will be as England's most hated man.

02/07/2006, 11:41 AM
Not sure of the source, but read this on another site:

WAYNE ROONEY last night sensationally accused Cristiano Ronaldo of deliberately getting him sent off - as England crashed out of the World Cup against Portugal after a nerve-shredding penalty shoot-out.
He revealed that his Manchester United team-mate spoke to him just before the game and said: "I am going to get you sent off."
Rooney, in tears and raging, told fellow players in the dressing room: "I can never play with him again. I am going to f****** sort him out."
TV cameras caught the moment, before kick-off, when cocky Ronaldo whispered in Rooney's ear then butted his neck. Rooney looked bewildered.
Then, in the 61st minute, cheating Ronaldo kept his word - charging to the ref Horacio Elizonodo to badger him into showing England's talisman the red card for a seemingly accidental clash with Ricardo Carvalho. Rooney pushed him away - and Ronaldo got his wish.
As the England star headed off 32million fans watching on TV at home saw slimy Ronaldo wink smugly to his coach Phil Scolari.
Last night Manchester United sources revealed bad blood has festered between Rooney and Ronaldo for most of last season. A United insider said: "Wayne thinks Ronaldo is not a team man, is vain and only interested in himself."
Ronaldo has indicated that he wants a transfer to Real Madrid, but if that doesn't happen and he returns to Man U it will be as England's most hated man.

Sure it isnt a wind up? It seems too convenient to be true.

Ronaldo may not have been so sporting about it, but the blame is Rooneys and Rooneys alone.

Frank Blue
02/07/2006, 11:47 AM
Sure it isnt a wind up? It seems too convenient to be true.

Ronaldo may not have been so sporting about it, but the blame is Rooneys and Rooneys alone.

Rooney must be one of the easiest players to wind up. Before the World Cup, especially considering his foot injury, everyone knew there was a few ways to get him going.
But instead of a Portugese player stomping his foot, he stomped on someone's nuts instead and then pushed a ManU team mate, who may have indeed warned him what to expect.
The lad's a tool.

02/07/2006, 12:12 PM
Interesting to see the difference in the english media which has changed from cheerleading to criticism immeadiately. :eek:

Will Rooney get the same treatment as Beckham post 1998?

England were just not good enough as a team. Some good player who have never excelled in international games were shown up again as had an easy passage to the 1/4 finals.

Erikkson cleared thought he was picking 11 best players not the 11 best players in a TEAM. The big name players liked him as he never dropped them.

Contrast with Lippi who dropped Totti for Italy - Erikkson was never going to that.

02/07/2006, 12:29 PM
So is Lampard sstill the second best midfielder in the world or what?:confused:

02/07/2006, 12:37 PM
Arrests after football violence

Forty people have been arrested in Jersey after fighting following the England v Portugal World Cup match, police said.

Unrest on the streets of St Helier began shortly after the Portugal win. Riot police were deployed for only the second time in the island's history.

Officers sealed off an area of Portuguese shops and businesses as more than 150 people clashed with police.

Ten per cent of Jersey's population is Portuguese or of Portuguese origin.

Jersey police say they will use video footage to track down England football fans who threw bottles and missiles at officers.

Ch Insp Sean Duval of Jersey Police said: "The majority of people we had difficulties with and we had to deploy public order officers against were young people. I wouldn't describe the majority of them as football fans."

Officers in riot gear formed a cordon around Minden Place where Portuguese supporters were celebrating their country's victory.
Mr Duval said: "Our intention was not to allow - I am loath to use the term fans - or any other groups of disorderly people, to get to the Portuguese celebrations.

"There was a concerted effort by a lot of people with a propensity to violence or disorder to do so and we were able to keep them at bay.

"A number of arrests were made as a consequence and eventually by withdrawing and using a variety of tactics they seemed to disperse."

Police had kept the two sets of supporters separate after similar scenes during Euro 2004.

Says it all when riot police have to be deployed on the Channel Islands - I didn't even realise a place that small had them

Gather round
02/07/2006, 1:08 PM
Says it all when riot police have to be deployed on the Channel Islands - I didn't even realise a place that small had them

Jersey has a population of 80,000+. Similar to Worcester, actually. Have your neighbors wrecked that Portuguese cafe yet?

02/07/2006, 1:19 PM
Jersey has a population of 80,000+. Similar to Worcester, actually. Have your neighbors wrecked that Portuguese cafe yet?

Not heard anything yet - I'm expecting to walk past it tomorrow only to find it's now a smoking crater in the ground :D

Noelys Guitar
02/07/2006, 1:23 PM
Watched Gol TV last night after the game and they interviewed 2 40 plus brain surgeons from Liverpool. The first moron stated that there would be "truble tonite"! Went on about the Falklands and the ref being an Argy. Called him a cheat. And his mate chirped in with "ya real truble tonite".

02/07/2006, 1:53 PM
the referee wasn't goin to his pocket at all for the stampin incident( dont tink he ment to hurt him, his momentum took him)....ronaldo and other portuguese surrounded the ref as usual and then got him sent off! the red mite only have been for the little shuv on ronaldo by rooney!!!??

02/07/2006, 1:54 PM
Judge for yourselves


Forever Dreamin
02/07/2006, 2:00 PM
watched svens press conference this morning, im suprised he didnt say " we can still win the world cup". **** off back to sweden, they make me sick, didnt deserve to be even in the world cup. Lampard: OVERrated, Beckham:do i need to explain!!!!, Cole: Show boat, Gerrard, World class for liverpool, be better in the ireland squad , well they are ENG-ER-LANDing in the airport this morning..HA HA

liverpool havent a hope, it could end up 5 or 6 to milan" Eamon Dunphy

p.s Fu*k u Dunphy

European Champions 2005:LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB

:confused: why are you so happy to see England out and yet a liverpool fan? I always fail to understand this, will you slag off the English from the Kop??:confused: now im no premiership fan and quite happy to see them going home!!

02/07/2006, 3:06 PM
I couldn't be happier.

They have already started taking down their car flags!!!

Does anybody know if the BBC i.e. Hansen and co have a personal interest in Carrick (will they earn some percentage if he signs for Man Utd)? They slated Hargreaves at half time and hyped up Carrick's previous performance in the holding role (I didn't notice anything special) only for them to hype Hargreaves 45 minutes later!!! "What an engine" blah blah.

He was the only player who could hold his head up after yesterdays game. The rest were dire and if Lampard is world class so is Gary Doherty. Let the excuses start..........the main one being Ronaldo. Which is BS because Rooney STAMPED on Carvalho's nuts.

02/07/2006, 3:25 PM
Moderator Warning: I have removed posts here (http://foot.ie/showthread.php?t=36726) and theres lots more room for another who wants to follow... You all know the rules here - attack the post not the poster!


02/07/2006, 3:28 PM

02/07/2006, 3:57 PM
The two most overrated teams at the World Cup are finally out.... England and Brazil.... :D

Dan K
02/07/2006, 9:17 PM
:confused: why are you so happy to see England out and yet a liverpool fan? I always fail to understand this, will you slag off the English from the Kop??:confused: now im no premiership fan and quite happy to see them going home!!

Does it really matter?

02/07/2006, 10:24 PM
the referee wasn't goin to his pocket at all for the stampin incident( dont tink he ment to hurt him, his momentum took him)....ronaldo and other portuguese surrounded the ref as usual and then got him sent off! the red mite only have been for the little shuv on ronaldo by rooney!!!??

Wow, thank god. For a minute I thought I was going mad for thinking the same but delighted to see your post. I never thought it was a sending off at all. Certainly didn't think it was intentional not even after seeing the replay. Even the shove on Ronaldo was handbags. Would be dissappointed to see an Irish player sent off for that given as I'm yet to be convinced that it was intentional. And as some of you know well, I'm anything but a Wayne Rooney fan. :)

Forever Dreamin
03/07/2006, 12:08 AM
Wow, thank god. For a minute I thought I was going mad for thinking the same but delighted to see your post. I never thought it was a sending off at all. Certainly didn't think it was intentional not even after seeing the replay. Even the shove on Ronaldo was handbags. Would be dissappointed to see an Irish player sent off for that given as I'm yet to be convinced that it was intentional. And as some of you know well, I'm anything but a Wayne Rooney fan. :)

I agree as well, thats why i said earlier he didnt deserve to be sent off, the stamp didnt look unintentional and a fair few players pushed each other, can anyone confirm did the ref say why he was sent off? Also its pretty obvious Ronaldo did his best to get him sent off. Hope the portugese get the bullet next round!

Forever Dreamin
03/07/2006, 12:10 AM
Does it really matter?

Not at all it just amuses me, particularly when you hear the Utd / Pool loving barstoolers (including my own mates) being anti english yet they spend a fortune on their english clubs!

03/07/2006, 7:54 AM
The ref has said it was for the stamp. It was intentional, violent conduct and deserved a red.

03/07/2006, 8:46 AM
Wow, thank god. For a minute I thought I was going mad for thinking the same but delighted to see your post. I never thought it was a sending off at all. Certainly didn't think it was intentional not even after seeing the replay. Even the shove on Ronaldo was handbags. Would be dissappointed to see an Irish player sent off for that given as I'm yet to be convinced that it was intentional. And as some of you know well, I'm anything but a Wayne Rooney fan. :)

At first I thought it was accidental, but having seen the replays from various angles, it was without a doubt an intentional stamp. I also find it extremely naive of people to think a person with the temprament and petulence of Rooney, didn't do it intentionally.

The Stars
03/07/2006, 10:04 AM
i think it was intentional but the ref was only going to give a free kick until Ronaldo told him what Ronney had done.