View Full Version : Limerick vs Leeds United Reserves

richie moshpit
26/06/2006, 8:06 PM
Statement on the Leeds Utd website (http://www.leedsunited.com/article.asp?article=398516&blnFeedback=&Title=Limerick+v+Leeds+United+Reserves+Information&navlid=newsroom), though it seems to be a Press Release from Limerick FC...

Limerick v Leeds United Reserves Information
Limerick Football Club would like to welcome all Leeds United supporters to a wonderful occasion at Hogan Park, Limerick.

Limerick v Leeds United Reserves, Hogan Park, Limerick. July 18th, Tuesday, Kick-off 7.30pm.

All Leeds United Members Clubs in Ireland have been invited and we are hoping to have Munsters European Heineken Cup on display on the night also.

For further information regarding match tickets and hotel accommodation, contact Limerick Football Club on +35361702070.

Leeds United were very impressed with the training facilities at the University of Limerick.

A bumper crowd is expected and details of the aftermatch function shall be available in the days leading up to the match.

the only 1
27/06/2006, 6:27 AM
might have been impressed wiyh the university but wait till they see hogan park they will run a mile its like playing a match in iraq gound,field+changing rooms are a disgrace hope drew sorts dis out before lims get promoted better grounds like pike or fairview and they are only junior clubs :mad:

27/06/2006, 2:30 PM
I know a lot of people will disagree, but i for one couldnt give a toss about the munster bandwagon, i am sick and tired of seeing paul o connell, jerry flannery, ronan o gara ect.. all over the papers for one reason or another, and i know a few people who have increased their interest in Limerick FC ever since the 'corporate' takeover of munster. Now i dont know if we are trying for definate to get the cup up for the leeds match (anyone?) so il say no more, what do the rest of ye think?