View Full Version : Wi FI Help

13/05/2006, 6:38 PM
I'm tryin to set up a wireless at the mo. Have broadband in the house already, and bought a linksys wireless access point.

The laptop's finding the signal, but it's not letting me open any page on the internet. It's like IE doesn't recognise that the wireless connection is there. Any ideas?

I've a feeling it's to do with the network key (also apparently called a WEP or WPA key). I presumed this is the password on the access points configuration, as when I entered that password it worked first time. But now I just checked again and it actually accepts any value whatsoever. Anybody know how I can find out what my network key is?


13/05/2006, 7:19 PM
no you have to have set up the key in the first place. Usually with the linksys is it the wrt54g or something like that? if so you can setup 4 passwords here is a good site: