View Full Version : TV3

Mad Moose
11/05/2006, 12:04 PM
Hope I'm not going to land myself in trouble with this but its time to get this off my chest. Few things consistently annoy me as much and I just wish I didnt have to come across TV3 when it comes to flicking through the channels. I know it for one decent programme only and one programme it actually produces itself other than news and weather. I'm not sure how other people feel about it but its one hell of an annoying station. Very few programmes are homegrown and I often feel the station is geared toward the insecure, the weepy and the agrophobic. None of which I have anything against but its painful stuff.

Whether its weepy, heart string tugging programmes or terrible terrible presenters, Martin King, Alan Hughes and its preoccupation with making up its own names for programmes such as Corrie for example. Nobody calls it Corrie and its never been Corrie.

Its slogans are amazing, TV3 'another reason to stay in' this year. Hence my agrophobic reference. In any case I've a weight off my shoulders. It shouldn't bother me so much but sure it does and there I've said it now.


11/05/2006, 12:24 PM
Aside from rubbish TVM's TV3 is a reasonable station. The sports coverage isn't on a par with RTE, mainly due to the analysts. The imported comedies are pretty good and since RTE have a hegemony over the usual stable of actors- Sean McGinley, Simon Delaney etc then home grown dramas aren't really feasible.

It's better than when it started when it was as bad as Channel 5 in the UK.

pineapple stu
11/05/2006, 12:31 PM
TV3's a woeful station. Non-stop cheap American imports, tabloid journalism (entertainment stories on the main evening news?! And its Aertel is all soaps and entertainment news) and other mindless nonsense (happy birthdays during the weather?! FFS...) Anybody can buy CL feed and make it look vaguely good, but when it comes to doing their own sports show - i.e. eL weekly - they balls it up. Thank God their contract on that is nearly up is all I can say...

11/05/2006, 12:49 PM
TV3 is a joke of a station, I'm glad that ITV can be got on digital so I can now avoid it altogether.

pineapple stu
11/05/2006, 12:50 PM
Sure ITV and TV3 are the same thing effectively?!

11/05/2006, 1:01 PM
Trevor Welsh is a fat headed tosser.

(Palm it out) Packie Bonner, LEARN HOW TO SAY 'JUVE' WILL YOU !!!!

11/05/2006, 1:02 PM
Trevor Welsh is a fat headed tosser.

(Palm it out) Packie Bonner, LEARN HOW TO SAY 'JUVE' WILL YOU !!!!

Joanne Cantwell is great though.

11/05/2006, 1:53 PM
Sure ITV and TV3 are the same thing effectively?!
I only watched TV3 for the football.

11/05/2006, 2:09 PM
Sure ITV and TV3 are the same thing effectively?!
Pretty much, the owners of ITV have a significant stake in TV3, which is why Coronation Street moved to TV3 from RTE a few years back.

11/05/2006, 2:17 PM
They have some great totty though and that can't be knocked!

11/05/2006, 2:19 PM
Packie Bonner, LEARN HOW TO SAY 'JUVE' WILL YOU !!!!
Also, Manchesser United

11/05/2006, 2:21 PM
As soon as they stop showing Arrested Development I'll be happy to tune it out.

11/05/2006, 2:27 PM
Martin King has to be the biggest annoyance ever created!

I mean, I don't care if John from Kerry is 21 nor do I want to see random pictures Mary from Sligo took while out walking. Just tell us if it's going to rain or not FFS :mad:

11/05/2006, 2:35 PM
and anytime they have a good film on they destroy it with the amount of add breaks they show during it:mad:

11/05/2006, 2:37 PM
i only watch corrie on tv3 and yes i call it corrie so does every one i know in ireland and the uk !!

they have to show ads because they dont get any licence fee money off you like rte do , RTE charges 1/3 of the cost to advertise on there station compared to tv3 , at least with tv3 you have the option not to watch it , you still have to pay for RTE wether you want it or not .

Mad Moose
11/05/2006, 6:28 PM
i only watch corrie on tv3 and yes i call it corrie so does every one i know in ireland and the uk !!

they have to show ads because they dont get any licence fee money off you like rte do , RTE charges 1/3 of the cost to advertise on there station compared to tv3 , at least with tv3 you have the option not to watch it , you still have to pay for RTE wether you want it or not .

Anto........do....you.....(at the risk of offending you)..................work for TV3.

Jaysus TV3 is a few years old and Coronation Street has always been Cornation Street, since the 1800's or however long its going on. I lose it when I here women chatting about soaps and what they watched and mention Corrie. While people might, frustrating as it is, say Corrie TV3 have to go that one step further and dismiss the real name Coronation Street. They put it up as Corrie. I always say the station is geared toward the insecure, I've nothing against gay people but ffs Alan Hughes (you might be dying but Alan will invariably say aah its ok) and giving a show to camp of camp, that gobs**** Courtney.

Do they not see how bad they are. I believe that ******* Aidan Cooney is still alive and as ridiculous as ever. Sorry I've gone off on one there but a station will always make mistakes but to make mistakes in every department as they do. If we were to do a poll of TV personalities we most dislike TV3 presenters will feature heavily. And who gave a f*** about the Smart Telecom awards, Podge and Rodge called it right on that crap. I know I have a tendancy of falling asleep watching TV but I'm happier in a coma than watching football, live or delayed on TV3. Does Packie say anything, i've seen him move his lips but I've never heard anything, and John Toshack.......WHY!!!.

But there's always a good point. For me its Judging Amy. I have a tear at every trailer even though its repeated over and over again. I'm sincere when I mean its for agrophobic's.They want to be your only friend and with the utter tripe that station shows its small wonder people are getting soft.

I've plenty more to say about the station, I needed that release because I thought it was just me. Christ but there's more to come. How much do I owe foot.ie for the therapy session;)


Mad Moose
11/05/2006, 6:52 PM
Joanne Cantwell is great though.

Oh god yeah. Gorgeous.

Cudnt find a pic but sure this link might do and I'm not on my own as this bible will testify to.



11/05/2006, 9:18 PM
They have some great totty though and that can't be knocked!

Claire Byrne is a bird. Not a fan of Joanne though

12/05/2006, 1:48 PM
and its preoccupation with making up its own names for programmes such as Corrie for example.Nobody calls it Corrie and its never been Corrie.

I thought everybody called it Corrie?

As for TV3 making up that name, yer man on UTV has been calling it Corrie for years

A face
13/05/2006, 2:41 AM
i only watch corrie on tv3 and yes i call it corrie so does every one i know in ireland and the uk !!

You watch corrie ?? :eek:

they have to show ads because they dont get any licence fee money off you like rte do,

They do get money from the licence fee payer, not as much as the monopoly that is RTE but they still do.

RTE charges 1/3 of the cost to advertise on there station compared to tv3 , at least with tv3 you have the option not to watch it , you still have to pay for RTE wether you want it or not.

That is not a very sound argument !! :p

I wont go into it now but you would seriously want to rethink that one !!

i work for tv3

I think you do at this stage to be honest !! :D

Lionel Ritchie
13/05/2006, 10:29 AM
But there's always a good point. For me its Judging Amy. I have a tear at every trailer even though its repeated over and over again. I'm sincere when I mean its for agrophobic's.They want to be your only friend and with the utter tripe that station shows its small wonder people are getting soft.

I find that show very disturbing.

Not only is justice supposed to be blind -it's not supposed to have PMT either.

As for TV3 ...yellow pack television. Latoya Jackson would find it's morning show cringable.

13/05/2006, 11:08 AM
Tv3 do not get tv licence fee money.

It should really be called IreTV or something as just a regional ITV station. All its shows are ITV shows, if you take them away no one will buy it & no one will watch it.

13/05/2006, 2:34 PM
Martin King has to be the biggest annoyance ever created!

I mean, I don't care if John from Kerry is 21 nor do I want to see random pictures Mary from Sligo took while out walking. Just tell us if it's going to rain or not FFS :mad:Hey, Mary from Sligo's pictures are quite good actually, it's Bridget's from Donegal that annoy me:p :D.

15/05/2006, 3:40 PM
Anto........do....you.....(at the risk of offending you)..................work for TV3.

Jaysus TV3 is a few years old and Coronation Street has always been Cornation Street, since the 1800's or however long its going on. I lose it when I here women chatting about soaps and what they watched and mention Corrie.


yea never mind getting upset about world hunger etc worry about what really matters what old women call corrie :D :D

there is a wonderfull invention out now called a remote control one simple push of a button and hey presto your watching another channel ;)

still i hate rte i never watch it yet it costs me 160 euro a year for what so jerry ryan can go on another trip to the US .

sky costs me over 600 euro a year thats my choice tv3 costs me nothing i dont care what they do them showing crap like will and grace keeps it off the channels im watching

Mad Moose
15/05/2006, 4:27 PM
yea never mind getting upset about world hunger etc worry about what really matters what old women call corrie :D :D

Anto I wasnt taking a hand at you.Just found it funny to hear the name 'Anto' calliing Coronation St 'Corrie'. You have to remember the influence these stations have.My gran thought Coronation St was real god rest her soul. So when a station goes all soft and 'chick orientated' then it rubs off on people. The funniest thing now is that it is no longer called 'Corrie' and TV3 has reverted back to Coronation St (I like to think I've done my bit'.

sky costs me over 600 euro a year thats my choice tv3 costs me nothing i dont care what they do them showing crap like will and grace keeps it off the channels im watching
I take your point.I dont have sky and i'm quite happy with BBC (2 PARTICULARLY) and even C4 for its documentaries. I get enough sport through the other stations.