View Full Version : John McGrath

10/05/2006, 10:46 PM
according to the weymouth site he has been released, only a few months into his time there.


10/05/2006, 11:06 PM
Released cos he wanted more money, mercenry me thinks!

10/05/2006, 11:44 PM
Released cos he wanted more money, mercenry me thinks!

i didnt realise finances were at play here gael, do you for sure?

he has now been through an alarming number of clubs for his age without ever racking up a decent number of appearences at any of them, and the level these clubs are at keeps droping accordingly.

i was looking at a weymouth fans forum and the general concensus seemed to be that despite giving a good first impression there his performances had dropped off, and i didnt sense too many were upset at his departure

12/05/2006, 8:07 PM
John has a young family to look after and money is a big issue. He could have joined a Football League club before he signed for Limerick (around the time of his guest appearance in the S****horpe friendly), but even though the interested club had a fantastic new Premiership standard stadium, he wasn't interested as the money wasn't good enough. He chose finances over standard of football and you can't blame him when it's his bread and butter.

I'd like to see him at Limerick again. At least Heff and Lester would be on the same wavelength as him.....

16/05/2006, 12:47 AM
I'd like to see him at Limerick again. At least Heff and Lester would be on the same wavelength as him..... do you not find it rather strange that he has had so many clubs for such a young man, and all on a downward spiral............and why didn't the likes of Cork, Waterford of any of the Dublin clubs look for him last season. I actually thought he would stand out in the 1st. Div. last season with the experience he was bringing with him, fact is though, he didn't.

16/05/2006, 6:30 PM
do you not find it rather strange that he has had so many clubs for such a young man, and all on a downward spiral............and why didn't the likes of Cork, Waterford of any of the Dublin clubs look for him last season. I actually thought he would stand out in the 1st. Div. last season with the experience he was bringing with him, fact is though, he didn't.

He did and he didn't. I thought he was one of our better players, if not best, in his short time here. But that wouldn't have been hard as he was surrounded by mediocrity (Kerins, Nolan, Donnellan, Wolfe etc, and remember we couldn't score a goal to save our lives after we got rid of Derek...) and a team that was on a downward spiral before he even joined. Technically he was by far the best at Limerick, and worked hard too.

With regard to Cork, why would they have needed him? Waterford wouldn't have been able to afford him, and still couldn't. Outside of Munster, I don't think he's that well known, not well known to the Dublin clubs anyway (even though he crossed the water from Belvedere). I think when your coming home from non-league level you have to re-earn your reputation and McGrath wasn't at Limerick long enough to make a real impression. That said I think he'd struggle at EL Premier level at this stage. Career seems to be in serious trouble

16/05/2006, 8:49 PM
He could have joined a Football League club before he signed for Limerick (around the time of his guest appearance in the S****horpe friendly), but even though the interested club had a fantastic new Premiership standard stadium, he wasn't interested as the money wasn't good enough. He chose finances over standard of football and you can't blame him when it's his bread and butter.
Seriously, were Limerick paying him more than a Football league Club (and presumably one of the wealthier Football League clubs if they have a fantastic new Premiership standard stadium)?

17/05/2006, 1:54 AM
Seriously, were Limerick paying him more than a Football league Club (and presumably one of the wealthier Football League clubs if they have a fantastic new Premiership standard stadium)? Far as am aware McGrath was commuting from the UK to all the matches he played for us. If this was true, I would have preferred he(DD) spent his money on someone who was going to stay with Lim.Fc for a few seasons rather than what we got. To me he was used to generate publicity as he was never going to stay (aka big signing former Villa starlet) at the club. I think it was an expensive mistake bringing him on board.............

18/05/2006, 9:43 PM
Far as am aware McGrath was commuting from the UK to all the matches he played for us. If this was true, I would have preferred he(DD) spent his money on someone who was going to stay with Lim.Fc for a few seasons rather than what we got. To me he was used to generate publicity as he was never going to stay (aka big signing former Villa starlet) at the club. I think it was an expensive mistake bringing him on board.............

He was around Limerick when he played with us. A good few people I know often met him during the week in Newcastle West, plus I saw him a good few times in the Crescent shopping centre, on one occasion with his girlfriend and child and a trolly full of groceries. Doubt if he was bringing the groceries back to the UK with him.......He could have commuted now and again from the UK as he does live their permanently. As for the wages, League 1/ League 2 wages are not as glamourous as you may think, plus you also have to remember that he would have been playing summer soccer with Limerick - season over in UK. I think it was an agreement that suited all parties, doubt if the wages were huge. I've heard the weekly figure he was getting, high for Div 1 standards. Someone else close to the club told me that Drew was paying for it out of his own pocket, but that may not be true at all. You can't believe any rumours connected with Limerick soccer i'm afraid :)