View Full Version : "Most Haunted"

the 12 th man
03/05/2006, 10:42 AM
Anybody else find this TV prog unintentionally hilarious?.
They go around to various spooky buildings/grave yards etc with a couple of "experts" at picking up on Spirits with them, who can talk to the dead each week.

They use a black & white camera as well for added effect.

Last night was a haunted Pub with the Bronte family supposedly haunting the place.:D

03/05/2006, 10:47 AM
My gf watches this pretty much non stop. I can't go more than 2/3 minutes without walking out.

Just too awful for me to find it funny

03/05/2006, 11:38 AM
Saw it briefly the other week and didn't see the point of it at all

Drumcondra Red
03/05/2006, 11:59 AM
Ah its great though all the same...

03/05/2006, 11:59 AM
I love the scouse fella who always becomes possessed by some spirit and begins insulting everyone!

03/05/2006, 12:18 PM
I have watched it in the past but don't go out of my way for it. I don't take it too seriously at all despite seeing somethings vaguely interesting like table's etc shaking like sh1t for no apparent reason as I don't think it's meant to be a defining groundbreaking programme. How could it be with that Perma-Tanned Scouser acting like something out of the Exorcist every 2nd week! :D

03/05/2006, 3:05 PM
I love how the camera men get involved as well, just hear them screaming that somethings been knocked off a shelf behind them!

no buddy, thats just yer fat arse hitting off the shelf now own up fatty!

03/05/2006, 4:21 PM
10/10 for comedy value .Have to admit to being a big fan. 99% of it is a pure joke. 1% might be unexplainable but i suppose thats what makes it worthwhile.

Youre wan is ****less of her own shadow and if a dog farts Derek Acorah will say its the spirit of some hangman that slept upstairs is 1 6 9 3 - 1693 - Thank you Sam!

the 12 th man
03/05/2006, 4:24 PM
I love the scouse fella who always becomes possessed by some spirit and begins insulting everyone!

On last nights prog he was able to talk to the "Spirits" (not the ones in the bottles) in a pub as if they were a mate of his.The crew than went to a graveyard and I swear, you couldn't see or hear anything odd at all but they kept saying to each other- "Did you see that? or what was that noise?:D ".

Mad Moose
03/05/2006, 4:49 PM
Anybody else find this TV prog unintentionally hilarious?.
They go around to various spooky buildings/grave yards etc with a couple of "experts" at picking up on Spirits with them, who can talk to the dead each week.

Heard the presenter (i think) on Ray D'Arcy's show one morning.Aah I bust myself laughing, he was far too enthusiastic and people were texting and mailing in of haunted places in Ireland. I remember Carnacon House in Mayo getting a mention. He had me in stitches for he was too nicey nice. Never watched the programme.


Drumcondra Red
03/05/2006, 6:58 PM
Endai will be able to tell you all about Derek Acora, or whatever his name is, ask him...

03/05/2006, 8:33 PM
I have watched it in the past but don't go out of my way for it. I don't take it too seriously at all despite seeing somethings vaguely interesting like table's etc shaking like sh1t for no apparent reason as I don't think it's meant to be a defining groundbreaking programme. How could it be with that Perma-Tanned Scouser acting like something out of the Exorcist every 2nd week!
:D :D
Utterly hilarious.
Derek Acorah is an obvious gangster.
"As av yet, me spiritchooll medium is telling me nowt but eh . eh . .eh . . eh . . . YOU . . . LEAVE ... . . . . . . . . LEAVE THIS PLACE!!!"
And you'd think if they were hiring a crew for it, they wouldn't get the most squeamish young ones ever who run away when someone coughs.
And that whole orb thing? :rolleyes:

And this is coming from someone who's a sucker for the oul' ghost stories and so on.