View Full Version : CCISA important meeting

19/06/2002, 2:04 AM
Our new man in charge has got some lads from the UCC working on how to make CCFC a better club all round and more viable to the community it serves, they are known as the BIZ. There own post has been well responded to but now they want to meet with the supporters. So i am urging anyone who has posted here to get into the next CCISA MEETING ON MONDAY 24th IN THE BREWERY TAP, UPSTAIRS. If they get a good response from us the supporters it will b very helpful but on the other hand a poor turnout might leave lennox thinking we dont give crap and he might just scrap it. THIS IS OUR BIG CHANCE TO BE HEARD SO I AM URGING EVERYONE TO GET OUT FROM BEHIND THERE COMPUTERS AND SHOW YOUR FACES. THIS IS OUR CLUB AND THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST OPPORTUNINTY WE WILL GET TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.....................................BRE WERY TAP MONDAY 24th, 8.30PM upstairs................


19/06/2002, 9:49 AM
Well said...

A lot of people moan about the lack of communication between club and fans. If you don't use this oppurtunity you have no-one else to blame anymore but yourself.

Lennox is doing a good job so far, and this meeting could be a huge step in a move to involve the fans more.

19/06/2002, 10:34 AM
ive never gone before but im coming down from dungarvan to go.:D

19/06/2002, 1:43 PM
Betcha The Biz is yet another 'all talk no action' type

19/06/2002, 2:29 PM
Well if you don't go and make the effort, you'll never know.....

A face
19/06/2002, 2:41 PM
I'll be there anyhoo !! Lads the season is nearly here ..... this will get the ball rolling.

C'mon City !!

19/06/2002, 5:25 PM

The Biz
20/06/2002, 11:36 PM
Here's a list of the questions that we hope to get your feedback on when we meet. There's no need to respond to them here, it would be better if we wait to discuss them with everybody on Monday evening.

Questions for CCISA meeting 24th June 2002-06-20

1. Any suggestions on improvements to the ground

2. Do you take your family to watch CCFC. What facilities would need to be provided at the ground for you to take your family to watch the games.

3. Any suggestions on another ground for CCFC?

4. Would you ground share with some other sporting organisation if it meant better facilities and potentially a better run club?

5. Do you as supporters of CCFC feel your being ignored/taken for granted by the club, and if so would continuation of this stop you supporting the club?

6. How should Cork City communicate with its supporters and the community?

7. What kind of structure would you like to see at CCFC including supporter representation?

8. What would you (the supporters) consider a good job done (in realistic terms) by B. Lennox, at the end of his first season as chairman/owner of the club? (in terms of both on and off the field)

9. Apart from a good performance from the team, what more as supporters do you want from Cork City ?

10. Any suggestions to make match day more entertaining

11. Do you go to the games regularly and if not why not ?

12. What does the Cork City Brand represent? What does Cork City Football represent and stand for ?

13. Would you be prepared to join a supporters club for a fee. This club would give you an increased say in some aspects of the running of CCFC?

14. Would you be prepared to do any voluntary work that would benefit the club and save costs.

15. Would you be prepared to do any voluntary work that would benefit the club and save costs.

16. Are Cork City Football doing enough to promote soccer and if not what can and should they do ?

20/06/2002, 11:58 PM
ok so i'll be 'out of the country' on monday so here goes with a few ideas to get the ball rolling

1:Improvment to the ground..well i am dead against the proposed knocking of the shed..it may be "the peter pan of irish soccer" to quote someone but when we play well, that is the part of the ground that provides any atmosphere in the ground..its a place to congregate and also stand at a game which some of us actually like doing.. but they could put a roof on the st annes end..
but developments of the ground are down mainly to the MFA..also the PA is recognised as being ****e

2: no family as such

3: the mardyke..where we sported and played..and all that..

4: yea .. back to the old lodge ie paric Ui ring if neccessary to get away from MFA.. who are imo hindering the progression of the club

5: yes ignored..yes taken for granted.. no wont stop supporting them ..which is what they know.. they will no matter how much chite or crap we are treated they have a hardcore following that wont / cant jump ship.. i mean where do we go then.. ramblers :D

6: announcements on the radio..in the paper..on the web..get an official web-site for one thing has to be a priority..that whole porn site debacle was a nighmare last year.. mentioned on the 9oclock and 6 news headlines as having a porn site.. nice one lads
also if a board member got involved with comunicating whats going on with say the / both supporters clubs.. that might get people to join them

8: good job..well billy is home so we're gona win the league.. just have to meet someone in redz first to confirm this fact ;)

10: a new manager sure would make most of us happy on matchday

11: yes all of them

12: brand at the moment means nothing..in most peoples opinion and a cowboy outfit to those in the know :)..sry but thats what people think.. talk to anyone who went to latvia last summer supporting city.. the word board JUNKET comes to mind

13/14/15 yes..yes..yes

16 No they aint.. advice get help from qualified marketing people..promo agencies.. listen to fans who care bout the club.. and stop treating it as a junior club / passtime or hobby.. the last 2-bit effort at going pro ( mountfield..greg cantillon etc etc )was a joke cause it wasnt properly thought out and not suprisingly lost alot of money..

*and i'm spent :)

21/06/2002, 2:52 PM
Of all the things that have happened in my time as a city fan, this is one of the most promising. Somebody within the club is finally waking up to the fact that until now, the administration, promotion and running of the club has been completely amateurish. We know from the simple suggestions posted here in the past, that not alot of effort is needed to make a drastic improvement in the club.
I cant make it on Monday, but I look forward to hearing the post-mortem on Tuesday.

21/06/2002, 2:55 PM
Originally posted by Ali-G
I cant make it on Monday
For those who can't make it, maybe it might be no harm in e-mailing 'The Biz' some answers to the questions?

The more interest and contributions the better, surely.

21/06/2002, 8:35 PM
lets hope there is a big turnout,this is not just a CCISA thing this is for the good of all CITY SUPPORTERS. This is our chance to get our view across.

22/06/2002, 10:57 AM
cant make it ..currently in amsterdam in a *ahem* coffee shop *ahem*...

hope ye get a good turn out and will definately find out whats going on when i return to corkland

A face
24/06/2002, 1:28 PM
It looks like i'll be there late 9.15.