View Full Version : bray game

26/04/2006, 1:47 PM
is there many of yous coming out to the game and good look on friday

26/04/2006, 4:41 PM
Me and the young lads anyway

28/04/2006, 5:57 PM
Me and the young lads anyway

Whos the DC fan who always around Bray, think he could work out this way ?

28/04/2006, 10:54 PM
Well done tonight lads.

28/04/2006, 10:56 PM
Heard it was good alright:D.

29/04/2006, 7:03 AM
Whos the DC fan who always around Bray, think he could work out this way ?

I believe that's the leader of the Dublin City Ultras. Out there looking for trouble.;)

29/04/2006, 7:04 AM
Happy days, just what the doctor ordered. I think we deserved the points from this one, Gary Rodgers had a solid game, Giller and Dedser played well, Big Stuart was a rock. Well you get the idea, all the team played well, I was impressed with Mark Rooney when he came on, it was good to see him in action, he is a slippery customer and flew in to win the peno with some super speed.

Funny tackle five minutes from time from "Son of Keely", Bray player steamed in with a high foot, Alan won the ball and from the corner of his eye saw the challenge coming, before he was hit a cry of pain echoed across the park. Then he was hit and went down like a ton of bricks winning a freekick. Deadly stuff, Alan you are my hero, one more from Alan two minutes to go, ball coming down our right, he was in a race to the ball, got his foot to it and I'd swear the ball landed on the beach, class act altogether, hard a nails.

Another nice thing to see at the final whistle, Dedser turned to the Dublin fans and you could see the happiness on his face, he raised a clenched fist to show his delight, although I'm not sure if it was for the win or so he would not get a rollocking from the boss.

All in all it is a big result and we should be able to push on and bag a few goals, Free'er looked very sharp and took his goals well, first being a super chip over the stranded keeper and I was over the moon to see the ball hit the back of the net past the stand in keeper Robbie Doyle.

30/04/2006, 4:41 PM
Whos the DC fan who always around Bray, think he could work out this way ?

I believe he teaches out that way alright...A downright handsome b@stard by all accounts as well;)

Distrought that I had to miss the game on Friday night (weddings:rolleyes: )
Myself and a group of marginalised City fans were planning on making a big day of it, only for it to fall on the day of the lad's wedding. Ah well, a welcome 3 points, and we'll just have to go all out in October instead.