View Full Version : Sheffield steeler ice hockey fans

21/04/2006, 11:18 PM
I'm a member of the Irish League Forums and basically some Sheffield Steelers fans from a site called http://www.steelersihc.co.uk/phpBB2/index.php started slagging off Irish League football/Football on the island of Ireland. Some guys set up this site to annoy them:
Enjoy, it makes for fun reading.:D

Poor Student
22/04/2006, 10:53 PM
I can't possibly imagine how an English Ice Hockey club's forum and an Irish League forum became embroiled in a feud so bitter, that someone set up a site, better than the FAI would bother to build for themselves, dedicated to parodying the other.

Red&White Rover
23/04/2006, 12:09 AM
i have no idea what Eagle is talking about:confused:

23/04/2006, 6:01 PM
Wee bit confused myself:confused: